As for the scandal, it should be talking about the lead singer in Sweet Bullet, the niece of President Guanyue, Ayako Suzuki.

  In order to make the effect realistic, they took some photos to add to the flames.

  And the photos caused a stir.

  The effect is very good.


  "Miss Mai, why do you care so much? You don't really want to date me, do you?"

  Qinglong turned around and said, looking at her clear eyes.


  Mai quickly denied it. "I don't want to fall in love with people in my circle."

  "Then it's like this." She pointed to the paper. "Any information will get into the newspapers."

  "There is no freedom at all," she said.

  Then pick up the newspaper. "So, you asked me about Hehua's information before, and then you are here to give her a hand."

  "You should really be thankful for this, they have obtained the resources."

  "As long as you can be on TV, you can become popular."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????


  "Why did you choose the way to gossip with the lead singer inside."

  "I thought you might use Japanese flowers, and then hold them up." Mai said.

  This is something she doesn't understand very much, because no matter how she sees it, Long wants to hold Hehua, but in the end he touches Hehua's teammate.

  Although it was also because of this, the attention of Kazuka suddenly increased.

...... 0

  "Because the lead singer is the niece of your sister's company."

  "Also, the president over there always thought I was interested in her niece."

  "I named Fengbin and Hua to participate in the performance before, but she was privately replaced by her niece."

  "So I just counted it." Qinglong spit out.

  But he noticed that Mai Sakurajima suddenly laughed.

  "What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

  "You are also the type that is easy to be led away in terms of personality." Mai said this but smiled slightly. "what……"

  But she called again.

  "what happened?"

  "I seem to see and flowers." Mai said.

  Is Toyohama and Flower?

  Qinglong looked left and right, only to see the back of a small blond figure quickly evacuating.Four.

Chapter 691

  Fengbin and Hua seemed to have been discovered directly, so she ran away quickly. She is an underground idol and has strong physical strength, so her trot is still very fast.

  But running too fast, seems to have stepped on a puddle.The rain that rained in the morning was still accumulating inside.

  In an instant, both her knees and her white skirt suffered.

  Wow, so sad.

  But she barely looked back and left quickly.


  He stared at his sister's figure.Mai Sakurajima hugged her arm.

  "I think she should come to you." Qinglong said. "For example, ask if the fire this time is because of you or something."

  "I don't think so," Mai said. "Because her mother only called me in the morning to show off and the flowers would soon become popular. If she thought I was helping, then she would definitely not make this call.

  Even blame me for a lot of things. "

  "..." This mother is absolutely amazing.

  So that means Kazuka didn't come to look for her sister.




  Did Fengbin and Hua actually come to him?

  Qinglong felt strange, because his contact with her was only once at the tram station, and then he was bold when buying tickets.

  After that, the photos were taken together for a show, and there was basically no greeting.

  So why come to him?



  And Mai's cell phone rang at this moment.

  Mai glanced at Qinglong, then picked up the phone and turned to the side to answer the phone.

  It was the phone number of her manager, Sakurajima-san.

  It seems that he has suddenly received a task and needs Mai to cooperate.

  Unexpected tasks, artists are so hard.

  Qinglong thought so, and suddenly looked in a certain direction.

  At a glance, I saw the back of a woman in a blue suit with slender jet-black hair.

  That is Ms. Sakurajima Yayoi, the manager of Mai Sakurajima.

  She is also Mai's aunt.

  At this time, Yayoi Sakurajima didn't look back at all and walked forward without hesitation.



  I don't know if it was an illusion, but Qinglong felt that the call that Mai had just answered might be a deliberate call from the other party.

  Because Mai was able to wait for him in the studio, and then waited for a long time, there should be no schedule today.

  Naturally, there are suddenly more trips, but that has to be picked up by the agent...  

  And the agent took the task, and they all went to the same park to pick up?

  Who would believe this!


  "I have to go first." Mai said.

  "Yeah." Kiyotaka thought about what he might be targeted by Ms. Sakurajima, "You said, does your manager dislike me?"

  He hurriedly asked when Mai was about to leave.

  "Huh? How do I know if my agent likes you?"



  Because the contact between Qinglong and Miss Yayoi was only the gesture of each other's eyes in front of Mai.

  Not a word was said.

  "..." Qinglong.

  "Then," he said. "Mai, come here."

  "What?" Mai Sakurajima blinked in confusion.But she almost screamed.

  Because Qinglong suddenly hugged her.

  "You're crazy," she said.

  But Qinglong directly blocked all her words back.

  "I'm not crazy, but satisfied," he said.

  Then I looked in the direction where Yayoi Sakurajima left, but Yayoi Sakurajima was no longer there. .

Chapter 692

  After being stepped on by Mai, Qinglong did not walk out of the park, but chose to stay where he was.

  Mai's manager Yayoi Sakurajima hated him, it was already certain.

  So I just kissed Mai just to relieve my anger.

  And Mai has gone with the agent now.

  But he had to stay here for a while.

  Because of Toyohama and flowers.

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