Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 5 Chapter 105: You are so honest!

Dreyus rushed towards the kobold standing behind Raven and Wei at the fastest speed to avoid it from continuing to attack the two women.

But the situation has not improved, and it is still developing in the bad direction.

That's right, Deleus restrained the kobold Neathers, but the big crocodile Thornton appeared at this time, and the two women were still sinking in the quicksand, and there was no way to fight.

At this time, Wei stretched out his hand and grabbed Riven by his side. Regardless of the speed of the sinking, he pulled Riven out of the quicksand and drove Riven out of the range of quicksand.

"Sister Wei! Wait a minute, I'll ask you to save you immediately!" Riven hurriedly climbed up from the ground and shouted at Wei.

"Don't worry about me, go and deal with that crocodile!" Wei shook his head and shouted at Thornton.

"But..." Seeing Wei were almost buried in his heart, Rui Wen thought it was important to save people first, but she hadn't finished her words.

"There is nothing good, if you come to rescue me, you will be attacked by the crocodile, and then we will both be finished!" Interrupted what Riven was about to say, Wei explained at the fastest speed.

"Sister Wei, wait for me, I will solve the crocodile soon!" Wen Yan and Rui Wen also made sense that if Wei went to the rescue now, they might be attacked by a sneak attack.

After finishing, Raven picked up the big sword on the ground and rushed towards the big crocodile Thornton, and soon one person and one crocodile fought together.

At this time, Dreius had already defeated Nethers, and seeing that Raven restrained Thornton, he was finally relieved, and he didn't have to worry about their safety.

But both Raven and Dreius seemed to have forgotten the existence of snipers.


"Ah!" Kill God No. 1 armor-piercing projectile, directly hit Wei's shoulder, the pain made her cry out.

"Asshole!!" Dreius shouted angrily as he looked around.

The furious Draeus used all his axe to hit Nepheus, and then shot the axe towards Wei. After the axe caught her, he completely ignored the attack of Nepheus and tried hard She pulled out bit by bit from the quicksand.

"I'm fine! I don't need you to save!" Wei yelled at him while seeing Delius carrying the attack.

"Mengmeng, you take Sister Wei to retreat, and I'll take charge of the rear of the palace!" After violently throwing Wei out of the quicksand, Dreius turned back towards Nethers and screamed at Raven.

"Good!" Wen Yan, Raven attacked Thornton with all his strength, and after repelling Thornton with a single blow, he ran towards Wei with the fastest speed.

"Don't worry about me, you withdraw first!" Dreius retreated to the two, armed with a double-edged axe to warn Thornton and Nethers, and resisted the bullets for the two.

Glancing at Draeus who was standing in front of him, Raven did not continue the nonsense, and picked up the shot Wei and withdrew into the woods.

Seeing the two of them evacuate into the woods, Thornton and Nethers rushed up quickly, trying to destroy Dreius in one fell swoop, and then went after the two who had escaped. It’s a pity that Thornton and Nethers had good ideas, but they underestimated the strength of Dreius.

Now no one needs protection anymore, and Dreius doesn't have to fear his head, regardless of the size of his injuries, and attacks the two people who have faced him.

The first blow flew Nethers, and then Deleus stormed Thornton, smashing Thornton's weapon two or three times, and even slashing an axe on Thornton's body.

He was about to kill Thornton, but Nethes, who was blown away, came back and blocked the fatal blow of Dreius, causing Thornton to pass through.

However, Dreius's axe cut off both Nethers and Thornton.

Although, Nethers helped Thornton with a fatal blow, but he was not very good. The golden staff was smashed by this axe, and his hands were hurt by this blow.

I really wanted to kill Nethers and Thornton, but Delaeus did not pursue it, because the firepower of the sniper was too dense, and there was no way to rush towards the two.

"Ah!!!" Dreius clenched the double-edged axe and lifted the double-edged axe high, followed by a full blow to the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

With a full blow by Delaus, the ground shook and followed a strong explosion, as if bombed by a missile.

The dust was flying, and Draius was wrapped in it. The thick dust blocked the sight of the snipers, and he could only shoot continuously.

It didn't take long for the flying dust to gradually dissipate, but there was nowhere to find Dreyus.

In the command room of the demon wings, when he learned that the three men of the company had fled, Moganna directly scolded his mother.

"Thornton! What's the matter with you, three tricks!" After the communication was connected, Morgana shouted at Thornton.

"Yeah, lost." Thornton didn't realize it at all when he heard Morgana's words, and answered honestly.

"You're being honest!" Muganna gritted her teeth and said nothing to her.

"I'm sorry Queen, the problem is not between Thornton and Nethers, but the weapon gap is too large." After careful analysis, the demon in the command room explained.

"Forget it, Thornton and Nethers come back, and then send two teams to search the mountain." After hearing the report, Morgana did not intend to pursue it, and thought about it, said: "Now start the battle plan of the heroes!"

"Locate the position of the hero!"

"Open a tactical sniper wormhole!"

"Target, Ducao!"

Another battle plan was opened, the demons in the command room were busy, and the team members who carried out the assault of the heroes began to prepare.


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