And she handed him some information.

  While staring at the vision ahead, he explained to him.

  "This is the script for this play."

  "Only two scenes were shot today."

  "I was originally going to play the second male lead. Because of the injury last time, I was worried that you haven't recovered yet, so I replaced it with the male third who has less roles now."

  "But now the second male lead is not as popular as you, so it's okay if you want to be the second male lead," said the agent, Miss Totsuka.

  This is really ruthless.

  But Qinglong didn't hate this kind of direct power supremacy.


  When he exchanged in the real world, what he obtained was Brother Lu's super mental thinking.

  And these look different from acting, but they also help him a lot, which can make his learning ability become very fast.


  He also has a white lotus girlfriend in the real world.

  Kushida-san's acting skills are top-notch.So acting or something, as long as you learn from her, you can do it.

  So it is not difficult for him to suddenly become the younger brother of Liyang Futaba, and also a big male star.

  And now what interests him is... Mai Sakurajima.


  Mai Sakurajima in the original book gave up acting when she was in junior high school because of disagreements with her mother.

  But in this world it is different.

  Her mother set up her own brokerage firm.Therefore, it has more autonomy and does not need to be grovelling like the original.

  Then Mai doesn't need to take any swimsuit photos.

  So the two haven't fallen out yet.


  "Isn't this Qinglong-kun?"

  "The previous reports were terrible."

  "Is your body better?"

  Under the vigilant gaze of his agent Totsuka, Qinglong made sure that there were no paparazzi before he took Qinglong out of the car and came to the crew.

  Although still wearing a hat, after taking off the sunglasses, most of the staff have recognized him.

  This is the treatment of big stars.

  Qinglong thought to himself.

  Then greet the staff who come and go in a gentle and polite way.


  He walked directly to the dark-haired girl who was sitting quietly on the side, alone.

  This is quite a pretty girl.

  With beautiful long black shiny hair, beautiful facial features, and (cgae) eyes are very beautiful, like a cat.

  She wears a long-eared bunny hair accessory.

  Looking charming and a little immature.

  Has a very unique temperament.

  And this person is Mai Sakurajima.

  That is, his ex-girlfriend in this world setting.


  Qinglong came to her. "haven't seen you for a long time."


  "...?" However, Mai Sakurajima blinked in confusion.

  As if to say who you are.

  Just when Kiyotaka wondered if Mai Sakurajima's memory conflicted with his, he found that she suddenly smiled.

  "It's been a long time indeed."

  she said. "But seeing that you broke up with me, but you are still very relaxed and happy, you can't help but want to bully."


  What a terrible woman.

  I want to bully him.

  After all, she started acting as a child star, so she is not only a senior, but also a senior.

  Think so.

  Kiyotaka picked up the script that his agent, Miss Totsuka, handed him just now.

  Put it in front of Mai-senpai.

  "Okay, can you help me a little bit?"

  ps: Push a friend's book.

  [Comprehensive: Signing in at the beginning of five equal points]

  [Comprehensive Manga: Adopting Anime Characters at the Beginning]

  [Comprehensive Manga: Breaking the Prison Barrier at the Beginning].

Chapter 665

  Qinglong directly put the script he just got in front of Senior Mai.

  The script gave him a new one, and the local agent who needed him to play was also carefully discounted.

  However, he deliberately opened the part with stable scenes.And this part is also folded.

  Certainly not from the broker.

  It was the key position he was looking for after going through the script that marked it~.

  Ordinary characters who come to supporting roles sometimes read their lines directly, then simulate the scene and go straight to the stage.

  But such foolish idols will not be liked.

  So on the way the agent drove over, Qinglong was actually going through all the contents of the script in hand quickly.

  His identity is a big star on the same level as Mai Sakurajima, so naturally he can't perform worse than hers.


  And now, Wenxi was placed in front of Mai Sakurajima.

  Mai looked at his script.

  Then come up with your own script.

  "We don't seem to have played this part at all."

  "I already know from the agent that we are playing opposites this time."


  "This scene..."

  "It's the second female lead and the male lead." Senior Mai gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

  This is a pair of flat glasses used in the script.

  "Indeed, Wenxi is not for our male No. [-] and female No. [-]."

  Qinglong nodded. "But if we continue to develop acting, it will become like this sooner or later."

  "Because, the audience, the fans, are still looking forward to the appearance of their idols on the screen."

  "Maybe even scream." Qinglong said. "And if you can't even do this, don't you think that you can't be called Mai Sakurajima?"

  "..." Mai Sakurajima.

  At this time, Mai Sakurajima looked at Kiyotaka seriously.

  "Didn't you get stabbed and hit in the head?" Mai said.

  "I can understand what you said as whether you want to connect with me."




  Qinglong said. "As long as you are still filming, then you may also receive this kind of drama."

  "Instead of letting you lose your initial stability on the screen."

  "Why don't I take it first." Qinglong said.

  "..." Mai. "Why do you hear that you are trying to gain stability from me. And you also want to be dissatisfied."

  "Because it's really unfair," Qinglong said. "Obviously we've been in a relationship, but we broke up without even holding hands, don't you think it's a loss?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "..." Mai was speechless, "Jun Qinglong, there is one thing that needs to be noted."

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