Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 85: You are so weak


Seeing Yanlong getting closer and closer, but at the moment when Noel's words sounded, Yanlong dissipated by itself at a distance of more than one meter.

However, the dissipation of the Yanlong was not done by Noel.

When Yan Long dissipated on his own for less than a second, Sasuke's figure rushed out of the flames, and the right palm of his right hand flashed the arc to Noel.

"Thousand birds sharp gun!"

As soon as the words fell, Chidoriga fired from Sasuke's right palm, striking towards Noel at high speed in the shape of a long/gun.

Although he hasn't really attacked people yet, Sasuke shows a triumphant smile.

In Sasuke's view, using Thunderbird's Thousand Birds sharp gun at such a close distance, even if Noel is too fast to avoid it, he must definitely eat this trick.

Even if you have time to defend, it will never be better to eat this trick.


When the Houndstooth Gun was about to hit the center of the mouth, Noel's left palm immediately blocked the tip of the gun, making it impossible for him to continue to advance.

Yes, it was blocked with bare hands.

Sasuke's a-class Lei Dun, modified by Chidori, couldn't even cut the skin of Noel's palm.

After the current blow, Noel looked at Sasuke, who was dumbfounded.

"Bai looked forward to it for a long time. I didn't expect such a little power. It was so disappointing."

Hearing this, Sasuke exploded.

In order to be strong, he defected to Konoha and joined the camp of Da She Wan.

I originally thought that after two and a half years of training under the guidance of Da She Wan, I now have enough strength for revenge.

But I never imagined that even now with an a-class Lei Dun, he has failed to defeat the unknown person in front of him, and he was also rejected by the other party as his strength is too weak.

This is tantamount to denying their efforts for two and a half years.

"Good, you succeeded in angering me."

The murderous intentions boiled, Sasuke became more and more angry, and then paused.

"Just try, what are the results of my cultivation over the past two years."

"Although there are still some tricks to use."

With a violent grasp with his left hand, Noel destroyed the sharp bird with a thousand birds on his palm, and then provocatively hooked his hand.

In the next second, I saw Sasuke Sangouyu's wheel turning.

Sensing something, Noel's mouth twitched and smiled.

"It's still tender."

Heading towards Sasuke head-on.

Strangely, in the face of Noel, who was walking slowly, Sasuke stood still, unprepared or unpretentious.

Even more strange is that Sasuke's tears poured into his eyes.


As soon as Nosuke approached Sasuke, he lifted his right hand and slapped it across his face.

Just listening to this loud slap will tell you how hard it is.

This slap left Sasuke's feet off the ground, and the whole person flew out towards the left. Of course, this slap also awakened Sasuke at the same time, followed by a rollover to adjust his body to the ground, and glide in a kneeling position on one leg for a short while, which finally stopped. Down.

Raising his head, Sasuke's eyes were full of surprise.

"You're such a illusion!"

Surprise is surprise, except that Sasuke is not surprised that Noor will illusion, but that his illusion is above himself.

You know, the Ning Zhibo family is the strongest group recognized by the ninja world to use illusion and crack illusion, and the more powerful the jade, the stronger the ability.

Nowadays, Sasuke actually hit the magic spell in the eyes of San Gouyu's writing wheel, and he couldn't crack it yet.

If he wasn't surprised, that would be a strange thing.

Surprised to surprise, it was only that Sasuke's surprised expression disappeared without a trace, his teeth glaring at Noor.


After scolding, Sasuke slipped a bit of nothing in the sleeve of his right hand and grabbed it and stuck it on his leg.

In Sasuke's move, Noel clapped his hands and applauded.

"I know that I can't crack my illusion, so it is really a wise decision to free myself from pain."

Sasuke didn't talk much nonsense, learning that Illusion would not work for Noel, and decided to change his tactics decisively.

Initiating the instantaneous technique, holding the grass blade of the flashing arc, he came to Noel in the blink of an eye and slashed the sword at him.

"It's too slow. I can't even cut my clothes corner. You are really weak."

Escaped with ease, Noel sneered politely.

Without a single blow, Sasuke speeded up and continued to wield his sword.

However, how to increase the speed of the slash next, or how tricky the angle of attack is, it still can't even touch Noel's clothing angle.

The most hateful thing is that Noel only hides but does not fight back.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, it's simply playing around with yourself, not looking at yourself.

It is very clear that this will definitely not work.

Attacking again from a tricky angle, but this time while Noel avoided, Sasuke slammed his left hand at him.

With this wave of the left hand, thousands of birds turned into countless sharp thousand books.

The dense number of people makes people have no space to avoid, and it is shot at such a short distance, even if you want to run, you have no time to run.

Seeing that Noel was inevitable, there was no time to escape.

Sasuke was not happy, but also had a very bad hunch.

"However, this is still useless."

With a slight smile, Noor was still very calm in the face of the thousands of thousand birds turned into countless sharp copies.

'not good! ’

After hearing Noel's words, plus seeing the smile on his face, Sasuke secretly murmured.

I was about to move away and want to distance myself from Noel.

It's just that it is too late.

Noel released a wave of invisible repulsion, and Thousand Birds turned into countless sharp thousand books, which were pushed back by the repulsion.

The situation of the two was reversed at this moment.



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