Qinglong signed and paid the money very decisively.

  The keys to the houses on both sides were all handed over to him.


  Old face-off apartments and upscale comfortable real living places to meet in less than 5 minutes.

  This distance is just right.


  Although he is also going to live directly in the high-end apartment, he will bring ordinary classmates to visit [the dwelling] in the future, and he will not be able to live without any breath of life.

  And Kushida Kikyo's acting has always been to integrate the spirit into it to experience.

  Put yourself in your shoes, so that you can perform better.

  So I didn't hesitate to make some ordinary purchases for [Dwelling and Broken House].


  Buy the cheapest quilts and so on.

  ・・・ (cgae) ・・・


  "That's the last thing in today's purchase."

  He made the quilt, and that was all that was bought.

  Thinking like this, he directly took the soba he bought on the side, and stepped on the car to get up the stairs to the second floor.

  Although the dwelling here is used to gain sympathy, in order to create the atmosphere of living here, it is natural to have a good relationship with the neighbors.


  "Who is it please?"

  After Qinglong rang the doorbell, it took a while before the sound came from the doorbell.

  It is a slightly immature female voice.

  "It's the downstairs tenant who just moved in today, Shi Shangyou." Qinglong said.

  "Oh." The girl's voice seemed to have no emotion.

  "Is it a housewarming ceremony with food?" the other party asked.

  "..." Qinglong.

  "..." Why do you think that the other party seems to care about the housewarming present.

  "Soba noodles." Qinglong said.

  "Oh." The other party's interest seemed to be a little higher.

  Then with a click, the door was opened.

  But there was only a crack in the door, and then I heard the sound of the core of the door lock being ejected and then locked.

  After doing so, the other party opened the door.

  This is to open the door for others to enter the door, worrying that others will break the door and close the door, and then do whatever they want, so it means that the lock is deliberately popped out.


  Qinglong raised his eyes slightly and looked at the neighbor in front of him.

  This is a young girl with beautiful long silver hair and a butterfly lace headband.

  The girl is very beautiful.

  The skin is white and clear, like a doll.

  Probably because the living conditions are not very good, her complexion is a little morbid.

  But she is quite good looking.

  The facial features are delicate and beautiful.

  She was wearing a white dress, which made her look familiar.


  I remembered.

  Judging from the memory fragments obtained, this is the uniform of a junior high school girl at Zhixiu Academy.

  In other words.

  Is this girl a junior of Zhixiu Academy?

  No wonder!

  Qinglong looked at the girl with beautiful facial features in front of him with a bit of astonishment.


  This girl...isn't she, isn't she Shiro Yingui, the younger sister of the hero in the original novel!

  According to the system, there is no male protagonist in this world, but... isn't the male protagonist's sister there! .

Chapter 760

  Silver Gui.

  This is quite a pretty girl.

  It was as slender and white as a doll.

  However, the skin seems to be slightly morbidly fair due to malnutrition.

  Her eyes are so beautiful that you can't help staring at them.

  This is a tall girl.

  But now Qinglong is not staring at each other.


  He politely handed the housewarming gift soba to the other party.

  "I'm a new resident."

  "Qinglong... No, Ishigami Yu."


  "Ishigami... senior..."

  However, Bai Yingui seems to know something about the name.

  She stared at Qinglong's face with some astonishment.

  "Senior Shishang, why did you... move, move here?"

  "Probably the result of what I did when I was young," Qinglong said.

  He moved here to perform poor dramas to gain popularity.

  And as soon as Bai Yingui mentioned his name, he knew that Bai Yingui was also studying at Zhixiu Academy just like in the original book, but she was in the junior high school.

  It's just that since it's a person in the school, it is natural to follow the original setting.

  It can be passed on to other students in the school through her mouth.

  So now Qinglong immediately started acting.


  "Although I received special assistance from the current high school student council president and vice president, I finally managed to get into high school."

  "But my family swept me out of the house."

  Qinglong Road.



  Bai Yingui's expression instantly became tangled.

  She knew about the [Shi Shangyu] incident. The original version of this incident was that a senior who also belonged to the junior high school last year, because she was jealous of her classmates who took away the girl she liked, so she deliberately framed and fought in the school.

  As a result, he was sentenced to be suspended from school at home.

  Generally speaking, if he was punished like this, he would not be able to enter high school, but the student council president of the high school gave him a green channel, so he was promoted to the high school.

  And was also chartered to join the Student Union.

  Overall, the reputation is not good.

  And Kyu is not the kind of person who likes to gossip about others.

  She looked at Qinglong's face, and then at the housewarming gift he was holding.

  This kind of person is not like the legendary beast-like uneducated person who beats people out of jealousy.



  "I don't know what happened."

  "So I can't speak for you."

  "Just, is there any inside story about this matter?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Bai Yingui asked.

  It can be seen from this that this silver school girl is actually a kind-hearted person.

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