Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Ultimatum


"Between joining and not joining, now I give you the opportunity to choose again, this is the ultimatum issued by God."

"Can't give what I want, do you think I will join?"

"Since that..."

Between the speeches, Heaven's feet left the ground, gradually floating into the air, and then continued.

"Feel the pain, think about the pain, accept the pain, know the pain."

At the same time, the **** road, which was in the joint hands, was out of the battle circle at this time, and quickly rushed to the beast road.

Immediately after the seal of the **** road summoned the king of lords using psychic art, he threw the severely damaged animal road into the mouth of the king.

Subsequently, Yan's shut up and entered a state of chewing.

Not long after, when the king opened his mouth again, the beast walked out of it.

The re-emergence of the brutalist road, nowadays, is still completely damaged, and has been completely restored.

When the restoration of the Beast Road was completed, Shura Road also broke out of the battle circle at this time, leaving the Human Road to fight Noel alone there.

Noel looked at what was happening and had no intention of stopping.

I want to see what tricks they can play, and I am very curious about it.

Soon they came to Shura’s side, and immediately grabbed the beast’s road with the hell’s road, and then threw her into the sky.

What is this for?

Play acrobatics?

Still throwing corpses to play?

It should be right to attack together after resurrection, but he threw the brutal road elsewhere, and Shura Road and Hell Road did not move anymore. Leng was standing there motionless.

Seeing confused, Noel could not really understand what it meant, and could only continue to read.

After the Human Dao fell again, he quickly withdrew to the headless body of Hungry Ghost Road and grabbed the body and stood there.

"Since it's all gone? What the **** is going on?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing."

"You're talking nonsense, as long as people with clear eyes can see it, it's clear that what is being prepared, it's needless to say that it is not a good thing."

"Then you still ask me why!"

"I didn't ask you, just talking to myself, who made you talk back."

When one person and one worm fight each other's mouth, the four of Hell Road, Hungry Ghost Road, Human Road, and Shura Road all turn to white smoke and disappear.

Seeing this, one person and one worm suddenly stopped.

Noel glanced first, and the four people disappeared into white smoke, and then looked at the heavenly heaven, as if they understood something.

The heavenly path first lifted off, followed by the resurrection of the animal path. Throw away the beast road, this is to let her use psychic to summon the people here.

It turned into four people whose white smoke disappeared.

The reason why you can be so sure is because Noel has fought against them. They are very sure that they are 100% ontological, which excludes the possibility of doppelganger.

Since they are not avatars, there is absolutely no possibility that they will disappear as white smoke except when they are summoned away by psychics.

Now, the other five people have left, leaving only one heaven.

Noel can't see it, his mother's move is to enlarge.

"Bugs, let Tsunade immediately convey everyone and be prepared to accept the shock, otherwise many people will die!"

"Shock? What do you mean?"

"Simply put, it means that the goods in the sky have to be enlarged, and the scope of the impact will be the entire wooden leaf, so if you convey it more slowly, there will be not one or two people, and hundreds or thousands of people will die by then. It’s very possible."

"I...I got it..."

Speaking so seriously, and the serious look of Noel, the slug knew that this was not a joke, and hurriedly passed the news back to Tsunade, daring not to delay it.

Suddenly, Noor, thinking of something, spoke again.

"Bug, can you receive the chakra I provided?"

"Can it be, what are you going to do?"

As soon as the message was sent back, he heard Noel asking strange questions, and the slug asked in doubt.

"Remember that you mentioned that Tsunade distracted you from everyone in Konoha, and she provided Chakra to everyone, right?"

"Well, it is."

"So I guess that after receiving the news that you just sent back, Tsuna will definitely let your avatars help everyone."

After a short pause, Noel continued.

"But we have used a large amount of Chakra to treat everyone before. If Chakra is provided to you to help everyone resist the impact, it is very very dangerous for Tsunato, and it may even be killed because of Chakra overdraft. "

"I see, so you just asked me if I can receive your Chakra. You will provide Chakra to me instead of Tsuna."

"I don't want Tsunade to take risks, and you don't want her to have an accident."

"Maybe, Tsunade will think of other..."

Before the words were finished, the slugs could not continue to speak when they received the message from Tsuna.

Because the content of the returned message is exactly as Noel had guessed.

Halfway through the slug's words, Noel knew that it had received the message.

The reason why I didn't finish the speech again, it shows that the content of the returned message is not different from what I said, so I will not speak for a long time.

"Your doppelganger must also be on Tsunade's body. Her current physical condition cannot be ignored."

"Tsunade's condition is quite poor now, and there is very little Chakra left to create the regenerative technique. If there is a shock as you said, her method may really deplete Chakra."



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