Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 77: How big is this?


"I will talk about this later. Please take Sakura to a safe place, otherwise I can't let go of my hands to deal with Naruto."

Yamato did not give an answer, still trying to maintain a certain wood escape ninjutsu, trying to suppress Naruto in a rage state, so that he was fixed in place and could not move.

For this little thing, Noel did not want to waste time on it.

It may be a bit tricky for Yamato to restore the Naruto, which is about six tails, but it is an easy thing for Noel, and it is not so troublesome at all.

If you don't want to waste time, then Noel can only do it by himself, so as to be more efficient.

"Don't be so troublesome, this is a big deal."

When the injured Sakura was healed, Noel took his hand back and walked slowly towards Naruto.

"Don't go by! I'm almost out of control Naruto! Take Sakura away soon!"

Seeing this, Yamato hurriedly shouted.

People who can suppress tail beasts, in addition to having wooden escape or kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, have never seen or heard of anyone else who can do this.

However, these two types of blood inheritance limit, Yamato have not seen in Noel.

So ah, now Noel's actions are in his eyes to help, saying that it is not an exaggeration.

After walking about two meters from Naruto, Noel stopped and did not move on.

Seeing Noel stopped, Yamato thought he had listened to his words, finally relieved.

But within a second, he knew he was wrong.

Because, the reason why Noel will stop is not to listen to him, but to start.

A green ability sphere is condensed in the palm of your hand and rotates clockwise at high speed.

With the green sphere's ability to rotate at a high speed, Naruto's dark red nine-tailed chakra was pulled and quickly sucked in by the green sphere.

Nine-tailed Chakra is absorbed frantically, and the demon fox's clothes begin to gradually fall off, revealing the **** Naruto without skin.

"Actually able to absorb Chakra!?"

Naruto gradually withdrew from the semi-tailed animal, but Yamato's face was not much better.

Not only is Chakra of Nine Tails absorbed, and he is trying to maintain the Yamato Ninjutsu Yamato, and his Chakra has not been spared.

Chakra was forcibly drawn, which was a bit of a taste, and it was strange that his face looked good.

Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, but did not blame Noel.

Yamato knew very well that if he had just done it himself, it would never be as easy as Noel, and it would take some time to work more or less, and even a accidental serious injury may be possible.

When the demon fox's clothes completely faded, Naruto's white eyes fell to the ground.

Seeing Naruto out of the runaway state, Noel grabbed the ball of power on the palm of his hand and turned his head to look at the Yamato rear.

"You'd better find a suit for him."

After hearing that, Yamato returned to the spirit to release the ninjutsu and hurried forward.

After checking it a bit, after making sure that Naruto is not in danger, he immediately found a suit to put on.

"Now can you tell me, why is this devil about to be six tailed?"

Seeing Yamato was almost busy, Noel asked curiously.

"Originally when Naruto was at the end of the four tails, I had let him out of the runaway state, and he even regained a little consciousness. But...

Put Naruto in place, Yamato paused for a moment, then went on.

"Da She Wan came here and shot directly at Sakura. Naruto saw the scene of her injury, so he ran away again."

Da She Wan will come here, and she will do it to Sakura when Naruto regains some consciousness. This is all intentional.

Naruto by stimulating Sakura hands, let him fall into a state of raging once again.

If you do this, Yamato, who needs to suppress Naruto, will not be able to pursue it, and Dashou Maru and Pocket will be able to leave safely.

Thinking about it, Noel could only think of this possibility.

For the big snake pill will run into trouble, Yamato did not blame Noel for stopping people.

Because he himself saw the huge figure of Wan Snake, even if he didn't ask, he knew that Noel was dragged by it, so he would let Da She Wan run over here.

Suddenly remembered something, look at the left and right, what Noel seems to be looking for

"After all, how come there seems to be one missing."

"You say Sai, my Mu Dun avatar secretly followed Da She Wan with him."

It has been determined that Noel is one of his own, and Yamato has no intention of concealing him.

If you really want to track down the lair of Da She Wan, you can still count on Noel to help you. How can you conceal him now?

There is no way. Now that Naruto and Sakura are unconscious, even if they wake up, they can't be used as combat power. Thank you very much without delaying.

Hearing this news, Norborn thought that the new Kakashiban would return home, but he didn't expect the acting team leader to grow up and still want to continue his mission, but this disrupted his plan.

I had planned to secretly go to the country of ghosts, but now it can be said that it is impossible.

In the present situation, you can guess without asking, and one hundred percent will be pulled to become a strong man, the kind that must be promised.

If you don't agree, I don't know how Yamato will report this to Gangte.

Even if he knew what the result was, Noel wanted to try it out.

"This is already lying two, there is no need to continue."

"That rare opportunity, the two of them will not stop here, and I must look at them."

Looking at the two lying down, Yamato said helplessly.



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