


  So the current one is not his wife but Yang Nai, is he his wife? .

Chapter 658

  Grain Merchant Hotel.

  "I have to say, Qinglong, you guys will enjoy it."

  "When I was in Zongwu High School before, I came here for a study trip, but I didn't get such a good treatment."

  "For example, come to such an expensive hotel on purpose."


  Yang Nai was originally very interested to speak, but she quickly discovered that her husband was abnormal.

  "You seem a little strange."

  She said.

  "Will it be?"

  Qinglong said. "It's because I wasn't fierce enough just now. Or you're more burned out."

  "..." Yang Nai. "I hate it."

  Miss Yang Nai's body leaned back.

  The two of them are now soaking in the hot springs.

  is indoor.

  So you can choose to wear it or not.

  Naturally, there is no need to dress specially.

  They are not a couple in name, they are real.


  From just now, and now in the time of the sage.

  Qinglong was thinking.

  Thinking that he is clearly asking his wife, but why is it Yang Nai?


  Yang Nai can be said to be his wife.

  But Qinglong didn't think Xue Ma would misunderstand.

  So, does the wife resolutely choose to reject him?

  So Yang Nai was sent over.

  It is clear that he will never accept his invitation again, and he will not go further with him.

  Thinking like this, Qinglong went to the pool first, fiddled with the phone, and then got down again.


  "Yang Nai." Qinglong said suddenly.

  "What?" Yang Nai moved the splash gently.

  "I like you." Qinglong said.

  "..." Yang Nai. "Now you say this 26?"

  "Why do you suddenly want to say this?"

  "Because I haven't said it." Qinglong said. "And thought you might like it."

  "You are so sweet." Yang Nai leaned on him gently.

  Although this guy is very reckless, he can be quite caring at times.

  "Speaking of which, Yukino's photo is a bit exaggerated."

  "I haven't seen her smile like that in a long time."

  Yang Nai said.While feeling the wash of warm water, Yang Nao talked about her sister.

  Although it seems that this elder sister is a bit inhuman in Xuenuo, and even often overly coerced her.

  But in truth, she is still a good sister.

  The coercion in the past was not wanting Yukino to chase after him.

  Because she herself knows how empty and exhausted the good-looking image she has set up is.

  So, I don't want, I definitely don't want such a cute little sister to become like this.


  twenty minutes.

  Although the hot spring is very comfortable, the skin will not be able to stand it for too long.

  So Qinglong and Yang Nai changed into clean clothes and prepared to eat.

  And when Yang Nai was changing into a new yukata, Qinglong checked the phone he was playing with.

  There is only one indication above that the call has ended.

  The call time was only 1 minute and 33 seconds.

  In other words, just a few seconds after fiddling with your phone until you come back to your Yang Nai and say you like it to Yang Nai.

  The object of the call was Mrs. Yukinoshita.


  Obviously he was inviting her, but she sent Yang Nai over instead of letting go of his pigeons.

  And also implied a general severance of ties.

  So Qinglong fought back.

  Because the other party did this and asked Yang Nai to come over, that is to say, she was going to end.

  And if something has to end, it means that there must be a beginning, and then there is a process.

  So it's impossible to have no emotion at all.

  But if you do...

  "It's really a little childish."

  Qinglong thought.

  Because such an approach has no meaning other than making each other uncomfortable.


  Qinglong folded his arms.

  Then he looked at Yono, who had already changed his clothes.

  "Yang Nai, I'm sorry." Qinglong said. "I can't accompany you now."


  2 hours later.

  Qinglong called Mrs. Yukinoshita again.

  After 35 calls, I was finally connected.

  "Where are you?"

  The voice of Mrs. Yukinoshita finally came.

  "Outside your door."

  "In the yard."

  "……"Mrs. "That's it."

  said the wife. "You will call, it means you know it all."

  "So, it's all over."

  "To you, to me, to Yangnai, to Xuenai, and to everyone."


  It can be heard that the wife's voice has a little ethereal feeling.

  This is her true voice that no longer imitates Yono.

  In the distance, there is a faint air of abstinence.

  "Have you heard a story?" Qinglong said while holding the phone.

  "The little monk asked the master, why is it better to treat a person, then why does this person care less about himself?"

  "Master replied like this: The people you traveled to meet won't remember you. He will only remember the people he has met.

  The more pain you give, the more you cherish it. "

  "Like is also a thing."

  "The more you give to this relationship, the more you can't lose it."

  "So, whoever falls in love with the other side first is the loser," Qinglong said.


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