Fujiwara Moeha is a smart one.

  She felt that since the elder sister and the others rescued this senior Shishang, they also dragged him into the student council.

  So it stands to reason that it is a protection for the other party.

  At the same time, it can also be regarded as a recognition of the character of the other party.

  So, if we go further, it's okay to make a disguised relationship, right?


  "do not want!"

  Chika Fujiwara said.

  "I don't want to associate with Ishigami."

  "First of all, what I like is Nian Shang."

  "Besides, I like people who work hard."


  "The image of 26 on Ishigami is too bad."

  "Half of the face was covered by black hair."

  "Looks gloomy."

  "Even if you say it's a fake relationship, you can break up after a certain amount of time."


  Fujiwara Chika refused mercilessly. "It's just that people will still say, ah, Qianhua, have you ever dated Ishigami?"

  "It's funny."

  "After being told that."

  Chihua Fujiwara clearly said cute words, but her tone was extremely disgusting, "My image will also be shattered."

  "..." Fujiwara Moeba.

  Meng Ye is still holding the phone.

  After a while, she realized that she couldn't deny her sister.

  Because the current image of Ishigami-senpai in school... is really a gloomy type.

  Not much to talk to others.

  Wearing a pair of Audio-Technica headphones all day.

  He looks like the kind of silent otaku.

  Indeed it will not be welcomed.

  So I can understand why my sister is so resistant.


  There was no breakthrough from her sister's side, so Moe Ye had to reply to Bai Yingui.

  "Is it--"

  Bai Yingui was a little lost, but she didn't say that she would let Moe Ye help everything.

  "Then I'm thinking of a way myself." Bai Yingui said.

  She has a natural sense of justice, so when Senior Ishigami told her that she didn't need to care, she felt that she wanted to do something for the other party.

  "Don't think of a way by yourself, this matter is actually quite big, Xiao Ke, you are too simple, you will not be able to handle it." Fujiwara Moeba said. "Otherwise, I'll go to your place!"

  "Now?" Bai Yingui asked.

  "Is it inconvenient?"

  "No." Meng Ye said. "But I don't have anything to entertain at home..."

  "It's not important~"

  "What relationship do we have, we don't need such exaggerated things!"

  Moe Fujiwara said, and ended the call happily.

  She knew that Kyu-chan's family was very poor.

  But she admired Gui Jiang's poverty, arrogance and innocence.

  She is poor, but she does not hide.

  Just like the white peonies blooming in the black mud.

  This makes Moe Ye feel very beautiful.

  Moe Ye knows that she is a little perverted, but Kyu-chan is so cute.

  So, about the matter of Senior Ishigami... I really can't just let Kyu-chan do it by himself.

  She didn't want Kyu-chan to be attracted to Senior Shishang.


  Gui Jiang is a good boy, it is best not to be involved in a big dye vat like love.

  She has long known about the kind of shit that Otomo Kyoko has done, or in other words, there are piles of messy things in the circle.

  And now.

  Moe Ye thought about it.

  "Sister, I'm going out, and I'll be back before dinner." Mengye said.

  "where are you going?"

  "Go to see Senior Shishang." Mengye said. "Sister, don't you dislike the gloomy image of Senior Shishang? But my intuition tells me that a boy with this hairstyle may be handsome."

  "I'll wipe—" Qianhua hurriedly turned her body around and put her hands on the sofa.He said nervously, "Don't do this, my love philosophy tells me that if a girl is interested in a boy, it won't be long before she falls in love with him."

  "Hehe-" Meng Ye sneered.

  no need to worry.

  Moe Ye is not interested in ordinary boys. .

Chapter 768

  Because he wanted to [protect] Kei-chan, Moe Fujiwara went out in a taxi.

  "..." Qianhua was standing at the door watching her sister-chan's actions.

  To be honest, she doesn't like trouble very much.

  But now... my sister-chan is also very dangerous.

  Because after receiving the news about Shi Shang, a junior in the junior high school, she also got the information of Shi Shang You.

  At that time, the face on Yu Shigami's profile was not as gloomy as it is now.

  There is also no such dark bangs to stop.

  In other words.

  Ishigami Yu is actually pretty good looking.

  So...isn't it troublesome for my sister-in-law?

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Qianhua groaned. "My vacation!"

  As the student council president, she has to deal with a lot of troublesome documents every day, and she doesn't want to do it... But in front of Kaguya-san, she is too embarrassed to do it.

  So it was very tiring.

  As a result, I finally took a break and began to deal with it again.


  "Meng Ye, wait for me!"

  Qianhua said immediately. "I also need to go!"

  She stopped the taxi and had to go with her sister.


  the other side.

  In a dilapidated apartment.


  When Qinglong just finished purchasing, the system prompt sound came in his mind.

  "Congratulations to the host for gaining the friendship of Chika Fujiwara and Moe Fujiwara."

  "Convertible to cash for 300 million."

  "Convert now!"


  "Conversion complete!"

  In the system prompt, three stacks of money appeared in front of Qinglong.

  Each one is a million dollar bill.

  "..."? ? ?


  Qinglong was stunned for a moment.

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