Only then did Ichinose and Kanzaki realize that they had been discovered by Kiyotaka.

  After both Banliu faction and Katsuragi faction wrote him 20 IOUs totaling 40 yuan, Kiyotaka casually told him that Longyuan was still on the island, and then fooled them. Next, they would guess Class C. I don't know if the leader of the team is Longyuan.

  "But what are you doing here?" Qinglong said, "and you are hiding."

  "Actually, the students in Class C abstained, so let's check the situation." Ichinose said, "I wonder if the students in Class C, except Ibuki and Kaneda, abstained."

  "That is to say, you have considered that Class C's abstention may be deceitful." Qinglong said, "Why do you think so?"

  "Ah...this..." But Ichinose looked embarrassed, "Because Class C's abstention was to spend all the original 300 points, it became 0, so I abstained, but after this 0 point, They have another part of the exam at the end of the seventh day, so it's okay if anyone hides somewhere to get points."

  In other words, because his class D's 0 points are still here, did the students in class B become vigilant?

  So you are not completely stupid.

  "Well...that's it." But Qinglong had no interest in guessing the team leader, because he had the most advantage in the stronghold in his class, and there was no need to take risks, so he said, "I probed a hidden stronghold in the morning. , I want to sell the news of this stronghold to you, don't look down on this stronghold, this stronghold is the stronghold of the workers of this artificial island, I guess you will get some bonus points for occupying this stronghold."

  So isn't that what they think?

  Ayanokouji-kun is really different.

  Kanzaki and Ichinose thought about it at the same time, and then they looked at each other, "So how many points are you going to sell this time?"

  "I don't know how many points will be added to the exam, but. I don't want much, 10 will do."

  "One hundred thousand?"

  Ichinose and Kanzaki-san reconfirmed, because the price of [-] is really too light.

  It is clear that Ayanokouji-kun looks so different, but does he sell the news so easily?

  Considering that Class A and Class C were already united, Kanzaki and Ichinose had a little discussion, and immediately chose to accept Kiyotaka's deal, as a bridge to build harmony with Class D.They don't feel expensive either.

  After the verbal agreement, Qinglong immediately showed them the way, but because it was a little late, he left after only two words.

  But Ichinose and Kanzaki Ryuji came to base 41.

  They saw a cabin under the valley.

  "It's really 10." Kanzaki-san didn't go down, and Ichinose didn't either, because there was a rope hanging here originally, but the rope was gone, and now there's only a soft stick like an airplane. How could it be possible to let the students walk with peace of mind, and then go down to occupy the stronghold.

  If something goes wrong, it's over.

  "Anyway, since this stronghold exists, it is very dangerous. In order not to let other people go down, we still dispose of the stairs." Kanzaki-san said, and saw off the rope of the stairs with a knife.

  He is a gentle boy.

  on the beach.


  "Hey, Hoshinomiya." Class A teacher Majima, who was observing the movements of the students on the beach, noticed that the computer of Class B teacher was fluctuating, and two students walked towards base 41.

  On the other hand, the Palace of Stars went to entangle the tea pillars and was not working at all.

  "Is that so." Hoshinomiya teacher looked proud, "After all, they are students in my class, I think they are great."

  "But they seem to have gone away. And then they don't come back." And the board of Class C said digitally.

  So it is obvious that this is the stronghold, why no one is going to occupy it, you must know that there is a 50-point reward point for nothing!It is equivalent to occupying a stronghold 50 times!

  ? ? ? ?

  Several teachers looked bewildered, but in the end, early the next morning, they decided to organize a group to check there to see if there was any problem there.

  But when I saw the stairs going down from the central tower, I couldn't help but let out a speechless sound.

  Because there is only a ladder that is not very easy to go down from here, but now that ladder has been cut off with a knife.Can't go down.

  "This is definitely not a student in my class." Hoshinomiya, the teacher of class B, quickly dumped the blame.

  Because it is impossible to use this stronghold without occupying it, and if it is destroyed, points will be deducted.

  "Naturally they are not students in my class." Teacher Chabashira said, "They left after they came here."

  "So it must have been someone who came to sabotage last night. Maybe it was a class A student."

  "My classmates in Class C have all abstained, so it must not be them." The digital teacher on board also said. "No matter how you think about it, there are only students from Class A."

  "..." Believe your ass.

  Mashima-sensei sighed.These guys are covering up their own class, and now they want to blame his class A.So the equipment here needs to be repaired.


  And in the afternoon, the digital teacher on board in class C suddenly found that someone from the No. 41 stronghold that was repaired by Mashima-sensei passed by.

  And now the only people left on the island are Ryuen, Ibuki, and Kaneda, but both Ibuki and Kaneda's GPS are at the base of Class B, so now only Ryuen is free.

  As expected of the Dragon Garden.

  This will give you 50 points for free.

  "So, the leader of Class C who stayed on the island must be Long Yuanxiang. Long Yuan is obviously cooperating with us, but he still hides it."

  The Banliu faction and the Katsuragi faction also informed the news that Katsuragi Longyuan was still on the island.

  "Longyuan... Actually, I didn't believe him either." Katsuragi said.He is equipped with a radio walkie-talkie, and he also gave one to the two spies, Ibuki and Kaneda, so that they can report to him when they find the leader of Class B or Class D or have evidence, but Ryuuen should not stay in the small on the island.

  So this is a consolation, it can make Class A Bai earn 50 points for guessing his class leader.

  On the other side, Longyuan also received news, "Your Class A is really trash."

  Because a Banliu faction student in class A revealed to him the information of the leader of class A, in order to prevent Katsuragi's faction from rising.

  Therefore, Class C can earn 50 points from the leader's guess for free from Class A.

  I feel really good about taking a test and making money.

  Qinglong slept well tonight. .

Chapter 63

  It rained lightly in the middle of the night last night, but it stopped in the morning, but in the afternoon, it started to rain again.

  Hirata instructed the students to cover the collected dry wood with plastic film, while the girls were responsible for collecting the clothes.And the food was prepared yesterday, so don't worry even if it rains heavily today.Overall camping life is not too boring.

  And today is Qinglong on duty.

  The so-called on duty only needs to be on duty for 3 hours, burning wood and firewood, etc. According to the classmates with camping experience, this can keep warm and drive away some insects and snakes.

  He was on duty with Haruki Yamauchi, but Yamauchi sat across from him, reading manga while sitting.

  Qinglong was not interested in him, so he used a branch to poke the charcoal fire, and then began to ask about the situation of the people around him.

  "You seem to look much better."

  "Yeah. My head has also gotten a lot lighter." Horikita Suzune nodded. "Definitely don't want to experience it a second time."

  She means scraping.

  It can obviously resist many kinds of pain, but I don't know why, I can't stand it when I get scratched.

  "Isn't that cute?"

  "Why cover it up?"

  However, there was a commotion in the girls' shower room.

  Then Qinglong saw someone running in a hurry.

  "So, don't run!"

  The hot girl Karuizawa in the class seemed to be chasing someone, but Kiyotaka quickly stood up after finding out.

  "Karu, Karuizawa-san—"

  It was Airi who was chasing her.

  "It's so cute." Karuizawa still holds Airi's glasses. Airi's glasses are flat mirrors, so it doesn't matter if they take them off, but she is troubled, like a little mother being stared at. Like chicken.

  He ran directly towards Qinglong.

  "So what happened?"

  Horikita-san is not the kind of person who likes to meddle in her own business, but Sakura is her tablemate after all, and no matter how you look at it, Karuizawa is bullying others, so Horikita stood up.

  "I just think Sakura-san is very cute, so I just need to show it." Karuizawa said innocently. "You're right, isn't this beautiful without glasses~ˇ?"

  Surrounded by sounds of surprise.

  Because the current Sakura-san is really cute.

  She was freed from her long pink hair tied into a rustic twin ponytail.As a result, smooth and shiny pink hair fell down like a waterfall.And the facial features are extremely beautiful.



  Those still at the camp couldn't help but take a breath.

  Both boys and girls.


  "It's a lie, is this Sakura?"

  "Simply, even more beautiful than Karuizawa."

  "It looks a little familiar. It looks like it's really Sakura."

  Feeling the scorching eyes of the people around her, Airi resisted the urge to cry.And the girls around her also looked at her differently.

  Because the original class has always been the most ordinary, unremarkable and rustic girl.

  Suddenly turned into a white swan.

  Even if it is because she is a treasure girl herself, not because of makeup.

  But that makes it even more difficult to accept!

  After all, you are so beautiful and you have to hide yourself, so what about them who are not good-looking in the first place?

  Qinglong knew that Airi was cute, so he regarded her as a spare tire, and Airi also liked to hide, Qinglong didn't think there was any problem with it.After all, he also has the mentality of monopolizing his own good things.

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