"Just use your family's money to let her open her legs?"

  "..." Yang Nai.

  This statement is too much.

  Let's not talk about opening the legs or anything, just use her family's money, which is super excessive, okay?

  This is to directly treat Yukinoshita's house as his thing.

  And it was such a thing that was too much, Yang Nai found that he was even more haunted.

  Because she felt like there was nothing wrong with it.

  Next, she will definitely not inherit the Yukishita family, so the heir is her husband, who is Qinglong.

  And even if he still wants to run, the children of the two of them will inherit it.

  There will always be one person left to take over.

  And even if it is the child of the two of them, then the father is also him.

  Or that the descendants of the child's descendants also inherit his blood?

  So it's not surprising that Yukishita's house will be his in the future.

  speak up.

  What makes her so strange is because she didn't fully consider it before, so let's just accept him and Mrs. Yubihama.

  She didn't even know if she should be jealous because of her husband's affair.

  "Although Kawasaki-san accepted the offer to become Yukino's friend. It's just because the offer didn't involve her bottom line."

  "And if she really wants to buy her body with money, she will definitely not agree."

  "Moreover, her family will definitely not allow it." Qinglong said. "Her family looks like a lot of people and it's hard work, but they all rely on each other."

  "So, Yang Nai, I also hope that you and your family can connect more deeply."

  "Why don't you go back home and have a look."



  Yang Nai nodded lightly, as if infected. "Then why are you letting me go home?"


  Qinglong sighed softly, "Miss Caizi asked me to meet. So I may not be able to accompany you for the next two days. You know, I'm only alone, and it's too tiring to run to both sides."

  "..." Yang Nai.

  "……"Depend on.

  In order to meet the object of the affair, the clone is powerless, so you choose to drive your wife home to live with her mother?

  Who is your wife.



  ps: Push a new book

  The male protagonist's ex-wife is that month, and those who are interested in the blood-devouring attack can go and see. .

Chapter 634

  Today is Wednesday.

  For Miss Caizi, today is her day off.

  For Qinglong, it was confirmed that there was no meeting to be held today, so it was also a rest time.

  Anyway, Yang Nai doesn't go to the company now, so he doesn't know that he is fishing.

  "Speaking of which, this is the first time I have come to your house." Qinglong said.

  Yang Nai had already returned to his home in the morning.He also came out of Yang Nao's apartment, which was a little farther from Miss Caizi's house.

  According to the address, Qinglong quickly found the location.

  "Well—" Caizi stood in the yard to greet him.

  "Come in." She stepped on the slippers gently, her crystal toes were very cute.

  "Yui has already gone to school. So I can stay at home all day today."

  The wife turned around slightly as she spoke.

  This is a sentence that brings to mind the delicious food on the tongue.

  High-end ingredients often do not require luxurious and complicated processes, as long as simple cooking is the ultimate food. ,

  And the current Mrs. Yubihama is the same.

  Just wearing a simple pink knitted sweater.

  Also very beautiful.

  However, Qinglong felt that she was so casual, probably thinking that she would have to take off again later anyway.


  Because it's all a break, plus I haven't done it for a while.

  So the time when the two finally stopped was in the afternoon.

  "Speaking of your sister's birthday, what should I give you"~?"

  Miss Caizi asked.

  "Komachi doesn't know about us yet, um...I think about it, I don't need it anymore, children don't need to be so petted."

  "Then you still learn to make cakes from me?"

  "Ah, by the way, why don't I give her a handmade cake!"

  Mrs. Yubihama suggested, "I'll make a handmade cake, and then you can tell her that you bought it."

  "I can't say such things. I will tell her that it was done by a beautiful big sister."

  "Ah, I like that sentence." Mrs. Yubihama hugged him.

  "But unfortunately, it's too late now."

  "Or I can do it now. Let you try it," said the wife.

  "Obviously the materials are there." She sighed a little.

  But there is no way, because the current time is 15:10, and the general school ends at 15:[-].

  The rest of the time is left to the community activities.

  For ordinary students in the Homecoming Department, after school is to go home directly.

  Although Yui and Miura Yuko and the others would wander outside for a while, they should go home after a while.

  So the wife is already sending Qinglong out here.

  Qinglong sat down at the entrance and put on his shoes.

  And his wife stood behind him.

  Just when Qinglong put on his shoes and turned his head, his wife was about to bow her head.

  The two are ready to kiss.



  There was a sound of turning open the door at the entrance.

  ! ! ! !

  The wife hurriedly braked.

  "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"


  "It must be Yui back."

  "What to do. Do you want to hide?"

  She is now grabbing Qinglong's arm, trying to hide him.

  after all.

  Although I had revealed to my daughter that I was being pursued by young boys, I didn't tell Yui that this boy was Yui's classmate. (get it)

  Yui is definitely not acceptable.

  With that in mind, she hid it.

  but now.

  It's over.

  "Don't worry!"

  Seeing that the door is about to be fully opened.

  Qinglong quickly calmed his wife down. "Work with me!"


  At this time, the door was also opened directly.

  "Bikigu... Jun?"

  "And mom...what are you doing?"

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