Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 64: This matter is not negotiable!



Looking at Kakashi lying down, Naruto really didn't know how to refute it.

"Naruto, you need to understand that the message spoken by the members of the Akatsuki organization before death is likely to be a trap that uses big snake **** as bait.

If that is really a trap, then you will face the ambush of Xiao organization, and the injured Kakashi will definitely die.

In order to find someone to help Sasuke, don't you care about the others?

Is this the result you want? "

Staring fiercely at Naruto, Tsuneo shouted mercilessly.

After listening to Tsunade's words, Naruto finally realized that he was wrong, and understood how reckless he was, and he bowed his head in shame.

I just wanted to get Sasuke back, never thought about the stakes, nor even thought it would hurt others.

"Sorry, Mr. Kakashi."

Turning to Kakashi lying, Naruto bowed and apologized ninety degrees.

Sakura, who also didn't want to give up her chance, also swallowed what she wanted to say after she heard what Tsunade said, standing silently.

Since Sasuke's defection, Kakashi's seventh class has been one less.

Today, Kakashi, who is the team leader, is lying on the hospital bed because of injuries, and the seventh shift with only two people is indeed not suitable for the task.

If it is a simple task, it can be justified.

But this time the task is not simple at all, it can even be said to be quite dangerous, and the two can't cope with it at all.

That is to understand this, Sakura will be silent, otherwise you have to fight for some.

It's just that the two didn't expect it...

"I will arrange a new team leader for you, and will also arrange a person to replace Sasuke's position, and you will do this task at that time."

Seeing Naruto knowing his mistakes, a smile appeared on Tsuna's face.

When Sakura and Naruto didn't think about it, they froze directly.

However, after recovering, the two were not happy about this, but instead locked their eyebrows tightly, seeing Tsunade confused.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to take this task?"

"It's no problem for the team leader to be replaced temporarily. We don't have any opinions at all. We may not be able to replace Sasuke."

Naruto is very straightforward and tells the reason directly.

Seeing Naruto say what he was thinking, Sakura also did not want anyone to replace Sasuke's position, and quickly nodded in coordination.

Tsunade can understand why the two are like this. It is nothing more than allowing Sasuke to see how much they care about him. He is an indispensable member of Class 7. Class 7 always has his place.

It’s just understanding, but it’s not a house of play. You can’t let them do that.

"No! It's not negotiable!"

Tsunade refused without hesitation, and did not give the two a chance to bargain, and then continued.

"If you don't agree, then this task will be handed over to other teams to complete, so you can honestly wait for news in Muye Village."

"How can this be done!" x2

After hearing that, Sakura and Naruto spoke in unison. From the firm tone of Tsunato, the two knew they could not be changed.

So, now there are only two options left.

First: agree to the conditions of Tsunabe, agree that the new teammates will join the seventh class and take over this task.

Second: Don't agree to the conditions of Tsunabe, thus losing the chance of finding Sasuke this time, and being restricted to stay in Muye Village.

Choose one of the two, there is no third option.

Such a rare opportunity may miss this time and there will be no more.

Therefore, now the two are very entangled, hesitating whether to agree to come down.

It didn't take long for Sakura, who had considered it clearly, to speak first.

"I...I agree..."

"I agree."

Naruto also agreed, and suddenly thought of something, quickly added.

"However! I want to state in advance that if I bring Sasuke back, the person must withdraw from Class 7!"

"I can accept this request."

Without even thinking about it, Tsuna agreed to Naruto's request.

Originally, it was to let that person join temporarily, and there was no plan to let him stay in the seventh class for a long time, so there was no hesitation.

On the other hand, she did not feel that Sasuke was persuaded to come back.

After all, Sasuke has been away from Konoha for three years, and no one knows how he will change.

However, one thing is certain, that is, Sasuke who has been taught by Da She Wan for three years, he will become a stranger to both Sakura and Naruto, no longer the Sasuke they are familiar with.

Of course, she knew what she knew, but she wouldn't say it.

Not afraid of attacking Sakura and Naruto, but even if it is said that it is useless, they are not willing to believe at all, and they will not give up because of it.

"Now that both of you have agreed, you will be waiting at the No. 2 training ground tomorrow noon. The new team leader and the new team will go to meet you."

After finishing speaking to the two, Tsuneo looked at the Kai team and continued to speak.

"It's okay, Kaiban will go back to rest today, and the report will be handed over to me tomorrow."


Mateka responded.

"Let's go, mute."

After the explanation, Tsunade did not intend to stay, so he greeted mute and left.

Several people in the ward watched the two leave.

When the two left the ward, Naruto leaned over to Sakura.

"Sakura, do you want us to give a new one off tomorrow?"

"It's not good to do this, but we have to do tasks together."

Sakura shook his head and decisively denied the proposal.

After all, if there is a contradiction, this may be very unfavorable for the next cooperation, or do not do it all.



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