Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 5 Chapter 122: Reunion

After arriving in another abandoned city, all the women who met with Noel did not go to rest, and kept asking him where he had been in the past two months, and why it took so long to return.

With Noel slowly answering the girls, the time passed unconsciously.

When the sun rises, the women who get the answers will go to rest, and Noll will be liberated.

It was not until noon that Noel and his team, who had been tired all night, woke up from their sleep.

After a simple wash, Noel exchanged some food from the system, enjoyed a delicious lunch with the girls, and talked about what to do next.

"Noel, we have heard radio broadcasts by the company of soldiers in the past few days, allowing members and soldiers of scattered companies to go to the capital North Star for the capital defense battle, but whether this news is true we cannot be sure." While enjoying the front Reina said to Noel on the side.

"Well." Catalina nodded and turned to Noel. "We discussed this issue last night. At that time, we unanimously decided that after you came back, it was up to you to decide whether or not to go. "

"First of all, Morgana is determined to be gathering troops, and is preparing to attack the capital North Star. This is the information Kyle read from the demon, so the news broadcast is true."

"Secondly, I had let Kyle convene a large army last night. It is estimated that he is now on his way to the earth, which means that we will join the war."

"Our target is the demon army of Moganna and the Void Warriors brought to Earth by Karthas."

"As for the people of the earth's military, there are members of the remaining military company. As long as they don't block our way, we don't need to ignore them."

"However, if they want to block our way and interfere with our actions, then they will also be one of the goals of elimination."

After thinking a little bit, Noel shared his thoughts with the women, and also expressed his attitude.

People who said they would no longer help the military would also not help the remaining soldiers, and they might even treat them as enemies.

"I have no opinion. And..." As Ducao's daughter, Katerina made the first statement and said: "According to my knowledge of Ducao, from the moment we left the company, He must have issued orders to the male company to treat us as enemies, so we don’t need to be polite to them."

"I don't care, as long as they don't come to us for trouble, otherwise I will pick up as many as I come. I don't care who they are or what their identity is." Jin Kesi shrugged.

"Noel, you are recruiting our boss, otherwise we will not join any company, so we have no friendship with them at all." Evelyn smiled slightly and looked at Noel on the opposite side.

"Ibid." Sarah said simply.

"I will do whatever the master says." Elise raised her hand and said to Noel.

"Brother, Annie all listens to you." Anne sitting in Noel's arms raised her head and smiled at Noel.

"Hey!" Rena, who had seen both Noel and the girls and had not made a statement, said after a sigh: "If they act on us, I will fight back mercilessly, this Is the only thing I can guarantee."

The only one who didn't make a statement, and now only Kyle was left, but it made no difference whether she made a statement.

"After lunch, we will rest for a while, and then we will find a senior demon, hoping to get it to get the time of Moganna's attack." Seeing all the women expressed their position, Noel thought and said.

"Well, listen to you." Wen Yan said, the girls nodded in unison, and said in unison.

After deciding on the next plan, Noel and the women chatted about other topics, and continued to eat and chat while talking and laughing.

at the same time.

In a city on the way to the capital North Star.

Galen followed a tank of the military and was carefully entering the city along the way.

When walking to the crossroads, Zhao Xinhe and Wuji appeared easily, and they also had military personnel around them.

Both sides saw each other, and after a lapse of more than two months, the three were so excited that they snotted and shed tears.

"Xiao Lun?" Zhao Xin, who first reacted, saw Galen walking in the distance incredulously, and walked forward as he cried.

" this really Galen?" Yi asked, constantly rubbing his eyes.

"Xin Ye, Yi, are you really?" Galen, who also looked back, dropped the tank behind him and ran towards the two of them first.

"Xiaolun is me, it's me, it's us." Wen Yan, Zhao Xin speeded up the pace and responded to Galen who came.

Soon, the two good friends hugged together, and in the end, even the uncle Yi stepped forward and hugged the two of them, suddenly passionate.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. This kind of passionate painting made a demon in the distance jealous, immediately raised its handgun, quickly aimed at the three people hugging together, and pulled the launcher. The gun's trigger.

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise.

The unprepared three were directly hit by the flying energy, and they were all blown out.

Although the three were directly hit by the energy gun, the three of them were thick and fleshy, so they didn't cause much damage, but they were just a little dizzy.


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