Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 42: Too late


"Discover the enemy! Discover the enemy!"

"Let the arrow! Let the arrow go! Never let them get closer!!"

The women in uniforms crossed the high wall and immediately attacked the defending soldiers in the palace, and the responding guard soldiers immediately counterattacked.

The guard soldiers took their bows and fired, and suddenly the overwhelming arrows hit the invaders.

However, this doesn't help.

In the face of the arrow rain, the incoming beautiful legion did not retreat, but moved quickly in the falling arrow rain, avoiding the intensive attack very easily.

When it is really unavoidable, they will destroy the incoming arrows with their hand-held weapons, so they cannot cause any harm to them at all.

After crossing the range of Arrow Rain, only a beautiful army of 100 people is like a tiger entering the flock. The soldiers guarding the bedroom are not their enemy. They directly become a unilateral slaughter scene.

They acted mercilessly, holding the bayonet sword every time they attacked each other's vital points, so as to achieve the effect of killing them.

In just a few moments, the soldiers who were guarding the palace to meet the enemy were slaughtered by more than half, while the beautiful army of only one hundred people did not decrease, and even the injuries did not hurt them.

Quickly ran to the hallway outside the hall, but the scene where the soldiers of the ghost country were unilaterally slaughtered underneath. Ding Ci was taken aback and swallowed.

"This...where did this group of women come from..."

"Deer...deer...Lumaru...that...the two women are really...resurrected..."

Also coming to Ieno on the aisle, she tremblingly pointed her finger to the battlefield below, and her words became unfavorable.

Asma, Ding Ci, and Lu Maru, they all looked in the direction pointed out by Ieno, and really found the two women who had been killed before.

It is now certain that the enemy has mastered the secret technique that can resurrect people.

So that is to say, a group of monsters that can be resurrected at any time attacking the dormitory are sure to be killed by the other party.

The number of enemies is one hundred, and it also controls the mysteries that can be resurrected.

Although it is still unclear how powerful the enemy is, it is enough to kill themselves and others if they change their lives.

At first Lukamaru, who looked back to Asma, looked at Asma seriously, and remembered Ziyuan's prophecy again.

To deal with one or two people who can be resurrected, he can also come up with some corresponding solutions, but now the number of the other party is a hundred.

Whether those hundred women are in control of the secret technique of resurrection, no one can tell.

Insufficient information, it is not wise to rush into combat with these people.

"Teacher Asma, the soldiers of the Ghost Kingdom will not last long, and it will be too late to leave." "I..."

Asma just wanted to say something, but he saw a new character appear.

When he met the eyes of one of them, he saw a lot of killing intentions from the other person's eyes, and the next second saw the phantom of the blood of the corpse mountain coming to himself.

Ziyuan also saw the two men who had just appeared, and she recognized the woman in one glance.

"In the future I see, you are dying in the hands of the silver-blue long-haired woman. Before my predictions are fully realized, let's escape from the ghost country."

"It's too late. The man and the woman who arrived just now locked me in a murderous way and won't let me go easily."

The man's finger said something to the woman, and immediately Asma felt that he was instantly locked in by a terrible killing.

Although he hasn't fought with the two, but the horrifying amount of killing can make people hallucinate. From this point, he can be sure that the man and the woman are ruthless characters, so the strength will never be worse.

To be sure, there is a tough battle to be fought next.

"Lulu, Dingci, Jingye, please take Miss Ziyuan first, I'll stay careful!!"

It was just a blink of an eye, and the mask man, who was far away here, appeared behind Ziyuan, and Asma reminded him and threw it up.

Unfortunately, it is always a step behind.

With one hand embracing Ziyuan's small waist from behind, the mask man's other hand covered her mouth, and then took her one step back, into the instantaneously generated black spiral nest, the two disappeared so completely Aisle.

Asma, who wanted to save people, of course he threw himself and fell on the solid floor.

"Damn! It turned out to be Space Ninjutsu!"

Asma gritted her teeth and clenched her right hand into a fist, thumping **** the floor.

Seeing something hit in the corner of his eyes, Ding Ci suddenly pushed away the stunned Shizuru and Ieno, but he lost precious time to escape.

The two who were pushed away and fell to the ground suddenly recovered from their daze, but turned their heads to see Ding Ci being hit and flew.

A huge icicle hit Ding Ci, and the two broke through the wall fiercely into the rear hall, and then heard a loud noise.


Worried about the safety of Ding Ci, Lu Maru and Ino quickly got up from the ground and were preparing to run into the hall.

However, Asma suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and already equipped Chakra knife in his hand, fully prepared for battle.

"Ding Ci should be okay, but we are in trouble, be prepared for battle."

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen members of the beautiful legion appeared and surrounded the three.

Seeing this, the three men leaned their backs together to alert enemies in different directions, and did not give the other party a chance to attack.


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