In the hearts of everyone, it is obvious that Sharonyan's fighting ability is stronger than that of Baiyan by more than one level.

In addition to being able to see through, the white eye is observing.

"Are you waiting for me?" Hinata said to Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi pondered for a while and said.

"Yes, if you don't want your teammates to die."

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then I'm sorry, I can only beat the killer!"

At this time, the hot-blooded Naruto resolutely quit!

"Damn, you quickly let me go Sakura!"

Kakashi raised his arm and blocked Naruto.He turned to look at him, his face serious.

"Calm down Naruto, do you want Sakura to have an accident?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came to mind in the void.

"Ouch, isn't this little itachi, what are you doing? Oh, it's not good for you to do this!"

At this time, whether it was Uchiha Itachi, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Chiyo's mother-in-law, they were all stunned!Except for Hinata, of course.

When Uchiha Itachi reacted, he found that the Sakura in his arms gradually changed from a real body to a phantom, and finally disappeared slowly!

Suddenly, he remembered the voice just now... A cold sweat started to break out on his forehead.

Hey, I'm undercover!Hey, this man actually came, then...

At this time, the voice remembered from behind everyone.

"Yo, itachi, shall I send you back? This ninja technique of blocking the road is not good! Hinata is counting on this mission to earn the first pot of gold in his life!?"


Several heartbroken voices came to mind from everyone's heart... Isn't saving people the first priority?Because Mao is full of money, money, money!


Chapter [-] rushing to dinner

Xiao organization sub-base peripheral woods.

When this voice appeared, Uchiha Itachi knew that his mission was completed. If it was that man... not to mention the body of the image, even if it was the main body, it was estimated that he would not be able to make a move.

Uchiha Itachi lowered his arms and calmly looked at the red-haired man who appeared strangely beside Hinata.

His eyes also changed from scribing eyes to normal eyes, and it was obvious that he was not ready to fight.This also gave Kakashi and the others a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect even you to appear. Although the reason for your appearance made me a little... strange, but since it is you, then my body of transformation is useless!"

After speaking, he took a deep look at the red-haired man, and with a buzzing sound, the afterimage disappeared, leaving only the body of a passerby.

When Uchiha Itachi was a child, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Granny Chiyo looked at the corpse with its true appearance on the ground and sighed.

"It turned out to be Yura, ah... I didn't expect it to be him."

At this time, Kakashi turned around, bowed to Dunn, and thanked:

"Thank you, Mr. Dunn, if it weren't for you..."

Tang 357 En waved his hand, touched Hinata's head, and interrupted Kakashi's words.

"Well, needless to say, I'm just here to make you more efficient, otherwise it's a waste of time. After finishing the task, I have to take Hinata back for dinner."


Everyone vomited blood again, I wiped it, you still want to go back to eat!

The old lady Chiyo recognized Tang En the moment he appeared.With the hatred between the two of them, even if they don't know each other, it's not enough!That impression is quite deep, especially the first encounter.

Naruto and Sakura were shocked, isn't this the owner of the ramen shop?Why is it here! ?Never heard of it!

"Big, uncle, why are you here? Didn't you say you weren't a ninja long ago?"

Naruto asked curiously, and even Sakura, who had just relaxed beside him, was also curious.

"Well, of course I'm here to help Hinata. Of course, she's not at ease when she comes out alone, and this is an S-rank mission, hehe. Your enemies are quite difficult."

Speaking back, Tang En said to Naruto Sakura with deep meaning.

This made the two even more confused. Only Kakashi and Chiyo understood Dunn's words.

Kakashi thought to himself, since even Mr. Dunn said that, it must be very troublesome.

Kakashi had also seen the Akatsuki organization at the beginning. In the Third Ninja World War, he witnessed the whole process of the battle between the Valkyrie on the Konoha battlefield and the mysterious organization leader.

At this time, Dunn said to everyone:

"Is your mission still not completed? Hurry up! This is the end of Hinata's trial, and the rest will be left to you. Let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Kakashi and the others to reply, he put a hand on Hinata's shoulder and smiled brightly at everyone. The space swayed, and the two figures slowly disappeared.

Several people looked at the two slowly and slowly, and complained wildly in their hearts: Nima, it's just a little bit to complete the task, will Hinata stay and die!

Anyway, don't care about Tang En's business, he can complain as much as he likes, and he has to take Xiao Hinata home for dinner!

On the other hand, Kakashi and the others recovered after a brief stupor.

Looking at each other, he said:

"Okay, Mr. Tang En helped us solve the problem, let's hurry up and save people!"

"Then let's go quickly, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto clenched his fists, and started blood again...

However, Naruto and Sakura's psychology was not at all calm.

This uncle of the ramen shop who has always had a pleasant face, joked with them and chatted with them, turned out to be... such a strong person!

"Uchiha Itachi, that's Sasuke, the person who desperately wanted to kill, such a strong person, although only one-third of his strength, but in the face of Uncle Tang En, let alone fight back, even fight back. If you don’t have the courage, you give up automatically. This is too exaggerated. I don’t know if a powerful person like Uchiha Itachi can be captured easily, then Uncle Tang En…”

Thinking of this, Naruto and Sakura didn't dare to think about it anymore...

"If I can become as strong as Uncle Tang En, I must be able to save Sasuke back then. In the end, I'm still too weak! Although it took two years of practice...but..."

Naruto finally frowned this time...


Xiao organization branch base.

He was using the Seal of Magic Kowloon when Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes.

"It's over, sorry, I couldn't stop them, there was an accident in the middle." Uchiha Itachi's afterimage said.

"Sure enough, you are still unreliable! Tsk tsk." Feiduan started talking again.

"Enough Feiduan." The leader of the organization, Payne, glanced at Feiduan.

"Although the strength of the opponent this time is okay, it shouldn't be very difficult for the two of you, right? Even if you fail, you should be able to say it for a long time. What's going on?"

Itachi pondered for a while, and under the watchful eyes of everyone in the organization, he said something that made their hearts tremble.

"I had successfully taken one of the hostages and completed the mission, but... that man appeared."

After he said that, he kept his mouth shut...

Akatsuki and those who knew the man were silent this time.

Among them, Hei Jue screamed in his heart:

God damn you!You don't come early or late, but when the plan starts to be implemented, you jump out and make trouble!Fuck it!Can you still have fun.


And Payne was even more aggrieved.

Not to mention that you disturbed my plan to level the world, and even took away my Xiaonan.What the hell!

Everyone didn't know that the two were complaining about Tang En in a frenzy. They all looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, this man shot at such a critical moment.

After Payne finished complaining in his heart, he maintained his majesty as a leader, and then continued to ask:

"Did the man say anything?"

Asked by Payne, Uchiha Itachi's expression began to look strange, a little unspeakably funny.

Others saw Itachi's face turned so... weird, and they all wanted to hear what was going on with curiosity.

"He... said, it was... because the girl Hyuga took too long to perform the mission... That's why she asked her to hurry back and catch dinner."

Hei Jue: God rides a horse to catch dinner! ! ! !God damn it!

Payne: Nima...

Others: %**()) - +...

Chapter [-] The News Comes

Although Tang En crossed his hand in the middle, the Xiao organization reluctantly completed the seal, the afterimages of the others disappeared, and the red sand scorpion and Deidara, who were here, could only be unlucky.

The scorpion of red sand, one of the members of "Xiao", codenamed Yu (Jade Girl).

Known as a genius puppet stylist, ~ known as the "Scorpion of Red Sand".

The grandson of Chiyo, the consultant of Sandyin Village in the Kingdom of Wind, his parents were killed by "Konoha White Fang" when he was on a mission when he was young. With the two puppets of the "mother" to comfort the loneliness in his own heart.

Since childhood, because of the loneliness in his heart, he has an extraordinary love for puppets. He is a genius puppet master. In his youth, he has been involved in puppets and made his only friend a puppet.

As a result, the heart has truly become a puppet.

Since he defected to Shayin Village more than ten years ago, he used a strategy to kill the three generations of Fengying, and at the same time made his most satisfactory work.

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