Yui had to watch him leave.

  But she found that Qinglong had just turned around, and returned shortly after.

  Handed her a box of toothpicks.

  He leaves and turns back very fast, so it's impossible to borrow it from other classmates. That is to say, does he have a belt on him at all times?

  Then why let her feed him fruit like that.


  Yui is not stupid.

  His face immediately flushed red.


  After leaving Yubihama's seat, Kiyotaka began to look for Miura's figure.

  She has beautiful blonde hair.

  In addition, it is the current status, so standing there, ordinary girls in the same class dare not compete with her.

  So I found it right away.

  She was standing against the side of a seat.

  Her long blond hair is very conspicuous, and her figure is very good, like a model, so she looks good even from the back.

  But the boys in the class basically ignored her.

  Very simple.

  Miura is very comfortable in the class, and if she is not familiar with her, she will feel arrogant.

  Because of the rumors that her classmates confessed to her and she was scolded and cried instead, all the boys in the class excluded her from choosing a mate.

  Not to mention.

  Everyone still generally thinks that she and Yeshan are a couple.

  However, it was still very eye-catching that Qinglong walked directly towards Miura.

  But this kind of thing is easy.

  Qinglong doesn't come to school very often, so he doesn't care much about his reputation in school.

  Not only that, he stood directly behind Miura Yumiko.

  Then he patted her on the shoulder with a snap.

  She was probably searching for something.

  In an instant, Qinglong saw the information on the screen of the mobile phone.

  [A food street near Kinkakuji Temple]

  [Where is the best place to start cooking? ]

  [Big stomach king competition, 900 meters outside the Kinkakuji Temple! ]

  It's a snack too.

  But why only see the phone for a moment?

  She was frightened because it was probably being patted from behind.


  The phone is directly from her handsome.Then he hurriedly grabbed it twice before grabbing it.

  "Hand, phone!"

  "If it falls and cannot be used, I will definitely seek compensation from you!" Miura Yuko said immediately.

  Speaking of which, she seemed to have encountered similar things before.

  "It will pay you back."

  "Also, I need your help." Qinglong said. .

Chapter 653

  Kiyotaka took Miura back to his original seat.

  And Hayato Hayama was sitting there by the window, looking at the scene outside the window.

  Mount Fuji can now be seen.

  The white piece still looked quite spectacular, which made him a little fascinated by it.

  "Yeshan." Qinglong reminded him.


  Ye Shan was stunned for a moment.

  At the same time, he also found that Kiyotaka came back with Miura Yumiko.

  He was slightly taken aback, but he quickly stood up with a rude smile.

  Because he knew how Qinglong was going to solve the household affairs,

  Then he went back to his original position.

  Ye Shan is also a bit cowardly.

  Because there was a problem with the Ministry of Household, he didn't really want to go back to the Ministry of Household.


  "So, what's the problem?"

  Yumiko Miura said.

  He didn't ask anything, but he was willing to follow him.Just because he asked for help.

  It can be said that Miura Yuko is a better person than she looks.

  And this is probably because the popular 26 Hayato Hayama didn't want to be confessed by girls, so he deliberately sought Miura as a shield, but he was unable to make up his mind, so he had to create a good girl like Yumiko by his side.

  Then persuade other ignorant girls.

  It was because he knew that Miura was a good girl.

  So don't want to hurt.


  "Actually," Kiyotaka read, "Hayama found me just now and said that Tobe likes Yui Hama Yui."

  "And I'm going to confess to her on this school trip."

  "And this kind of thing, I refuse it to happen." Qinglong said.

  "Pfft—" But Yumiko Miura was taken aback.

  "No." Yumi said. "Is there such a thing?"

  "Doesn't Tobu like Eina?"

  "When he was in class, he looked in the direction of Eina." Miura added.


  "..." Qinglong.

  So Tobe Sho likes Eina Himina like the original?


  Yeshan, you have a few.

  Qinglong felt that he was played by Yeshan.

  It was clear at the time that if the object of the household's confession was Hai Lao Ming, then he would not care about Qigu Qinglong.

  But if it was a group, he would definitely help.

  Therefore, Hayama's side directly and secretly changed Tobe's favorite object.

  "However, that was a long time ago."

  "Recently, Eina has been discussing with people about BL, and has also shown Tobu X Hayato's book to others. It probably made him afraid."



  You didn't notice Yumiko.

  Then let's not scold Ye Shan for now.

  Qinglong's heart has nine bends and eighteen bends.


  "Then, no matter whether the target of the household is Eina or Yui, help me deal with it, and don't let him confess."

  Qinglong said.

  ! !


  At this moment, Miura Yumi suddenly turned around.

  Qinglong was sitting where Ye Shan was sitting just now.That is, the one by the window.

  And Miura is sitting outside.

  So all of a sudden, he held the window with his left hand and the armrest with his right hand. With this posture, he encircled Qinglong.

  As if directly creating pressure, he stared at Qinglong's face, and then met his eyes.

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