"With them here, what are you worried about, at most you will make Naruto suffer and not die!"

Ino made his father speechless, and finally looked at his father drinking happily and lost his life...

This is not over yet.

Hizu, Hiba led the fireworks and followed closely...

Xiao Hinata hurried up to meet him.

"Father, Lord Father, why are you here?"

"Well, it's so nice here! Anyway, you don't have to worry about the enemy. Your teacher is here. Hey, you guys are really fast, add me and Richa, and have a drink together!"

Under the silent gaze of Xiaoqiang, Hui Chang naturally walked to Lu Jiu's table and sat down. The five of them started drinking and chatting. They didn't care about any kind of children, even Kakashi and Kakashi. Kai looked at each other, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Dunn raised his eyebrows.

"I said you bastards, you have to pay for meals. Whoever dares to make a smack, hum."

"Hey, I said Tang En, why are you still so stingy! Who doesn't know that you are the No. [-] rich man in Konoha, you have to open a ramen restaurant to pretend to be poor, tsk tsk, look at your big mansion, that forest, that big There are mountains and waters in the courtyard..."

Tang En took a puff of cigarette, and then spit at the five people, spraying their faces!

"You just can't eat Portuguese TAO and say that Portuguese TAO is sour. Are you envious? Cut it."

Everyone should eat and drink, and they didn't take Naruto's duel with Payne seriously at all, as if to see it again...

When Naruto was sealed on the ground by the black rod formed by Payne's power of the Six Paths, it was basically over.

Even if the Nine-Tails run wild, how could Payne who has Six Paths here be unable to beat the Nine-Tails who are not perfect?

When everyone began to worry about Naruto, Xiao Nan wiped his hands on his apron and walked slowly to the door.

Dunn smoked and said softly:

"Xiao Nan, if you need to understand, just understand. Without your help, he wouldn't be able to live for long! Let him be free."

Xiao Nan turned his back to Tang En and nodded.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiao Nan slowly walked towards Payne...


"Uh, who is that person, actually..."

"Shut up, don't you know she is the wife of that adult, I've never seen her take action, I'm looking forward to it!"

Konoha Maru, Iruka, and Teacher Yi also looked at Xiao Nan who was walking towards Payne in surprise.

"That is……"

"That's right, one of those three adults, is she going to take action?"


"That's... Is Master Xiao Nan going to take action?"

"Huh, since it's Lord Xiao Nan, then there should be no problem."

One table per day.

"Don, is there any problem?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"


Step, step, step, step.

In the entire ruins, only the sound of Xiaonan Ninja Footwear stepping on the ground remained.

Da, finally, she stood opposite Payne.

"Xiao Nan, do you want to intervene too?"

I saw that Xiao Nan did not fluctuate, and said in her unique cold voice:

"I am the wife of Vortex Dunn."

Chapter [-] Xiaonan vs Tiandao Payne

"I am the wife of Vortex Dunn."

Among the ruins of Konoha Village, Xiaonan confronted Tiandao Payne.

Said this coldly.

This shows Xiao Nan's current identity.

Marrying a chicken, marrying a dog, marrying a dog, no matter what world you are in, is useful, not to mention, Nagato is no longer the Nagato before.

Now he is just a terrorist whose purpose is to start a war!

How can such a thing be said to be for peace?It's nuclear.

Talking about controlling the tailed beasts and controlling these wars, isn't this controlling the world~?

Dunn just smiled after hearing about such a thing.how can that be? ?

As a chess piece, you still want to use war and force to usher in peace?Don't even look at how many characters are standing behind you.


Naruto, who was sealed on the ground, turned his head hard and was a little stunned to see Xiao Nan in a goose yellow dress and an apron.

This, isn't this one of the three pretty big sisters in the ramen shop!

"Ah, big sister, hurry up! This guy is very dangerous!"

Xiao Nan glanced at Naruto, but did not speak, but looked at Payne.

Payne spoke coldly at the same time.

"Since you stopped me from bringing peace, even with our friendship for so many years, I will kill you. You know, how much effort I have put in to make the world feel the pain, to make the whole world feel the pain directly, Feel the pain, so that when true peace comes, they will cherish it! And I, this god, is their savior."

In the ramen shop, everyone was paying attention to Xiao Nan and Payne who were facing each other. At this moment, they only heard a puff, and some people laughed!

I wipe, such a serious topic, engage in wool!

Everyone turned their heads angrily and saw that it was Kushina, and suddenly a cold air rushed from the heels to the back of the head, seeing Kushina's eyes swept over, each one's scalp tingled.

Akai and Kakashi are veterans of seeing the wind!I don't know that it's a loss to eat in the hands of Kushina.

"Oh, the lady boss has a good laugh, a wonderful laugh! Why is it so painful, isn't it funny! Li, isn't it funny!"

Xiao Li's face twitched, but since Teacher Kai asked.

"Yes, Mr. Kai, it's funny!"

"Well, Li, as expected of my disciple."

Dunn looked at these people funny, and laughed himself.But... Payne's words are really good!

I feel that I have a fight with the second pillar, and they are full of force.


Xiao Nan looked at Payne silently and did not speak.

"Since you keep silent, then the relationship between friends and enemies has been established, Xiao Nan, you should know my strength, so you should know that you can't defeat me."

"It's useless to talk too much, see the real chapter!"


After that, Payne raised his hand, and with a sound of 'huh', a gangster formed by the power of six paths stretched out from his sleeves, stared at him, and quickly came out towards Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan didn't move, looking at Payne who was coming.

Just when the two are about to collide!

Xiao Nan's figure moved!

From stillness to movement, in just a moment, Xiao Nan raised his left hand and directly and accurately grabbed Payne's wrist holding the iron rod. At the same time, with a flick of his right hand, a kunai appeared, flashing cold light and quickly attacked Payne's head!

With the characteristics of Samsara Eye, Payne saw through Xiao Nan's movements, and he bent over to avoid the blow. At the same time, he lifted his feet off the ground and kicked Xiao Nan's face twice!


Xiao Nan had no choice but to let go of Payne's hand and take a few steps back!

When the two just separated, a mutation suddenly occurred!

I saw Payne raised one hand, and a miniature black hole appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

A huge suction fell on Xiao Nan and began to fly in the direction of Payne!

Payne took out the iron rod at the same time, ready to kill Xiao Nan with one blow!

The audience was worried for a while. Some of them have seen this skill, and they have no solution at all!

But Xiao Nan's expression remained the same, and he flew towards Payne.

It looks like blood will be splattered everywhere!


"Big sister, run away!"

Ramen shop.

"This... Mr. Dunn!" Kakashi said to the Dunn family worriedly, even the Xiaoqiangs on the side clenched their hands, and their hearts were raised in their throats.

But when Kakashi and Akai saw Kushina and Mikoto still smiling, Dunn didn't even look at Payne, they knew that their worry was unnecessary.

Sure enough, at the moment of approaching Payne.

Xiao Nan moved her lips, and everyone could only see that she seemed to say something softly, but she didn't know what it was.

But they saw that Tiandao Payne, who had always been expressionless, suddenly changed his face!

I did see that Tiandao Payne changed his position in an instant and released his invincible skills!

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