Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 46: One death, two escapes


Of course, there are exceptions when the stunt Mokobot is launched.

Except for Estes himself, Noel is the exception.

Now, he can still move freely in the frozen time and space, and Mokko Temo cannot interfere with him.

Turning his head, Esdes looked at Noel with a smile, and pointed to the frozen Asma.

"Is there value in utilization?"

"No, just kill it."

Shaking his head slightly, Noel gave a very bland reply.

It was determined that Estes Ben pointed to Asma's right hand, grabbed the sword of the beautiful legion member behind her, and pulled the sword out of the backhand and slashed forward.

A cold light flashed across Asma's throat.

After completing this blow, Esdes did not stop, but threw the sword.

When the thrown bayonet sword accurately penetrated into the position of Asma's heart, the frozen time and space recovered.

Everything around me is back in operation at this moment.

Ben Asma, who was falling, was pushed back by the bayonet that was hit, so the head and body were split in two.

"Ah... Teacher Asma!!!"

This scene made the captured Ino incredulously widen his eyes and shouted sadly.

The head fell from the air, rolled to a location not far from her, and looked at Asma, who was stunned. The heavy blow made her faint.

"How did he die like you predicted?"



Hearing Ziyuan's answer, Noel smiled, and asked no more.

Asma was killed, and Estes, who had nothing to do with it, walked slowly in the direction of Noel.

Turning her head and looking around, she seemed to be looking for something.

"My dear, why didn't I see the bodies of the other two people? Was it directly destroyed by you?"


Without thinking about it, Noel shrugged and replied faintly.

"Oh, run..."

Halfway through the conversation, Estes responded, looked at it strangely, and continued.

"Running? Honey, with your current strength, can you still run away? Are you kidding me?"

"In terms of my strength, it's really easy to keep those two, and even killing them is a breeze. The reason why they can run away is that I deliberately let them run."

"My dear, are you deliberately planning to send them back to Ninja Village to report to attract more ninjas?" "Well, I did it this way."

Noel nodded, confirming Estes's conjecture.

The conjecture was confirmed, and Estes' eyes flashed, looking forward to it.

After listening to the conversation between the two, and seeing the look of Estes, Ziyuan felt that both of them were lunatics.

Because she knew exactly what would happen if the two were released.

It was simply to return the tiger to the mountain, and then it would definitely attract crazy revenge from Muye, a large-scale ninja village, but they obviously knew that the result would be so, and still chose to do it.

In her view, no one but the lunatic would do so.

Just as Ziyuan thought about this, a member of the Beauty Corps came to report.

"Master, Master Estes, we have completely occupied the bedroom, and the guards of the bedroom have all been wiped out, and no one has been determined to live."

"Who are those?"

Seeing something in the corner of his eyes, Estes saw the escorted person in the distance, and raised his finger to the side.

The reporter turned his head to look around, and when he saw what Esdes was referring to, he said the identity of those people.

"They are servants serving the witches. We don't know how to deal with them, so we **** them over and wait for the two adults to leave."

"Don't kill them, they are just ordinary servants and will not threaten you."

Looking back, Ziyuan was worried that these servants would all be executed and quickly asked for pleading.

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she was just a captive, and she had no rights at all, nor did the other party have to listen to her.

Looking at the maid who was being escorted, Noel considered for a moment, and soon decided their fate,

"Let’s stay for the time being, cleaning and serving tea and water are enough for these people, so you can relax a bit."

Ziyuan, who had no hope, had no idea that the heads of these cruel devil would let the maids go, thinking that they could not escape.

The accident was unexpected, but she was very satisfied with the result.

Although it can be said that the maids cannot escape the magic palm, their lives are still in the hands of others, but at least they can still live alive.


Suddenly remembering something, Noel looked at Ziyuan beside him and then asked her.

"The residential area outside the palace, where those residents have been hiding, you will tell me."

"what do you want to do?"

"Now the kingdom of ghosts belongs to me. I want to turn this place into a kingdom of women. Only young and beautiful women can stay, and the rest must leave."

Hearing Noel's words, a very absurd conjecture flashed in Ziyuan's mind, but it was impossible to think about it.

However, apart from this ridiculous conjecture, she could not think of any other possibilities, and could only ask tentatively.

"Do you want the kingdom of ghosts to be your harem?"

"You guessed it right, I am indeed planning to make the kingdom of ghosts into my exclusive harem, where only young and beautiful women are allowed to exist."

Without intending to lie at all, Noel admitted bluntly.

I did not expect the absurd conjecture to come true, but Ziyuan still felt a little unbelievable, and at the same time worried about his next destiny.

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