Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 137: Three wolves


Iron country.

The earth was silver and white, and clean, while snowflakes were still like catkins, like cotton, and goose feathers.

In the white world, there are several figures advancing against the snow and snow.

"How far is it, Tsunade."

"Our destination is built on top of those three mountains."

Hearing the words, Gang pointed his finger to the three mountains in the distance.

When several people followed what they expected, they heard her words ringing again.

"The three mountains are called "three wolves." The country of the Iron Kingdom is built on the three mountains. It is a neutral country with independent culture, independent authority, and independent combat power."

"Independent culture and authority, how is this different from other countries?"

"Since ancient times, it has been customary for ninjas not to take action against them. There is no ninja in the Iron Kingdom, but a group of fighting groups called samurai guards."

"Samurai, I don't know if it's too powerful."

After listening to Tsunato's commentary, the lighter members of the Yunyin Village trio were very interested in the warriors of the Iron Kingdom.

Han sees what she looks like, and she can probably guess what she thinks, and feels very necessary to remind, otherwise it will be bad if something goes wrong.

"A Qing, you are planning to compete with the warriors of the Iron Kingdom, right."

" can I..."

Han Han was so distracted that he quickly turned his face aside and was afraid to look at her at all.

Her guilty demons can be guessed right no matter who.

Glancing fiercely, Han gave a very serious warning.

"It's better not to, and you should never have such an idea."

"I know."

It is clear that there is no negotiation, and light can only give up what he thinks.

If you think about it carefully, you understand why Han is so.

On the one hand, since ancient times, it has been agreed that ninjas cannot fight against the Iron Kingdom. On the other hand, the Wu Ying Society is now held in the Iron Kingdom. This period is very, very sensitive.

And when the cold warning was light, Xiao Nan, who was next to Noel, was whispering something to him.

"Sir Noel, is it really good for me to follow?"

"Everything is with me, you can rest assured."

With a slight smile, Noel held Xiao Nan's right hand.

Not too accustomed to intimate behavior, the moment Xiao Nan was held by Noel's small hand, the face suddenly turned red, like a ripe apple.

She was ashamed, but she had no intention of breaking free, leaving Noel to lead.

Yes, after lobbying this morning and the repeated assurances of Ghanor, Xiaonan initially gained the trust of Tsunabe and was able to join this team.

Of course, Xiao Nan's identity is known only to Noel, Gangshou, and Xi Yan, but the other Yunyin trio is completely unknown.

The explanation for the Yunyin trio is that Xiaonan was the person sent by Muye to send the intelligence.

For this explanation, the Yunyin trio have no doubts. The most curious is what important information, but even curious can not ask.

After all, it was a matter of Muye Village, and it had nothing to do with Yunyin Village.

Closer to home.

A group of people went on and rushed to the three mountains called "Three Wolfs".

For a long time, the group reached the top of the three wolves.

It was noon, and it was only a little later than the time when Tsunade expected to arrive.

Soon after being at the top of the three wolves, I soon saw the battle group of Iron Kingdom.

What catches your eye is that everyone wears the same heavy armor and protective gear and wears more than two samurai swords around their waists.

The warriors of the Iron Kingdom, when they saw a group of people appearing in the field of vision, were on alert.

"I am Huo Ying of Muye Village. This is an invitation letter from the Iron Kingdom."

Arriving not far from the samurai, Tsunato immediately identified himself, and took out the invitation letter from the Five Shadows, and let Xiyan take him by his side.

After receiving the invitation letter, Xi Yan walked slowly under the watch of the samurai.

As soon as he approached, the samurai saw Xi Yanliang's invitation letter and quickly confirmed the authenticity.

"Master Naruto, please follow me."

Tsuneo nodded slightly and walked slowly.

Subsequently, a group of people led by the samurai arrived at their destination soon after.

Stopped in front of a tower-shaped building, three people walked out of the tower.

When they came to the party, the old man of the three looked at all the comers, and finally looked at Tsunade.

"The three ships of the scumbag are the generals of the Iron Kingdom, waiting for a long time to drive, His Royal Highness."

"Thanks to the reception, for the first time to meet, I am Hunage Qianshou."

Tsunade introduced herself, paused again and said again.

"The three of them are my guards. The three of them are the ninjas of Yunyin Village. They came to find Leiying."

"Now only Fengying and Huoying have arrived, and Water, Earth, and Leiying have not yet arrived. Please wait for a cup of hot tea."

Having finished speaking, the general of Iron Kingdom will make a gesture of asking sideways.

Tsuneo nodded and walked towards the tower.

Xi Yan, Noel and Xiao Nan, followed closely by three people.

However, learning that Lei Ying had not arrived from the village, the Yunyin Village trio was quite surprised.

According to Lei Ying's impatience, he was also the initiator of the Five Shadows Association, and he was not the first to arrive. How could this make people not surprised.

The accident was an accident, but Ziying Leiying has not arrived here. He can’t wait outside under the wind and snow.

A group of people entered the tower. Under the personal guidance of the three ships, the iron country general, they were laid to rest in a room with a tie.

"Please take a short break here and wait for the rest to arrive, someone will bring you to the meeting venue."


"Seeking flowers", "Seeking all kinds", "Seeking collection"

—————Seek flowers, seek income, order, seek rewards——————

"Qiu Monthly Ticket", "Qiu Automatic Subscription", "Qiu Reward"..

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