Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 124: To be a babysitter


After listening to what Tsunade said, Noel did not rush to give an answer.

Such an important matter needs to be considered clearly and is also a normal understanding. Promptly agreeing will make people feel too imprudent, and feel that they do not pay enough attention.

Therefore, seeing the three daughters that Noel was thinking about, they all obediently did not disturb, and waited patiently and quietly.

It didn't take long for Noel, who had been thinking about it, finally spoke.

"Who are there in Konoha who joined the special operations team?"

"Kakashi, Yurihong, Matekai, Nara Lumaru, and the seventh class organized as a lure Xiao, this is the person I chose to join."

It is said that Tsunade did not conceal his intentions and said the candidates to join.

Kakashi can be used for long-range combat with ninjutsu, even close combat is no problem.

Matekai, a master of physical skill in Muye Village, can be used as the main force in close combat.

Xi Xianhong, who specializes in illusion, can use illusion to assist him.

Nara Lumaru has a clever brain, can quickly analyze the enemy on the spot, and can also use family secrets to assist in combat, which can better overcome those people.

If these four people work together, it will definitely have a very good effect.

For example, let Matekai take the lead and Kakashi waits for the opportunity.

Under the joint attack of the two, as long as Yuri Hiroshi's illusion was successful, Nara Kamaru could control the enemy for a short time, which gave him a good chance to kill the enemy.

Even if you want to capture a life, it is not without opportunities.

As for the four selected by Tsunade, Noel didn't feel anything wrong after thinking a little.

After all, Kakashi, Yurihong, and Matekai, they are all old friends, they know each other very well, and there is no problem at all.

Smart Nara Lumaru, he will go to get to know the other three well in advance without worrying too much.

Four people is no problem, but the seventh class is a bit superfluous.

The seventh squad had no fighting power, but also had to divide its fighting power to protect them, saying that Naruto would not be allowed to suddenly run away, which was completely a drag on chaos.

In the seventh class, the medical ninja, Sakura, is a bit useful, and can be treated when there are wounded.

Yamato is not a combat power?

Of course it doesn't count, but this one must keep an eye on Naruto to prevent him from running away, where there is free time to do other things.

What about Sai?

This Sai, at most help search work.

No way, Xiao organizes those people to break his ninjutsu, it is not too simple.

"The seventh class is a bit superfluous. Is it really necessary to follow along?"

"Yes, it is very necessary." Tsunade nodded and said after he answered.

"The village can't stand tossing now. If the special operations team set off to carry out the hunting mission, but people still stay in the village, they may invite Xiao organization to attack again..."

"In order to prevent the village from being damaged again, the seventh squad will be added to the special operations team. It’s better to be a bait than a blind search outside, I’m right."

Noun had finished, Noel had fully understood the reason, and then she said.

After listening to what Noel said, Tsunade nodded directly, expressing what he thought.

After a little thought, I finally decided to say it all.

"I believe your strength, your joining can better ensure the safety of the seventh class, and waiting for you to win the position of the special operations team, can avoid the dissatisfaction of other village ninjas with the joining of the seventh class."

"In the final analysis, you are just asking me to be the nanny of shift 7."

With a glance at Tsunade, Noel pouted.

No matter how she turned around, this could not change the fact that Noel was the nanny.

The purpose of joining was to ensure the safety of the seventh shift, and to win the commanding position of the so-called special operations team.

If this is not a nanny, what else can it be?

After being dismantled, Tsunade inevitably has some embarrassment and smiles embarrassedly.

I really did not expect that she had turned so many bends to say that she was finally seen through by Noel, and she felt very helpless.

As Noel said, it is the commander of the special operations team to say something nice.

To say something awkward, is actually the nanny of the seventh class.

When embarrassment is embarrassing, we still have to brace ourselves, otherwise we will be busy.

"Everything that has to be said has been said. Now give me an answer."

"Let me think about it again."

"Hey! I promised to implement the promise. You have to think about it again. That's too much!"

"What are you doing so anxiously, and there are no news in the three big ninja villages."

Noel is very puzzled, obviously there is still a lot of time.

"Without your participation, what I just said is impossible. Can you say that I am not in a hurry?"

"Why not?"

"Because your strength is the only thing in the village that satisfies the conditions. If he is still alive now, he can do it, but he is no longer here."

Tsunae's explanation made Noll understand.

It is estimated that Tsunato mentioned the strength requirements for joining the special operations team when he proposed a joint plan to the four major ninja villages.

The target of the crusade is Xiao organization, then you can guess the minimum strength required, at least it must be at the level of tolerance, otherwise you can only die.

Want to shock a group of other villages forbearance, and have to let them thoroughly convinced.


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