"..." Xue Nai. "It looks troublesome."

  "Yes, but this is what your mother and your sister are doing now," Qinglong said.

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "I understand." Xuenai said, "I will try my best."

  After speaking, Yukino ended the call.

  And Qinglong returned the phone to Yang Nai......

  "..." Yang Nai. "By the way, Qinglong, the standard of the friend you just mentioned should be a close friend."

  "I want it too," she said.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Qinglong didn't speak.

  Because he doesn't have this kind of friend either, and he really wants it too.


  "Also." Yang Nai put the phone back in the bag.

  She pressed Qinglong's hand all of a sudden. "I always feel that Xuenai has changed a lot now."

  "Is there?" Qinglong was puzzled.

  "Yes!" Yang Nai said. "She has become very obedient to you now."

  "..." Qinglong.

  Is that so?I don't feel it at all.

  "But Xuenai is very clumsy here." Qinglong said. "So I might also assist her in the next few days."

  "Yes. But why a few days?"

  "Because of this."

  Qinglong showed the phone to Yang Nai.

  It was a message sent to students by a school group.

  [For school trips from Wednesday to Friday, students are requested to submit a fee of 20000 yen each to the class teacher. ].

Chapter 648

  "It's great, sister, I also want to go on a school trip~"

  After seeing the payment notice for the school trip prompted by Qinglong's mobile phone, Miss Yang Nai immediately showed an envious expression.

  It was as if her youth had long since passed away.

  "Say as if you were already at work."

  Qinglong said.

  There is moisture in this, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Yang Nai is indeed not at work.

  "..." Yang Nai.


  Miss Yang Nao winked cutely.

  She doesn't want to go to work.


  Because Qinglong had to stay in the company for a while, Miss Yang Nai, who hated going to work, went back by herself.

  According to her words.

  She doesn't want to go to work.

  At this moment, Qinglong felt that he had been deceived.

  However, considering that she had lied to her mother, Qinglong felt that she should work hard.

  So I took the time to send a message to Xue Ma.

  [Let's play together next weekend]


  Parliamentary meeting is over.


  Mrs. Yukinoshita walked out of the meeting room.

  The fresh air in the yard makes people feel very comfortable.

  My hair has grown a little bit lately.

  It made her feel that she was finally not so embarrassed.


  "please wait a while."

  A male voice came from behind.

  It is a member of the House of Representatives whose surname is Hirata in his thirties.

  Is a son-in-law.Relying on the identity of the Hirata family, he became a member of parliament.

  Because of his strong learning ability and strong means, his position is very stable.

  And now.

  "Can we talk a little bit later?" the other party said.


  "Feel sorry."

  Mrs. Yukinoshita was a little embarrassed.She is not a simple girl, so she understands what Mr. Hirata is thinking.

  It's nothing more than relying on a little strength, then climb up, and then want to casually tease or win others.

  She doesn't hate to win others over to enhance her own strength.

  But she didn't like being teased.

  And she doesn't like young men and doesn't feel safe.

  So she didn't explain, and left directly from Mr. Hirata's side.

  He didn't take Mr. Hirata's business to heart at all.

  She noticed the phone vibrating in her handbag.


  This is the mobile phone she used to communicate with Qinglong before.

  Then, probably only he will send a message.

  She wondered if he already knew that she was not Yang Nai.

  Just didn't dare to confirm.


  This is really sighing.

  Sigh to sigh.

  She took out her phone, which was a message from him.

  [I will go on a school trip to Kinkaku-ji Temple on weekends, and we will meet up nearby. ]by Qinglong.

  "Together, going to play means—"

  The wife holds the phone.

  [By the way, I have to assist Xiaoyue Nao and buy a friend for Yukino, but I have to let Yukino accept this friend.So need your help. ]by Qinglong.

   Qinglong sent another message.


  The wife now thinks that Qinglong must know her identity, and now even Xuenai has taken it out.

  Isn't that super understanding of her?


  Yang Nai, what should she do?


  "Sister Yang Nai, this is so interesting."


  "I always feel that Sister Yang Nai is not the same as before."

  "Will it be?"

  "Hmm, but... I always think it's great."


  Miss Yang Nai is now enjoying an unfettered life.

  She is shopping with her former head of Wu Gao's fan girl, and now the student union of the Great Wall. .

Chapter 649

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