Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 62: This is youth!


In an instant, two days came unconsciously.

No major events happened during this period, but there are more and more rumors about the Sinister Witch, and there are many different versions. This has become the topic of people chatting after tea and dinner.

In many versions, the only thing in common is that there will be some girls, and they are the culprit of everything.

Because of this, everyone pressed the witch's name on their heads.

During this period, in addition to enhancing her relationship with the younger sister Tian, ​​Nuoer took Camilla village for a stroll, and was also hand-drawn by Gang Gang the night before.

That night, the drunken Tsuna complained of various things, saying that what makes this Naruto so tired, and so on.

According to the various complaints of Gang Gang, Noel was not impatient at all, because she leaned forward on him, but let him take a lot of cheap, but not too much.

Afterwards, the drunk, unwake gangster, fell asleep directly on the table.

On the way home to send Tsunato, I just met the silent girl who came out to find her. The plan to cook rice was completely gone, and then there was no more.

The rest seems to be really nothing.

In the early morning, at the gate of Muye Village.

Inside the guard kiosk, one of the guards is stretching.


"Is it too lacking in tension?"

Another person, looking at his companion who stretched and yawned, said to him.

It is said that the person who had already been sitting on the table lazily got up.

"Recently because of the riots in Shayin Village, this place has been in a state of tension all the time. Now it is finally over. I can finally relax, and suddenly I feel very tired."

"At this time, it is also the time for the enemy to have the most opportunity, so it is even more difficult to relax now, and stay alert to prevent it."

"It's always tense, everyone can't stand it, relax, relax."

"You really are..."

The words hadn't been finished. Suddenly, the movement from outside the Muye Gate suddenly made the man swallow what he wanted to say, and quickly ran out of the guard booth to see what was going on.

And the languid guard, who was just lazy at this time, also ran out of the guard booth.

The two stood side by side inside the gate and watched the morning fog thickly on the road outside the gate.

As the movements became bigger and bigger, a dark shadow could be seen faintly in the thick morning mist, and he was approaching the gate to Muye Village.

Because of this, the right hands of the two guards invariably touched the waist, clutching the pain in the waist bag.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Suddenly, there was a roar from one person in the morning mist, which scared the two guards and took a big step back.

And in the next second, the dark shadow rushed out of the morning mist.

"Give up! Give up! Give up!"

Both guards twitched at the corners of their mouths, and put Ku Wu back to their waist packs.

Yes, because they recognize the person who burst out of the morning mist, there is no need to be vigilant.

The comer is wearing a green waistcoat, watermelon hair and thick eyebrows. This shape is for two people in Muye Village. It is difficult for them to recognize it.

"reach destination!"

Matekai carrying Kakashi, after rushing into the gate of Muye Village at high speed, hastily braked and tried to stop.

However, he slid a short distance, which completely stopped his body, and Kakashi was not comfortable with him.

Due to the sudden stop of the goods, Kakashi, who was still a little conscious, was slammed forward and hit the back of his head, causing a complete whitening and fainting.

"My first place, ha ha ha ha ha!"

Not paying attention to Kakashi's condition at all, Matekai laughed out loud for the first time.

One of the guards is preparing to say something.

But at this moment, someone roared again, attracting his eyes.

Turning his head, another watermelon with thick eyebrows rushed out of the thick morning mist.

The man who appeared again was Li Locke, an apprentice of Matekai.

He carried a lot of luggage, and after rushing into the gate of Muye Village, he stopped abruptly next to Matekai and raised his right hand excitedly.

"It's here! I'm second!"

Looking at the pair of **** mentors and apprentices, the two guards were completely speechless, and I really didn't know what to say.

It was not long before this idiot-blooded idiot conversation, the rest of the two teams also arrived one after another.

The few people who arrived one after another, they were not as relaxed as the pair of **** masters and disciples, but they were all very tired.

Hearing the idiot conversation between the master and the apprentice, Ning Ci just arrived at the corner of his mouth.

"It's still the same, I can't keep up with them."

"If you are on foot, you will barely keep up."

Every day behind Ning Ji, the tone of voice was full of helplessness.

Matekai turned to look at the people behind him, his mouth wide open to reveal white teeth, his right hand was raised, and his thumb was raised.

"This is youth!"

Waiting for the speechless couple to reply, Matekai continued.

"Now all the staff are here, then let's go and respond to Master Tsunade immediately."

"Wait! Teacher Kai!"

Seeing that Matekai had to leave after he had finished speaking, he didn't find that Kakashi carrying him was completely dizzy. The first responding Sakura quickly shouted.

It was heard that Matekai, who had just rushed out a few steps, stopped suddenly, and Kakashi behind him suffered a head hammer again.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"That... Teacher Kakashi..."

It felt painful just to watch, and Sakura didn't know what to say to Matekai, only to reach out and remind.



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