However, he found that after Yayoi Sakurajima finished speaking, he turned around gently.

  "I will pay for today's expenses."

  "Then, I won't pester you again."

  "..." Qinglong.

  Does that mean we must have a date?

  And she may indeed be disturbed by horseshoe bugs.

  "..." Qinglong.

  After hesitating for a while, Qinglong returned to the room, put on a hat and a pair of glasses, and walked out.


  The movie is Detective X-Man Street 3.

  There are more people around.

  While waiting for the two to come out together, it was raining lightly outside the cinema.

  Qinglong looked at the rain screen in a daze.

  With the scent of fragrance around, Sister Yayoi directly opened the long umbrella she was carrying, covered it with him, and then revealed a touch of

  Charming smile.

  "Are you hungry already?"

  "..." Qinglong.

  So it was originally just watching movies, but soon it became a meal together.

  The two went to a western restaurant together.

  I asked for a private room alone. One side of the private room is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and you can see the rain outside.

  But now Qinglong's attention is on the face of sister Yayoi opposite.

  Whether it is the posture when it is calm, or the way of gently cutting the steak, and chewing it, it is beautiful and thrilling.

  And her red-lips.

  It was the lips that kissed him yesterday.

  "I'm taking the liberty to ask." Qinglong said. "Yesterday, that was your first word."

  "Yes, I can give everything for Mai." Yayoi Sakurajima's expression did not change.

  "..." Qinglong.

  "I'm afraid I'm not going to hell."

  Qinglong thought.

  Then he took Yayoi Sakurajima to the hotel.


  Sage time.

  Qinglong was in a daze.At the same time, I feel like a man without self-control.


  And this time.

  The voice of the system in my mind suddenly sounded!

  [Tick!It was detected that the host was extremely frank. ]

  [Congratulations to the host for triggering a new mission. ]

  [Qualify for a super daily adventure. ]

  [A new world opens to you. ]

  [Go to sign in immediately, and you will get a super gift package. ]

  "..." Qinglong.

  System, are you serious?

  He is sage time now.

  He originally wanted to get the way to quickly become the Prime Minister and return to Haruwu and get married reasonably with his wife.

  And now.

  Extraordinary world adventure.

  [Super Everyday World-Devil High School]

  [Will be a man's paradise.Very big. ]

  Ha ha.

  Is he that kind of person?

  "You wait for me to get dressed first." Qinglong said honestly.

  (End of this volume) Four.

Chapter 701

  Chapter 001 Super identity gift package, of course Fortress Raffo! (for full order)

  【drop! 】

  [Congratulations to the host for coming to the super-everyday world and obtaining a super-status gift package, you can choose the following status and replace it! 】

  [Option [-], Ravel's brother! 】

  [Option [-], Serafuru's younger brother! 】

  [Option [-], Sazex's younger brother! 】

  As soon as he came to the world of Demon High School, Qinglong had three options regarding his identity in front of him.

  These three options are all very good, and he is a little overwhelmed, because the first option is not only Rias' fiance.

  Also get a rich loli sister.

  In the second option, there will be a magical girl sister who likes to dress up, and a sister named Shitou Cana.

  As for option three, there will be a sister of Rias directly.

  if you can.

  Qinglong wanted to tell the system that he wanted all of these identities.

  However, that shouldn't be possible.

  After hesitating for a while.

  He still chose option two, because it was either Ravel for option one or Rias for option three.

  All these can be achieved after the second option, Qinglong has that confidence.

  After making a choice.

  Soon the scene in front of Qinglong began to change, and a lot of memories began to pour out of his head.

  These memories were all transmitted to him by the system, and belonged to the identity of Seraphlu's younger brother.

  After giving all the memories, Qinglong's face was full of joy.

  Knowing from those memories, his older sister, Seraph, seemed to have some bad intentions towards him.

  This made Qinglong a bit of a headache, and he didn't know how to deal with it next.

  And, his sister.

  A long time ago, I ran to Sazex to discuss it.

  Regarding the marriage of the two.

  In other words, even if he didn't choose to be the turkey man, he became Rias' fiancé.

  After learning this news, Qinglong was very happy in his heart, after all, it was a little easier this way.

  Don't run away and find a turkey man to break off the marriage or something.

  [Di~ Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden sign-in! 】

  [Sign-in requirement: Lie down for 10 minutes on the bed of the current Demon King Leviathan and Serafuru! 】

  [Sign-in reward: increase bloodline purity by 20%]

  Listening to the system prompts...  

  About this reward for improving bloodline.

  Qinglong was stunned for a while.

  In his memory, his sister Seraphlu kept praising him, saying that his bloodline was very pure.

  Moreover, it was for this reason that Rias's family agreed to the marriage.

  Unexpectedly, there is still room for improvement, which shocked him for a while.

  Soon, he also figured out that no matter how high the bloodline is, it cannot be higher than the bloodline of the ancestor.

  The reward provided by the system should be to make his bloodline reach the level of the ancestor.

  Thinking of this, Qinglong walked out of the room.

  Following the route in his memory, he soon arrived at the door of Serafuru's room.

  He hesitated, not knowing whether to go in or not, but thinking of his sister, he should have gone out by now.

  Qinglong pushed open the door, and then saw a bunch of magical girl costumes.

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