It's really unforgivable. Now, with more and more people watching, he has no choice but to take this game seriously.

  If they lose, it will ruin the reputation of the school basketball team. How will they recruit new people into the club in the future?

  "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. The school basketball team still passes this kind of own goal. That's all your strength?"

  "Fortunately, when I was choosing a club, I didn't join the school basketball team..."

  "The people of your team can't even beat elementary school students!"

  "Inoue-san, in view of the strength of your school basketball team, unfortunately, I have to tell you that in the future, I will stop sponsoring!"

  Thinking of such a terrifying scene in the future, Inoue's forehead was unknowingly bursting with sweat.

  But fortunately, the three-point shot just now was just a matter of luck, and it's okay to pass the ball to this little guy.

  Just don't let him pass the ball to others.

  "Little guy, the way you pitched the ball just now, can you throw it again and show it to big brother?"

  In order to prevent this little guy from passing the ball to others, Inoue said from the side.

  The purpose of his doing this is to let this little guy shoot three-pointers again, after all, it was just luck last time.

  This time, it's not necessarily the case. Let this look look like a child who is only five or six years old shoots three-pointers.

  It's no different than giving it for nothing. In this case, the own goal passed by Yoshimura just now is nothing.

  "OK then!"

  After receiving the ball, Qinglong did not intend to pass it to others, but continued to pass three-pointers.

  Although there are some doubts about why the person on the opposite side will pass the ball to him, but this also saves trouble.

  No, he's on the court, and he's hitting the ball because of the ball, although it's normal to have a little bit of action on the court.

  However, if you accidentally shoot too hard and kill all these people, it will be bad.

  "Then I pitched?"

  After speaking to his teammates, Qinglong threw the ball in his hand directly into the basket.

  Because this time, because of his position, the shot this time was just a two-pointer, not a three-pointer.

  As for why he didn't take the ball and run to the three-point line, it was because he felt troublesome.

  There is no need, because of that point, deliberately dribbling the ball to the three-point line, I can play several games with this time.

  "Let's just say, the three-pointer just now was just luck, don't you think it was a two-pointer this time?"


  Hearing Yoshimura's words, Inoue was a little speechless. How did you pull this guy into the basketball team?

  It's all at this time, and I'm still thinking about the two-point, three-point thing, you didn't see the two-point shot this time.

  Has this little guy stayed there and never moved, which means it's very possible.

  The three-point shot just now was not luck, it was just a space-occupying issue, just now.

  Because looking at this little guy, he was relatively young, so he was arranged on the periphery, which played a certain confusing role.

  After all, it is impossible. It is unrealistic to let this little guy charge and grab the ball as soon as he comes up.

  In the process of passing the ball just now, this little guy's position also came to the side of the two-point line from the very beginning.

  "Good job, little guy!"

  Masigo, who acted as the referee, saw this little guy and made another two-pointer and started to draw.

  He wanted to be his master and teach Qinglong how to become an excellent basketball player, but he refused.

  Joke, his dream is to become a transcendence, no matter how bad it is, he will become a demon king.

  How is it possible to run to become a basketball player, and this basketball, it seems that anyone who knows some magic can throw it.

  It should be nothing new. After hearing that this little guy refused, Zhengwu was not discouraged.

  Decided to follow him secretly after school, go to his house and tell his parents that this child is very talented.

  It's really a pity not to play.

  However, the most important thing right now is to cultivate this little guy's interest in basketball.

  After instructing Tetsuya and these players, next, assist this little guy and keep passing the ball to him.

  He went to the side and continued to act as the referee.

  "Little guy, catch the ball!"

  With the start of the next game.

  Qinglong began to get a little busy, standing outside the three-point line, and began to keep receiving balls from all directions.

  All the basketballs that passed through his hands, without exception, all hit the basket, which made Zhenggo, who was acting as the referee, a little dumbfounded.

  In my heart, I was even more convinced that I would take this little guy as a disciple and teach him to play.

  "Listen, next, don't go anywhere, just surround me with that little guy, the kind that can't get through!"

  "Look at how they pass the ball. With your height, it should be easy to stop."

  Looking at the score, they were already pulled to one hundred and four, and Inoue, the vice-captain, began to change his strategy.

  As for winning, he no longer dared to expect extravagantly, and only hoped that he would not lose so badly next.

  After all, there are a lot of people around here.

  Even the goddess Rias in the school, Akeno Himejima and the others were watching the match.

  "Jun Qinglong, you must be thirsty, this is water, you drink it first, and I'll wipe your sweat!"

  When Leville came out of the student council, she noticed Qinglong-kun, who was playing on the playground, and soon came to the playground.

  I also witnessed the whole process of the whole game, I couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that Qinglong-kun also likes to play.

  This, even the childhood sweetheart Revel, did not know.

  "By the way, help me get my schoolbag!"

  After seeing Lavelle's arrival, Qinglong gave her the schoolbag, but it was stolen by others.

  After all, even in Kuwang Academy, there are always some petty thieves to steal schoolbags.

  When he was just playing, his attention was always on the top of his schoolbag.

  "Hey, why is this egg broken?"


  Picking up the bag.

  Unzipping the top zipper, ready to look at the egg inside, and then hand it to Ravel.

  Then, Qinglong discovered that the surface of the egg inside was unknown.

  A crack has appeared on the surface of the eggshell, which makes him a little puzzled. Could it be that Samuel is coming out?

  Thinking of this, Qinglong was too lazy to play ball, he zipped up the zipper again, picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go back.

  "Brother Qinglong, are you not going to continue playing?"

  Seeing that Qinglong was carrying his schoolbag and wanted to leave, Ravel was ready to reach out and take the schoolbag to hold it for him.

  At the same time, he asked with some doubts.

  After all, just now.

  It can be seen from the scene of Qinglongjun killing the Quartet that he must have a great love for playing.

  Why don't you continue to play now?

  "Suddenly there is something wrong, so I won't call, but what about you? Are you going to go back with my sister next?"

  "I won't go back, and, don't forget, I'm also a student of Kuwang Academy!"

  Saying that, Leville pointed to the school uniform on her body, feeling a little helpless in her heart. Does she have no sense of existence?

  Such an important matter, Qinglong-Jun can forget, and he just learned from Cang Na that he was in the student council.

  He had come to the school several days ago, and he didn't even come to her for so long.

  This made Leville a little disappointed, but fortunately, she went to the teacher just now and applied for a class change.

  In this way, I can stay in the same classroom with Qinglong, and we can go to school, leave school, and eat together every day.

  While talking to Ravel, Rias, Akeno, Kitten and the others also rushed over from not far away.

  When they were just playing basketball, they were also watching not far away.

  "Brother Qinglong, your fiancee is coming, should I avoid it?"

  When talking with Cana, Ravel also knew, and now Rias doesn't seem to have discovered her fiancé.

  And her brother Qinglong didn't seem to want to directly confess his identity to Rias.

  For her, this is no different than a good opportunity.

  "That's not necessary, by the way, Ravel, don't tell Rias that I am his fiancé!"

  Seeing Rias getting closer and closer, Qinglong suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have told Ravel about his identity.

  So, he hurriedly reminded him, hoping that Ravel would help him hide this matter.

  After all, right now, he is still not sure whether Rias rejects the marriage contract arranged by the family.

  If he rashly confessed to her, maybe, what happened to the turkey man would be repeated on him.

  So, it's better to keep a low profile, and don't tell Rias about this unless it's a last resort.

  "Ravel, what are you looking for Qinglong-kun for?"

  "As far as I know, in school, you should have nothing to do with each other, or who is..."

  "Who sent you to contact Qinglong-Jun?"

  Bringing Kitten, Akeno and the others to Qinglong's side, Rias's eyes revealed an unkindness.

  In the morning, she heard that Zhu Nai's guess, Qinglongjun's current appearance.

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