So I'm wondering where the hell it looks like a cat. " Yukinoshita Yukino said with a serious face.


  This conversation is meaningless.

  Cats are not tigers.

  This guy, Yukino Yukino, really can live without friends.

  Just give her the cat.

  Thinking like this, Kiyotaka sent a message to Kawasaki Sashi, asking her to buy canned cat food, and then tricking a cat into coming over. .

Chapter 656


  Why are cats so cute?

  First, they are cute in appearance. Many cats are sweet in appearance, especially cats with round heads, so they are very popular among people.Second, smart and clever. Although each cat has a different personality and appearance, cats are very smart animals. They know many skills, such as catching flying insects and playing with toys. cute.Third, love cleanliness. Cats are quite cute animals because they love cleanliness. They will take care of themselves when their bodies are dirty. As long as the environment is clean, they will not be very dirty.

  The above are the compliments of why cats are so cute~.

  "I think it's a bit exaggerated." Kawasaki Saki sat next to Kiyotaka, and then complained - said.

  Because after she obeyed Qinglong's order to buy canned food, she tricked a cat into coming over.

  Then she was accepted by Yukinoshita Yukino.

  This is very surprising.

  Mingming initially thought that Xuexia Xue was quite a cold person.


  Now looking at the girl who tried her best to restrain herself, but she didn't restrain herself, and then started talking to the cat meowing to the cat, Kawasaki Saxi felt that she had opened the door to a new world.

  "After all, everyone has their own hobbies." Qinglong said.

  "And then when this hobby collides with one's own personality, individuals will choose their hobbies."

  "And Kawasaki-san, you like to pamper your sister, don't you?"

  "..." Kawasaki Saki. "Is it so obvious?"

  "Because that time I went to your house, didn't you just want to hide your sister?"

  "As if I'm a big bad guy." Qinglong complained.

  "..." Kawasaki Saki.


  Because Kawasaki-san makes you very dangerous.

  She is handsome and rich, and then she is close to the simple, so is it possible to get close to her sister?

  As a sister control, there will definitely be such worries.

  and also.

  "By the way, you have really become Yukinoshita... Yukinoshita Yukino's brother-in-law now?" Kawasaki-san asked.

  When she first saw Qinglong and Xuenai together, it was when she was participating in the oiran parade.

  The two seemed to be very close at the time.

  She thought it was dating.


  However, she was told that he and her sister, Yono Yukinoshita, were dating.

  Become Yukinoshita Yukino's brother-in-law.

  "If this is true, this is really powerful." She said sincerely.

  An ordinary teenager goes to approach an eldest lady.

  And get married together.

  This seems to be quite a thing, such as being treated as a phoenix man, climbing a dragon and attaching a phoenix.

  But there are very few idiots in this age.

  So it is difficult for ordinary people to do it.

  And Qinglong can not only do it, but also gain the right to speak, and be promoted from an ordinary teenager to a rich family.

  At least no one will despise this.

  On the contrary, many people are envious.

  Just like that sentence.

  It's not that I hate XX behavior, I'm just jealous that I can't do it.

  Therefore, Qinglong staged a life-changing event in front of her, an ordinary boy inspired to become a rich man.

  This is a very powerful person for her who has worked such and such jobs and was deducted such and such wages.

  Because only I have felt how hard it is to earn money, so I can lose to money so easily.


  "It's normal." Qinglong said. "It can't be said that it's for her family's money."

  "Because I still like her sister quite a bit."

  Having said that, Qinglong noticed that the phone vibrated.

  It's the wife's message.

  [I have arrived. ]

  Very brief words.

  "Is it your wife's message?" Kawasaki-san's voice came from the side.

  Because she was sitting very close to Qinglong, she accidentally saw Qinglong's mobile phone display.

  Saw the words of Mrs.

  "..." Qinglong. "Well, this is indeed the wife."

  "Then the matter of Xuenai will be left to you." Qinglong said.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Be thick-skinned for tomorrow's group play, and post it directly."

  "Follow Xuenai's class." Qinglong explained.

  "I see."

  Kawasaki-san nodded seriously,

  In the past, Yukinoshita-san refused her, but now, Yukishita-san did not refuse, and naturally she put her ability on it.

  Although she didn't know what a friend should be like, it must be okay to refer to Yubihama and Miura Yumiko.

  "Then." Qinglong said. "I'll go first."

  "By the way, I have to get a photo and give it to [the wife]."

  Having said that, Kiyotaka stood a little behind and photographed Yukino and Kawasaki-san.


  "..." Kawasaki-san.

  Yukinoshita-san is also quite worrying for the family.

  Thinking this way, Kawasaki Saxi thought of his family. If he insisted on continuing to work, his parents and younger siblings would be worried now.

  So she is still very grateful to Qinglong for hiring her.


  So there is a world famous painting.

  The school's Takahashi no Hana is teasing the cat with a smile that no one has ever seen before.

  The indifferent looking pale blue single ponytail bad girl bowed her head respectfully to bid farewell to the back of a young man who was walking away.


  A gust of wind came.

  "Ah Qiu-"

  Qinglong sneezed.

  This action made the respectful Kawasaki-san laugh.

  Because I just deified Hikigu-san a little bit, and Hikigu-san is still human.


  Qinglong didn't hesitate, just sent the photos to Yang Nai.

  Yang Nai was probably busy and didn't respond immediately.

  So he forwarded the photo to his wife.

  "Are you already in the hotel I booked?"

  "……"Mrs. "Um."

  Because he had read the photos that Qinglong sent, and knew that Qinglong would come, Mrs. Yukinoshita had no choice but to answer honestly.Four.

Chapter 657

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