"Well, then, what are you going to give to Komachi?"

  The group did not forget their mission.

  Qinglong asks her to help choose her sister's birthday present.

  "From the point of view of demand, she is already in her second year of junior high school. I can consider sending her some reference materials. I want to buy a five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation for her." Qinglong said.


  Yui was surprised. "Are you really going to give her this?"

  "Rejected." Qinglong said.

  "I will definitely refuse!" Yuihama Yui said immediately. "Whoever gives me this, I want to break up with her."

  To know how much harm a test paper can do to a child.


  "That's why I asked you to help." Qinglong said. "I don't have much experience with giving gifts."


  Yui nodded seriously.

  Because I want to give my sister study materials or something, this is really a devil.

  But if she knew that she had signed up for Komachi's cram school before, then she wouldn't feel that this was just a simple persecution of her sister, but a real persecution of her sister.


  Probably thinking that Qinglong's side was really bad, the group handed him the schoolbag.

  "Help me carry it."

  It looks like he is serious about doing a big job.

  At least, he can't really give his sister review materials.


  "When I was tutoring your sister before, I heard her say that she likes cats."

  "And she loves to cook, doesn't she."

  "Then try to choose cooking-related items for her."

  "How about an apron with a cat pattern, for example?"

  Yuhihama suggested.


  At first, Kiyotaka asked her to teach her younger sister just to solve the financial problems of Yubihama's family, but since she went to the cram school, Yui began to seriously start tutoring for Komachi.

  It was a bit of a surprise that she was admitted to the General Wu High School, but she was still able to grasp the content of junior high school.

  So it's not a problem to pretend to be Komachi's teacher now.

  But now she proposed, Qinglong nodded gently.

  So the two came to the various 100-item areas of the mall together.

  "Excuse me, is there a cute apron here?"

  "To be precise, it has a cat pattern."

  The dumplings are very good at shopping, and they have probably experienced wasting time, so they went into the store and went directly to the clerk to ask.

  Qinglong followed behind.


  It's just that when Danzi went to talk to the clerk, a voice came from behind him.

  "Brother-in-law... No, Hikigu-san..."

  "Why are you here?"

  "And now... with the girls... shopping?"


  "..." Qinglong.

  Qinglong turned around, just in time to see the surprised look on the face of the super-beautiful girl with jet-black straight hair. .

Chapter 624

  Qinglong turned his head, and in his dark pupils, there was only a good-looking girl with beautiful black hair.

  Her eyes are quite beautiful, with a bit of cat pupil color.

  And she was carrying a schoolbag cross-body, with a cat pendant hanging from the corner of the schoolbag.

  Wearing the black uniform of General Wu Gao, but the beautiful and slender double fades wrapped in black stockings have a unique charm.

  This is Yukinoshita Yukino.

  Yukino Yukino has a weakness, she likes cats very much.

  I often fall asleep watching cat videos by myself at home, and I often go to stores that sell cat accessories.

  He will also carry canned cat food with him, hoping to feed the passing feral cats.

  And here is the place that Yuhihama said sells pretty cute accessories.Which will naturally include cats that people can't refuse.

  So it makes sense for Yukino Yukino to appear here!

  But what she said was unreasonable.

  "Why do you think I came with the girl instead of me?"

  Standing on the derailment scene, it was found that the derailment was derailed, and Qinglong did not change his color. "I'll test you."


  He also previously served as a teacher for Yukino's Insights course.

  So now the teacher's statement is correct.

  But he just thinks about where to fix the problem as soon as it is pointed out.

  Because except for Yang Nai who thinks he likes Mrs. Yubihama, and the wife, Isshiki, and others, don't even know that he is a sea king.


  "Backpack." Xuenai answered honestly, not knowing that this man was so sinister. "This backpack is for girls, and my sister doesn't use these types of bags."

  "And I've seen this bag."

  "If it's a shirt, then the accessories hanging from the backpack shouldn't be so coincidental."

  She calmly analyzed, "So, this backpack should belong to a girl with short pink hair in the school."



  It turned out to be the case.

  It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with him.

  And Yukino said this, probably because the backpack's ornament was a puppy.

  She loves cats, but is afraid of dogs.

  People care about what they like, but they are equally vigilant about what they fear.

  So she was concerned about the small dachshund hanging on Yuhihama's schoolbag and paid attention.

  That's why I immediately recognized that this was Yuihama Yui's schoolbag.

  But, does that mean she actually knows Yuihama Yui?

  In the original novel, Yukino and Yui are friends.

  The kind who are very intimate and want to take care of each other.

  Even if you want to fall into a love triangle, you hope that you can fulfill each other.


  In this world now, he didn't join the service club, and Yui originally went to the service club because of the male lead, but he wasn't there, so Yui naturally wouldn't go to the service club.


  Yui and Yukino of this world are not friends yet.

  They didn't even talk to each other.

  So, isn't this an opportunity for them to touch each other and become friends?


  As soon as this idea appeared, Qinglong asked him to pinch it off.

  He didn't want Yukino and Dango together.

  On the one hand, he felt that Xuenuo's sister and he were husband and wife, and on the other hand, the dumplings didn't know that her mother was involved with him, and the two of them were mixed together, and they started discussing his topic if they were not sure.

  Isn't this very bad?

  And there are more important reasons. .

Chapter 625

  Qinglong had more important reasons.

  Snow is a relatively cold type.

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