Although, the name of this rule is called three-step layup, but it is actually two steps, and now this little guy has taken one step.

  That also means that he can only take one step, although, even if Qinglong takes a few more steps, it will be fine.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  But Zhe also felt that since this little guy likes basketball so much, he shouldn't be ruined from the beginning.

  The rules of the basketball game should be cultivated from an early age, otherwise he will only miss his start.

  "Little guy, big brother tells you that when you play, follow a three-step shooting rule!"

  "Now that you have taken two steps, pass the ball to me quickly, or it will be a foul!"


  On the court, Qinglong, who was holding a basketball, heard the captain of the school basketball team and told him that he could only take three steps.

  If he walks more, it will be a foul, which makes him a little speechless, the rule of three-step layup.

  He knew it a long time ago, and there was no need to ask the basketball captain to remind him.


  Hearing this little guy, after understanding his words, Tetsuya's face showed a gratified smile.

  Then he waved at Qinglong, motioning for him to pass the ball over, so that he could show off dribbling.

  After all, there are already quite a few school girls standing outside the playground at the moment, who can let him perform well.

  "Little brother, don't go anymore!" Four.

Chapter 756

  "You can only take two steps, hurry up and pass it to me!"

  Looking at this little guy, after listening to his words, he actually started to walk forward, and took another step.

  According to the three-step layup rule, this little guy will either pass or shoot.

  For some reason, at this moment, an idea was born in Tetsuya's heart.

  That's this little guy. He didn't want to pass the ball to him, but wanted to shoot directly. The idea was born at the moment.

  Even Zhe Ye himself was a little surprised why he had such an idea.

  However, this is not impossible, after all, children want to try no matter what.

  Seeing that, this little guy doesn't seem to have any idea of ​​passing the ball to him.

  Zhe also stopped talking, ready to wait when this little guy failed to shoot.

  Tell him again, basketball is not like this, as the saying goes, a chopstick is easy to break, but a group of chopsticks is difficult to break.

  Moreover, basketball itself is a team sport, and it is impossible for one person to shoot directly.

  What's more, this little guy's position is beyond the three-point line, even a superstar in the basketball world.

  I'm afraid it's difficult to complete, shooting from beyond the three-point line.

  Zai Zhe also pondered, thinking back to himself, he always thought that he had to shoot three-pointers every game.

  When he entered the World Championship, Qinglong next to him, just as he had guessed, threw the basketball in his hand.

  bang ~ bang ~ bang ~

  Soon, the brown-yellow basketball crossed a parabola above everyone's heads.

  It landed on the ball frame on the basketball hoop and kept spinning around the hoop on the ball frame.

  It made a bang bang bang sound, and after a while, it got into the ball frame, and then fell out of it.

  Left on the basketball court, dumbfounded and shocked basketball players and coaches.

  After a while, the basketball coach Masigo recovered from the shock just now.

  He quickly came to Qinglong's side and wanted to ask how he did it just now.

  Standing outside the three-point line and throwing the ball, in this case, either the dead skill is good, or it is a matter of luck.

  However, after walking for a while, Zhengwu stopped because someone came to the little guy first.

  "Little brother, tell eldest brother, how did you manage to throw the ball outside the three-point line?"

  Tetsuya, who was a little excited about all this in front of him, came to Qinglong and asked...  

  But soon, he realized that if he did this, he would scare the little guy.

  "Luck, luck!"

  "That's true!"

  Hearing this little guy, I explained to him that I was lucky to just stand outside the three-point line and shoot.

  Zhe also thinks that this little guy must have been lucky just now, and he just happened to throw the ball into the basket by chance.

  "Little brother, let me tell you, next time you must not do this, you can't rely on luck every time!"

  "Luck is something you can't grasp, and the so-called luck can't be seen or touched!"


  After telling this little guy, don't rely on luck all the time, rely on real skills.

  Zhe also returned to the court. At this moment, the players have also picked up the ball.

  After asking the coach Zhenggo next to him to record the little guy's score, the next round of the game began.

  This time, because Qinglong made a three-pointer in the previous game, this time it was the opponent's turn to serve.

  " did you pass the ball to him?".

Chapter 757

  Into the eye, is the unfamiliar ceiling.

  But a large number of memory fragments melted directly into the mind like ice cream.

  But Qinglong was still a little confused.

  "Am I still in the world of Demon High School?"

  I remembered.

  Kiyotaka recalled that he was rejected by the readers because Demon High School was too boring, so he chose to return to the daily life of the manga.


  [Long time no see my host. ]

  The sound of the familiar system appeared in my mind.

  "The memory in my mind is very strange now, do you know that?"

  Qinglong asked for 26 minutes.

  [It's a mixed world after all. ]

  [And also acquiesced to the host's protagonist identity, so the identity of the real male protagonist was replaced. ]

  [Then this mixed world just has the resources of the prime minister who is most wanted by the host. ]


  Qinglong was silent for a while.


  In the world of Chunwu, because he had emotional entanglements with too many girls, he thought of becoming the prime minister.

  As long as the civil law is corrected, can't other girls justifiably be with him?

  [Interpersonal relationships in this world can be exchanged for resources, and resources can be expressed as money, talents, and even the awe of others for you, etc. ]

  The system quickly explained.

  And Qinglong already understood.

  This means that as long as you keep communicating with people in this world, you can get resources from it.

  It's really...very utilitarian.

  But that's how the world is.


  This is a world where [Miss Kaguya wants me to confess].

  It is a mixed world among all kinds of young ladies and young masters dressed in love, intrigue, disputes of interests, etc., all of them.


  Qinglong quickly digested the memory fragments in his mind.

  "Don't you think you made a mistake?"

  "My current identity is Ishigami Yu."

  "It's not the hero Shirogane Yuxing!" Qinglong complained.


  [Because there is no silver royal line in this world. ]

  "..." Qinglong was speechless for a moment.


  In the work of Miss Hui Ye, there are actually two male protagonists, one is the male protagonist of the single female protagonist, Bai Yin Yuxing.

  A man who has no talent in all aspects, only works hard and keeps climbing.

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