Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 83: The three finally met


Noel and Class 7 are on their way to rush.

Here, that is the hidden stronghold of Da She Wan, where Sai and Dowa escape from Yamato, they are already fighting with people.

The stronghold hidden beneath the ground was revealed after the battle between the three.

The man who was fighting the two men was wearing a pure white kimono and dark blue pants. The fierce room was open. On the back of the kimono was a small family emblem. The dark gray armguards covered his forearms and extended to the palms and waist cloth. A purple rope belt was attached to it, and a grass blade was inserted.

In the case of two-on-one, Sai and Yamato's Muyun doppelganger are at a disadvantage, but the man is very relaxed.

This is still not using ninjutsu, the man seems to be playing around with the two.

At first sight, the unicorn that substantively endured the pseudo-beauty of the Ninja Superbeast struck, and the man stood calmly and did not avoid it.

When he was about to attack him, he grabbed the grass blade with his right hand, yanked it out of the scabbard, and swung the sword forward.

The sprouting grass blade suddenly flashed an electric arc on the sword.

The white light flashed by, and the unicorn, which had been transformed into a pseudo-beast, was defeated by a sword, and suddenly turned into ink and scattered to the place.

"Oh, protect the bond between me and Naruto?"

With a cold smile, the man looked at Sai indifferently, and then said.

"What does this have to do with you, and what qualifications do you have to manage this business."

"As a member of Class 7, I certainly have the qualifications to manage this matter.

It's Naruto that reminds me of my previous feelings, and I think that is a very important thing.

Although I don't know you well, there must be a reason why Naruto and Sakura will desperately pursue you like this.

They don't want to abandon the bond with you, so they desperately want to protect the bond.

Although I don’t quite understand it, Sasuke, you should be able to understand it. "

Seeing that Sasuke wasn't doing it, Sai said his thoughts.

"It turns out that you guys are my candidates. Class 7 is really another naive guy."

After taunting Sai, Sasuke answered his question and continued.

"Of course I understand, so I have to cut this bond."

After talking, I didn’t know what I thought back to, Sasuke gritted his teeth and showed his fierce eyes.

The huge murderous intention was revealed, and the black pupil in his eyes instantly turned into San Gouyu's writing chakra.

Feeling an astonishing killing intent, Sai and Yamato's Dowager involuntarily took a step back. They were even more afraid of Sasuke and did not dare to carelessly.

"Too much **** will only make you confused, will weaken the strongest desires and the most important memories, so I have a **** that hates that person's name, which is enough."

In saying this, Sasuke did not look at the two, but looked in the left-hand direction, as if not talking to them, but talking to others. "Besides, I don't need any other bondage"

When the sound of this word fell for less than a second, four figures appeared here.

"It's Sakura and Naruto."

Looking at the two of them, Sasuke put the grass grass sword in his scabbard and spoke to them indifferently.

When I finally saw Sasuke, there were a lot of things to say to Sakura and Naruto, but I don't know what to say at this moment.

Because, all those words Sasuke said just now were heard.

When Sasuke said the severing bond, the four had already arrived here.

Seeing that Sai had no danger for the time being, he planned to hide from the area nearby, so as to ambush the big snake pill that had not yet appeared.

However, under the stimulation of Sasuke's words, Naruto rushed out again in violation of Yamato's order, and the helpless three could only appear.

An angry Naruto opened his mouth first.

"Why didn't you kill me at that time? Do you think this is called a severing bond? Sasuke!"

"The reason is simple. It's not that you can't break the bond with you. I just disdain to follow the man's method, nothing more."

Compared to Naruto's excitement and anger, Sasuke answered very calmly.

However, Sasuke's answer made Naruto think it was an excuse, an excuse for not wanting to cut off the **** with himself, not willing to admit it.

Naruto felt that it must be what he thought.

"Sasuke, I know that the reason you didn't kill me that day was definitely not willing to cut off the bond with me. What disdain to follow the man's method is just an excuse for you not to cut off the bond. "

"You are still so naive, at that time your little life was only saved by me on a whim..."

Saying that, Sasuke came to Naruto in an instant, and his left hand was resting on his shoulder, while his right hand was holding the hilt of the grass blade, and it was possible to pull the sword at any time.

Sasuke's speed made everyone unresponsive.

No, it should be said that except for Noel, the rest did not respond.

In Noor’s seriousness, Sasuke’s speed is no different from Kame’s speed.

The reason why he didn't try to stop it was because Sasuke and Naruto fell in love with each other, and the excitement/enthusiasm was there. Is there any reason to stop the good friends.

As long as it wasn't really hands-on, Noel did not intend to help, and would only stand aside and watch the performance quietly.

On the contrary, Yamato is not as easy as Noel. He did not expect Sasuke to be so strong, and he, as the dark part, failed to react.

It was also learned that the information returned by Mu Dun's previous doppelganger was made by Sasuke without all his efforts.

Sakura, who looked back, looked at Sasuke who came to her side in surprise.

"Sa... Sasuke..."



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