Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 2 Chapter 49: evacuation

Afterwards, the agreed Wanli Gu Youli walked out of the presidential suite alone and called the Zhengshi Compilation Committee, hoping that they would evacuate people in the city to another place before tomorrow morning to minimize the casualties tomorrow.

The Official History Compilation Committee is a secret organization controlled and manipulated by Japanese magicians and spiritualists.

From the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Library of Congress, the Palace Hall, the Shrine Hall, the Metropolitan Police Department, etc., the energetic witches or clerics composed of energetic persons were granted The obligation to assist them.

"Hello, may I ask you?" The voice of a man came over the phone.

"I'm Wanli Gu Youli, Mr. Gan Mu." Wanli Gu Youli said, after his name, he also said the name of the man on the phone.

"It turns out, Miss Yuri, what are you doing to me?" The man named Ganma Dongma didn't understand why the other party was looking for himself.

"Mr. Ganxian, please evacuate the residents of the city as soon as possible tomorrow morning, and there will be devastating disasters tomorrow!" After hearing each other's question, Yuri Wanli thought about it carefully and decided Tell the general situation, if you are too full, Noor in the room will be unhappy.

"What devastating disaster is coming, can Miss Youli make it clear, so that I am good, evacuate the residents of the city." Ganma Dongma asked seriously, he knows such a thing, as a country girl witch Wanli Gu Youli would never make a joke about this, and she would not make a joke at all.

"The **** of the underworld will come to Japan tomorrow, and epidemic and death will follow!" Wanli Gu Yuli hesitated for a while, and then spoke out the message of the coming of the **** of the underworld, so that Ganza Dongma knew the seriousness of the matter, So immediately evacuate the residents of the city.

"Miss Youli, do you have an accurate time and a clear place of arrival?" Ganma Dongma knows that the matter is serious, so he wants the exact time and place so that he can do some preparation work.

The time and place of the arrival of the Underworld God, Wanli Gu Youli also knew the approximate time. As for the location must be in this city, otherwise Noel will not give his approximate time to let people evacuate those residents in the city.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gan Zan, I can only say so much, I can't tell you anything!" Even if you know the exact time and place, Yuri Wanli dare not say it all.

If the official of the History Compilation Committee came to disrupt Noor’s plan to kill God, then he would let the Underworld God come, and if those people failed, they would all die as a result, and Japan would immediately become a city of death.

Wanli Gu Youli does not think that the people in the official history editing committee have the existence of being able to kill the gods of the underworld. They can’t even deal with the god-killers. Even ordinary gods are enough for them.

"It's okay, I'm going to evacuate the city's residents now. You wait for me in the shrine. Later I will pick you up in the past!" Ganza Dongma thought about it carefully and planned to persuade Wanli Yuri to tell her herself. All things known.

"Mr. Ganxian, you don't need to come over to pick me up. Please help me to quit the position of the country's witch girl. I've become someone else's exclusive witch, so let's see you!" After that, Wanli Yuli hung up On the phone, because she was afraid she couldn't help it, she told the summoning ceremony.

Official History Compilation Committee

Seeing that the phone had been hung up, Ganza Dongma's eyebrows were tightly locked, because the words spoken by Wanli Gu Youli made him feel a little unbelievable, and he had to resign from the role of a country girl.

"Broadcast an emergency evacuation order. Tomorrow, all residents will be evacuated to the periphery of the city. Do you understand?" Ganza Dongma said to the people around her. Although she could not understand what happened to Wanli Gu Youli, she would not take it Just kidding.

So Ganma Dongma is very certain that the information is absolutely correct, but I don’t know where this important information was obtained from Wanli Gu Youli.

"By the way, please help me track down. The location of this number on the phone, the evacuation should be done immediately!" Ganma Dongma thought about it and decided to find Wanligu Yuli to see what happened. thing.

By the way, why did you want to resign from the position of Witch Maiden, and you can go to see Wanli Gu Yuli, who is the exclusive witch, and whether she has been threatened, if it is to grab the Witch Witch with the country, then The courage is a bit too bold.

"Sir, the mobile phone number of that number, on the top floor of the **** high-end hotel, in the **** presidential suite, the foreigners are checking in!" The person sitting in front of the computer reported all the searched information on the display screen to them A sweet meal winter horse.

"Sir, an emergency evacuation order has been sent to the Metropolitan Police Department. They said they will immediately evacuate the residents. They have begun to call all police officers to prepare for the departure, and the alarm has been sounded!" Another officer reported the evacuation order. The situation is given to sweet meal winter horse.

"Okay, you also go to inform everyone on the committee that all the things on hand will be evacuated from the city early in the morning, do you understand?" Ganma Dongma glanced at the address and told the two officers Seriously, he will not return here later, so it is better to give orders earlier.

"Understood, sir!" Both officers nodded, responding in unison, and ran to notify the departments that they were afraid of any delay.

Seeing the two people leave, Ganma Dongma also turned away, intending to quickly go to Wanli Gu Youli, look at the situation at her location, and rescue her from there if necessary.


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