Bai Yunchi dared to say.

It was the worst shot he’d seen in two lifetimes.

However, the party was still standing in place, looking dazed.

“Strange, obviously doing this… Why can’t I cast it? ”

Mai Sakurajima went to retrieve the ball and tried to shoot again.


Empty, not hit.

Mai Sakurajima’s brain buzzed.

She glanced back and saw Bai Yunchi looking at her expressionlessly.

Mai Sakurajima was weak-hearted.

Slightly ashamed, he tugged at the hem of his skirt and said embarrassedly, “That… Can Yun Chijun teach me? ”

Bai Yunchi: “…”

How to teach this unathletic appearance?

It wasn’t Bai Yunchi with colored glasses, but Mai Sakurajima’s action just now had startled him.

So stiff…

Bai Yunchi sighed, “Teaching… It’s not taught. ”

“It’s not hard to shoot.”

“Shh Mai Sakurajima nodded half-knowingly, “I also feel that shooting is not difficult.” ”

“It looks simple.”

But she didn’t expect it, her eyes would see.

Hands don’t …

Bai Yunchi picked up the basketball again.

Mai Sakurajima looked at Bai Yunchi with an expectant look as she walked towards her.

When he walked in front of him, Bai Yunchi directly stuffed the basketball directly into Mai Sakurajima’s arms and said in a shallow voice, “Hold.” ”

Mai Sakurajima obediently did so.

While waiting expectantly for Bai Yunchi’s description of shooting skills, suddenly, Bai Yunchi squatted down.

Hold her calves with both hands and get up easily.

Directly took Mai Sakurajima to her right shoulder and sat down.

Mai Sakurajima watched herself leave the ground instantly, her heart jumped in fright, and she subconsciously hugged Bai Yunchi’s neck with one hand,

With a slight panic, he said, “Yun… Yun Chijun, what are you going to do? ”

Bai Yunchi did not answer directly, but walked under the basketball frame.

Calm your mouth.

“Don’t you want to shoot?”

“Cast it.”


Mai Sakurajima looked at the basketball frame in front of her, and the whole person was confused and ashamed.

What’s the situation?

Is there such a lazy person?

This is blatant cheating, right?!

Though…… She’s not competing either…

Mai Sakurajima was carried on Bai Yunchi’s shoulders, and her face was warm…

From the beginning when she saw Bai Yunchi, she intuitively felt that Bai Yunchi was more handsome than everyone she had seen.

Now, Bai Yunchi refreshed her impression again.

Not only handsome, but also particularly strong and powerful.

Gee~ Kasumigaoka-san is really good vision and luck~

Bai Yunchi saw that Mai Sakurajima had not moved, raised his head, and looked.

I saw Mai Sakurajima who was in a daze at her.

Bai Yunchi tilted his head in bewilderment.

“What’s the daze? Don’t shoot? ”

Mai Sakurajima was awakened, and after coming to her senses, she quickly nodded.


After saying that, he tried to loosen Bai Yunchi’s neck, held the basketball in both hands, and probed towards the basketball frame in front of him.

Because Bai Yunchi lifted her, the basketball under her now looks not far away.

Then, Mai Sakurajima threw the basketball out with a slight force.


Basketball went smoothly.


Mai Sakurajima smiled, and did not forget to look at Bai Yunchi with a happy face, “Thank you Yunchi-kun~”

“You’re welcome.”

Bai Yunchi half-squatted down, pinched Mai Sakurajima’s slender little man’s waist with both hands, and put the other party down.

Then he patted Mai Sakurajima’s head and said, “I have to go back.” ”

“You go to the entrance of the cafeteria and wait first, I’ll come after class.”

Mai Sakurajima: “??? ”

Where to go back?

Can’t we go to the cafeteria together now?

Mai Sakurajima was full of doubts, and was about to ask, but saw that Bai Yunchi had already turned and left.

There was no way, Mai Sakurajima had to walk in the direction of the other side, the entrance of the cafeteria.


When Bai Yunchi returned, Kasumi Hills sensed it for the first time.

After only a few small conversations with Bai Yunchi, the bell rang after class.

After waiting for the teacher to leave, Lily Chuanhua rushed over as soon as possible,

Full of joy, he said, “Yun… Shiwa-san, let’s go to dinner together~~~”


Miko Yotsuya also came to converge.

Just as he was about to go out, Fujiwara Chika quickly got up and hurriedly spoke, “Please wait a minute.” ”

The three stopped and looked over, and Fujiwara Chika hurriedly pulled Shinomiya Kaguya to follow, smiling very cute and innocent.

Chika Fujiwara said with a little distress, “Our family didn’t prepare us lunch today.” ”

“Can we follow us to the cafeteria?”

“We don’t know the way~”

Shinomiya Kaguya is still the first time to do such a thing, and he can’t help but be a little nervous,

She nodded stiffly, not daring to speak.

Several people looked at each other, and they were a little undecided for a while.

Behind him, Xia Zhiqiu asked Bai Yunchi, and said with some hesitation, “Do you want them to keep up?” ”

“It doesn’t look like the family doesn’t prepare lunch, so I kept up.”

“Wouldn’t it be… Want to get close to us again, right? ”

Bai Yunchi didn’t care, “Let her follow, anyway, even if they know my existence, it’s nothing.” ”

After getting Bai Yunchi’s reply, Xia Zhiqiu nodded.

“Okay, let’s go along the way.”

Kasumi Hills was also unimpressed by their approach, and after that video in the morning, she could be sure that humans could not beat Yunchijun.

Moreover, Yun Chijun’s attacks are diverse, and his skills are also diverse.

Who can see him clearly?

Fujiwara Chika and Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief after receiving permission.

Finally managed to approach!

The fruit in the morning is not given in vain,

No loss!


Because the destination was the same, a group of people walked out of the school building together and went to the cafeteria.

Just as I was about to reach the cafeteria, I suddenly encountered two familiar faces.

Takina and Senshu came forward hand in hand.

Seeing Kasumi Zhiqiu and the others, Qianshu waved his hand excitedly.

“Hi~Three classmates, meet again~”

Kasumigaoka and Yotsuya Miko nodded calmly, and Yurikawa waved happily, “What a coincidence~Meet again~”


Chishu pulled Takina a few quick steps, and when the two teams reunited, Chishu looked at the two newcomers with some surprise.

Suddenly curious.

“These two are…”

“New students~”

Yurikawa Kawa helped introduce with some familiarity, “The black hair is Shinnomiya-san, and the pink hair is Fujiwara-san~”


Qianshu was directly shocked.

“These two surnames … It’s amazing. ”

Both surnames are particularly famous celebrities, but Chishu is so ridiculous.

She didn’t think about these two people in any direction she had in mind at the beginning.

Because, although the Sigong family is known to have a thousand gold, no one has ever sent her photos, and the information is completely confidential.

Fujiwara Chika is basically the same.

Moreover, although the Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family have both been celebrities.

But there are also many more ordinary people who also have this surname.

Therefore, Senshu does not care too much.

She was more concerned about one thing.

Qianshu stepped forward, approached a few people, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and opened the screen album page to show them.

He also asked curiously, “Have you ever seen this person?” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Several people gathered in a group and looked over.

When they saw the photo, everyone exploded!

Isn’t this Yun Chijun (mysterious boy)?!

Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other in pairs, and they looked shocked!

What’s going on?!

Why do people with Liklith have pictures of teenagers?!

Yotsuya Miko, and Kasumi no Oka are also numb.

This picture looks like it was taken secretly in the dark, and it was taken secretly while it was in action.

The person above is Yun Chijun, that’s right!

Yurikawa took a look and found that it was really someone he knew, and just when he wanted to speak, he was pulled by Yotsuya Miko at the hem of her skirt.

He was also stopped by Yotsuya Miko’s eyes.

Only then did the simple Lily Chuanhua come back to his senses, and then closed his mouth…

Kasumi Hills shook his head calmly on the surface,

“I haven’t seen it.”

“But he is very handsome, he is my favorite dish, if you find it, can you help me introduce it?”

Bai Yunchi listened to Xia Zhiqiu’s words and laughed a few times.

“Do you still need an introduction?”

“Obviously you’ve been in your mouth.”

Rumble! of a sound.

Kasumi no Oka was suddenly interjected, or that kind of words…

His face turned red directly.

Shame and annoyance.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Yun Chijun! ”

“I just want her to let me know when she has a clue so that I can deal with it.”

Bai Yunchi disagreed.

“Then I didn’t talk nonsense~ Is it you who said that your mouth was sour before?”

Kasumigaoka: “!! ”

“Even if… Even if it is, it can’t be said nonsense! ”

Bai Yunchi felt that Xia Zhiqiu’s body was a little hot and a little moved.

He didn’t fall in love in high school, and after being weird, he didn’t have the idea of getting along with women.

True to the name, just opened meat.

As soon as the meat is opened, it is such a superb product as Kasumi Hill, how can it be easily endured?

Bai Yunchi said with a bit of temptation, “Shi Yu ~ Today is on the evening…”

“I still hurt.” Kasumi Hills quickly interrupted.

Although she also has a little idea.

But it really needs a break.

Bai Yunchi is not so frustrated, and he is still spoiled for his own woman.

Smiled when I heard this.

“I didn’t want you to work so hard… Eat it, okay? ”

Bai Yunchi’s low magnetic voice, coupled with such an obvious invitation, was simply astringent.

Kasumi Zhiqiu touched the root behind his hot ear unnaturally, and replied a little shyly, “Hmm.” ”

More words, she can’t say.

After all, it’s too shy.

Qianshu looked at Kasumi Hill, who had a red face, full of puzzlement.

“What’s wrong with you? So red in the face? ”

Kasumi Zhiqiu’s eyes flickered, and he casually said, “No, I just feel that he is very handsome.” ”

Kasumi Hills was unsurprisingly heard Bai Yunchi’s muffled laughter again.

Senshu always felt that something was wrong, but it was obvious that Kasumi Hills was not willing to tell the truth, and it was useless to pursue it.

Just ignore it.

She smiled, a little pity.

“Oops~ I thought you would know him.”

“I didn’t expect to know each other, then there is no way, let’s see it later.”

In fact, Senshu came specially to catch Kasumigaoka this time.

This photo was sent by a superior, and the other party did not say why they were looking for this person, but told them to find it and not alarm others.

Moreover, the superior also sent a relevant information package about this person.

The information inside shows that Kasumigaoka once got along with the person in the photo.

However, the current Kasumigaoka said that he did not know, which was obviously a lie.

However, a thousand bundles are no different.

Anyway, this task did not say enforcement, and Qianshu was not so attentive.

Since Kasumi Hills refused to tell the truth, then she didn’t care.

She patted her stomach, a little anxious, “Don’t care about him, let’s go to eat first~”

After that, he happily went to the cafeteria.

Seeing this, Yotsuya approached Chishu with some hesitation, and asked, “That… Why are you looking for this person? ”


Qianshu did not have the slightest pleasure of being inquired, but spread his hands together.

“Actually, I don’t know wow~ The people above didn’t tell me, just let me find someone~”

Miko Yotsutani: “Oh…”

After arriving at the entrance of the cafeteria, Kasumigaoka saw Mai Sakurajima, who was waiting for her.

She simply stepped forward and said hello, “Let’s go together?” ”

“I’ll help you cook.”


Mai Sakurajima was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

“Yun Chijun, he didn’t come?”

For a moment, Kasumi Hills didn’t know how to answer.

But fortunately, Mai Sakurajima did not get entangled for a long time.

Obediently followed.

It also avoids the possibility that Kasumigaoka consumes brain cells. (Oh’s)

After entering the cafeteria, Kasumigaoka gave Mai Sakurajima a meal as Bai Yunchi said, and also gave himself a meal.

Kasumigaoka even thoughtfully found a position in the corner of the wall and sat outside, leaving a vacant seat for Mai Sakurajima.

So that when others come over, because they can’t see Mai Sakurajima, they have to sit in Mai Sakurajima’s place.

Others are coming back one after another.

Several people sat together around a large table, directly wrapping the whole table.

When Kasumigaoka was preparing to eat.


A figure approached him.

Looking up, it was actually Yingli again…

Kasumigaoka: “??? ”

Eiri looked at Kasumigaokaoka’s puzzled expression, thinking of what she was going to do next, and felt that her face was a little hung up.


She really can’t wait!

This morning, she waited a long time at the entrance of the school building and had to leave until the bell rang.

And the whole process, from beginning to end, I didn’t see the mysterious boy!

I didn’t even see a figure!

If it goes on like this, Yingli feels that she will get lovesickness…

I can’t sleep well, and I can’t eat well.

Ying Li opened her mouth and blushed, wanting to speak but not knowing how to speak.

Seeing this, Kasumigaoka directly ignored it and began to eat.

Now Ying Li Li couldn’t bear it.

Quickly cuffed his hands and said awkwardly, “That… What was the name of the boy who was in the library with you last time? ”

As soon as these words came out, the spies buried in the situation couldn’t help but support their ears.


Actually straight to the point? Forever!

Kasumigaoka: “…”

Kasumigaoka endured it.

Didn’t speak.

Ying Li Li continued to ask, “Do you have his contact information?” ”

Everyone: “?!!! ”

Is it so simple and crude?!

Kasumigaoka: “…”.

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