Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 105: Go and stay


In order to maintain the fairy mode, it is impossible for the two toad fairy on the shoulder to help.

If it's just a one-to-one situation, then it doesn't matter if you cancel the fairy mode, there are still many ways to deal with it.

But now there are five enemies, and everyone has shadow-level strength. Maybe they have the strength beyond the shadow-level.

Unlocking the fairy mode is undoubtedly the same as the catcher's catching, so I can only stare anxiously, and there is no way at all.

"Teacher Zilai, it's a taboo when fighting."

When he was distracted, he did not know when the brutal Dao appeared behind him. He took a black stick projected from Heaven and then thrust it into his back.

With a good blow, the beast lane loosened the black stick decisively and slammed back.

The two toad immortals on Zilai's shoulders responded quite quickly, and they turned around together to prepare to use the immortal method on the animal life.

It's just that I haven't had time to start.

Suddenly a large chameleon appeared. It popped its long tongue and pulled it into a roll of the waist of the animal road. Then the two disappeared together out of thin air.

"It's gone!" x2

Seeing this, the two Toad Fairies exclaimed.

Think about it later, they are not very surprised.

Because it has been mentioned before that Ziran, who has just disappeared, is a person who specializes in psychicism, so it can make sense to call psychic beasts that can stealth and hide breath.

What's more, it's no surprise that the two Toad Fairies have also seen psychic beasts with this type of ability.

Now that I have seen them all, I certainly know how to deal with them.

"Pediatrics, watch me use biological detection to make it appear original!"

"Children's mother, don't be too excited, be careful that wrinkles will increase again."

"Children dad shut up for me!"

After the female toad fairy finished, her hands began to print.

Then, a long tongue with eyes, nose, and fangs spit out of its mouth. When the long tongue appeared, it sniffed with the nose.

"found it!"

As the voice of the female toad fairy sounded again, the strange long tongue ejection it spit out extended.

Soon, the long tongue that popped out caught something not far away, and then an unknown liquid was ejected.

Contaminated with liquid, the transformed dragon, which was originally invisible, showed its original shape.

This was just the beginning. The female toad fairy controlled the long tongue of the transforming dragon, lifted it up and smashed it to the ground, and then withdrew the long tongue.

"Child dad! Quickly solve it!"


In response, the male toad squirted a water gun.

The super-high-speed water gun, like a sharp sword, cut the chameleon with two cuts and easily solved it. The chameleon was killed and disappeared into white smoke within a second, and the animal path emerged from it.

"Ding! Take your son out of here!"

At this time, Zilai finally distanced herself from Heavenly Dao and screamed at the Dingzao who was not far away. Then he said to the two Toad Fairies.

"I put oil, the boss uses the wind to escape, the elder sister uses the fire to escape."

"Good." x2

Hearing the words, the two Toad Immortals instantly knew what they wanted to do, and they all answered in unison.

Next, Zilai also finished printing with two toad immortals.

"Xian Fa Wu Wei Wei Men!"

Take a deep breath while blowing up the cheek bang.

The oil waves spewing out from the fire were ignited by the fire, and under the blessing of the wind escape, a small tsunami instantly formed and flew towards Heaven and others.

It is clear that the remaining two people must also escape. The male toad immortal controls the wind escape and intercepts the human path of the two people with fuel waves, so that he has to give up continuing to pursue to escape.

"This can only resist for a while, you will send the communication toad to Tsunato, and I will try my best to hold them back."

With that said, Zilai threw out a small red toad the size of a slap, and let the father and son of Ding quickly leave.

Catch the little toad thrown, Qiu Daoding did not leave immediately.

Very tangled, unwilling to stay here and face five powerful enemies alone, it is clear that this is to die.

"Dad, what should we do now?"

Similarly, Ding Ci did not know how to choose.

Looking at his son Ding Ci, Qiu Daoding made a decision.

"Ding Ci, this communication toad will be handed over to you, and it must be delivered to Lord Naruto. I will stay to help you and the Lord, please go."

"Then I will stay too!"

"No, I'm sure that this toad has intelligence from the enemy and needs to be sent to Master Naruto immediately, so as to reduce casualties and solve the crisis in Konoha."

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo finished speaking, swiftly pushed his son Ding Ci, and ran towards Zilai.

Looking at the leaving back, Ding Ci was still able to distinguish clearly, leaving the place with tears in his teeth.

But when he saw the autumn road throne, he frowned when he wanted to say something, but he was the first to speak.

"If you stay, you will die. I know this very well. I am also an adult."

"Then you..."

I haven't finished talking since I came here, and I saw that the combination of the two toad immortals was broken.

In a short period of time, the ignited oil wave disappeared, and then saw a figure that should not appear, and no longer planned to go to the autumn road, and felt that he really needed someone to help.

Previously, Shura Dao, who was killed by Ziye Daxian Helix Pill, now appeared intact in sight.

The word "resurrection" flashed in my mind, knowing that if this conjecture is true, I can't really deal with six people by myself, and even one of the multiple seats can share a little pressure.



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