Qinglong complained in his heart.

  And in this case, it can also draw closer to the relationship with the flower.

  So he said immediately.

  "Because Sakurajima is not easy to come forward, I may take care of you next," he said. "So, let's say maybe occasionally visit your house or something."

  "If there are some scandals, it would be easier to become popular," he said.

  "Ah, I don't need this." However, Fengbin and Hua quickly refused.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Is this because he sensed that his drunken intention was not drinking alcohol, or that he felt that he was not familiar with it, so he didn't want to?

  When Qinglong just thought about it, he realized that Hehua immediately said.

  "Because my home is very close to Qinglongjun's home now."

  "It should be right next door."

  "Just across from your house."

  "Mama, I'm already packing up and moving in today," she said. "Then……"

  She seemed a little embarrassed.

  "¨ˇMama thinks that if there is a scandal, I can become popular faster."

  Fengbin and Hua said that, but they were a little embarrassed.

  Because the man in front of him is the target person, so I expose myself and feel a little ashamed.

  "..." Qinglong.

  He went.

  So is it such a coincidence?

  It is said that Fengbin and Hana's Ma Ma is also strong enough.

  In other words, Fengbin and Hua's mother really wanted to fight Mai's mother.

  So putting each other's fight on the children's performance?

 (taken by Li) Absolutely!


  [Tick! ]

  [Congratulations to the host for successfully punching in the monthly check-in location. ]

  [Congratulations to the host for obtaining 12000 official qi points. ]

  [Currently redeemable positions are as follows]

  Then, the exchange of various positions appeared on the void display of the system.

  For example, the county councilor has 2 official qi points.

  Minister of Health and Welfare 5 official qi value

  Grading system committee 15000 official gas value hook.

  Qinglong looked at the newly emerging grading system committee with a little trance. .

Chapter 694

  Member of the grading system.

  This is equivalent to the General Administration of Guang X.

  For the film and television industry, it is the boss of bosses, because no matter what the script is, it has to go through their review first.

  There are also actor-related choices. If they are detained, they may have to be forced to change.

  A lot of power.

  Of course, they won't just find fault.

  So smooth is still useful.

  However, the current Kiyotaka is concerned about the membership of the grading system committee.

  That is to say, if someone from your own side is involved, there is a chance that the script on your own side will be released.

  Of course, it is also possible to mix in, and then specifically make things difficult for the opponent actors.

  So does Qinglong have an enemy now?

  nothing now.

  His status in this world is smooth sailing.

  And even if it is not an idol star, there is still the option of inheriting the hospital.

  of course.

  Even if you don't inherit the hospital, you can use the money you earn to support your sister Futaba Liyang for the rest of her life.

  So what is he thinking now looking at this post?

  Because of the very real thing that came to mind after meeting Toyohama Kazuka today.

  That is.

  My own side often disturbs Mai Yi, so Mai Yi himself has been taking on the show.

  Although her face is only cute and has no sense of X, it is not ruled out that she may go to film scenes that may require intimacy with others.

  Just thinking about it a little bit makes me feel bad.

  So, have to deal with it.

  People live for Mai Sakurajima, he still knows this sentence.

  So he does not deny that he has ideas about Mai.

  And as a very possessive person.She can't be allowed to be the heroine. If she is with him, it doesn't matter.

  But not others.

  So there needs to be some [correction] to her script and things like that.And that requires a [member of the grading system committee] to be present.

  This problem can be avoided as long as he/she targets Mai's script every time, and at the same time informs people in the industry to make remarks about Mai Sakurajima.

  But the question now is, who to do it for?



  So Qinglong returned home. "Do you want to have a stable job?"

  "..." Futaba Liyang. "What's the meaning?"

  "I have a relationship here, and I can directly become a member of the grading system committee." Qinglong said.

  "Is it the one from the movie and TV series?" Liyang Futaba made himself a cup of coffee.

  She seemed quite interested.


  Qinglong nodded.

  "Oh." Futaba said immediately. "I dont go."

  "..." Qinglong. "Why? It's enough to go directly, you don't even need an assessment."

  "I'm still a student now."

  "What idiot are you thinking about?" Futaba said. "And my ideal is to be a pastry chef who brings sweets to people."

  No, if you want to be a pastry chef, forget it.

  Kiyotaka didn't think Futaba had this talent.


  Since Futaba doesn't allow it, who will replace it?

  (cgae) Qinglong returned home and was troubled for a while, but finally no candidate was found.

  On the one hand, although he is a big star like Mai here, Mai Sakurajima has no friends at school in this high school grade.

  And so is he.

  The only person with a good relationship now is Totsuka's broker.

  But if the agent does this, who will take care of him?

  in this way.

  It just gives a headache.

  Thinking like this, Qinglong found that he had received a message on his mobile phone.

  [Are you asleep? ]

  [I'm Mai Sakurajima's manager. ]

  [There are a few things about cooperation and I would like to have a face-to-face conversation with you. ]

  [Can we meet now? ]

  Although it is an unfamiliar number.

  But his number is a private number, and very few people can get it.

  So, maybe it's true.

  Miss Mai's agent.

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