Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 39: Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way to vote.


The two men who stepped up first were proficient in the Six Forms, and they had special weapons and equipment transformed from dangerous species in their hands. The soldiers of the ghost country could not deal with them.

But now the two are indeed dead, that only shows that the country of ghosts must have invited foreign aid.

There are only two kinds of people who can be hired in this world: the rogue and the ninja.

The former is unlikely, and Noel prefers the latter.

After all, the rogues in this world will not be as strong as they are, and they will never be the opponents of the two who are well-equipped with the Sixth Form.

It can't be a rogue, it can only be a ninja from a village.

Thinking of this, Noel was too lazy to continue his own wild guesses and decided to resurrect the two first.

Open the legion's contract in hand and confirm the points to resurrect the two to the system.

The next second after confirmation, the two white lights in the legion's contract book rushed from a distance, and then emerged from the book to condense into a human form in front of him.

The process of resurrection is fast, and it is completed in less than a minute.

Seeing the end of the resurrection, Noel just wanted to ask the two of them what was going on, but Estes beside him took the lead.

"Tell me what is going on."

The dull eyes of the two, after hearing Esdes's words, regained their consciousness at this moment.

They glanced at each other, and then they looked at the two standing in front of them, and the doubt in their eyes suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Noel and Estes appear in front of them, they both knew they were resurrected.

At the same time, the memory before the death at this moment also recovered.

From the change in the look of the two, Estes knew that they were recovering their memory before death, which she had seen so many times.

When she was cutting down her sister's world, the legion contract was under her control for a period of time. When the beauty legion went out to fight with her, she could personally resurrect those who had died in battle. She knew very well what the state was after the resurrection.

Therefore, instead of urging the two who had just been resurrected, she waited for their memories to fully recover before they died.

It didn't take long for people to wait. One of them had fully recovered his memory before death and took the lead in reporting.

"Master Lord, Lord Estes, we were ambushed. There were four people who appeared in front of us. It is unknown whether there are still people hiding in the dark, but all four of them are wearing this sign."

The man who spoke first quickly drew a sign on the ground and pointed at the sign to report.

Looking in the direction pointed to, Noel recognized the sign on the ground at a glance, and was sure to look at the sign and wonder what to think about.

Glancing at it lightly, Estes ignored it if he didn't know it.

"I know your strength, but it is impossible to be killed in such a short time. Are the people who ambush you strong?"

"What is the strength of the other party, we do not know this."


"Master Estes, we were controlled as soon as we sent the person."

After I finished speaking, I felt that the explanation was not clear enough, and quickly added.

"One of the opponents used an ability, he connected his shadow with my shadow, and then I lost control of the body."

"I lost the consciousness in an instant after I brought the person over there. When I regained consciousness, I got here, and I should have also caught the other party's ability."

The other person's eyebrows were locked tightly, telling his own experience.

"Besides that, what other love..."

"No need to ask, I already know who the foreign aid is."

Estes was not finished yet, and Noel suddenly interrupted it, indicating that he knew the other party's details.

Seeing the mark drawn, he knew that the foreign aid requested by the country of ghosts came from Muye Village, and just heard the two men tell their own experiences, and directly determined who was sent by Muye Village.

The symbol is definitely Muye Village, and those who can use Shadow Ninjutsu in Muye Village are only the Nara family.

Another person's loss of consciousness in an instant should be the result of the family secret technique of a family in the mountains.

With these two points of information, it can basically be determined that the pig and deer dish team.

"Really, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to vote..."

After a short pause, Noor looked at the distance with a fierce glance, and continued with a sneer.

"I didn't have a chance when I was in Konoha. I didn't expect you to ran here to die, so it's no wonder I am."

"My dear, please tell me about the origin of the other party."

Hearing Noel's words, Estes was very curious about this and quickly asked him to explain.

"Okay, we said as we walked."

Noel nodded and hugged Estes' waist, and walked towards his destination.

On the way to go, he first explained to Estes the power system of the world, and then explained the origin of the enemies the two encountered.

Listen and listen, Estes's eyes become brighter and brighter, and he looks forward to the world even more.

"My dear, don't do it later, let me have fun."

"Yes, but I named the person who was going to kill. Don't let him run."

"The man who flies to Asma, I will definitely not let him run away, dear you, rest assured."


Suddenly remembering something, Noel turned to look at the beautiful guards around, reminding them.

"What I said just now, you should have heard it on the side, don't reveal my identity."

"Yes, lord." x100

After hearing this, the beautiful army of 100 people responded in unison.


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