"Good proposal, these are extraordinary times. This is the time to help each other."

"This way, we can unify the command and prevent the chaotic situation from continuing."

Onogi frowned.

"Then, the question is to whom will the command of the coalition be given?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the other shadows with a half-smile.

Chapter [-] Uchiha Sasuke strikes

"Then, to whom will the command of the coalition be handed over? This is a very big position."

Mikune replied:

"It's up to you to discuss only constant disputes, so I hope you can respect your proposal as a neutral country."

"So, among you five shadows, who is the most suitable!?"


In the main hall, the upper floor.

Sasuke and his party are hidden here.

Observe the defensive layout below.

Afterwards, several people jumped in from a height and sneaked in.

Outside the hall, Black and White Jue, A Fei and the two looked into the distance...I don't know what they were thinking.

"Is it alright?"

"Ah... After waiting so long, let's start!"


Muye Village, the Tang En family compound.

Dunn was sitting under the eaves smoking a cigarette, looking at the beautiful snow scene, a little lost.

Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, and Hinata were chatting with a stove by the window in the author's house.

Looking closely, one person actually has a scarf in his hand.

Well, this is obviously woven for myself, Dunn... Haha.

"Mikoto, do you think there's something wrong with Tsunade-san? Seeing her husband's dazed appearance, is something going to happen?"

Mikoto put down the needle and thread in her hand, thought about it, and said:

"It should be. After all the calculations, the leader of Xiao's organization, Payne, has been defeated, and there are not many people left. Everything is as expected by Tang En."

Xiao Nan thought about it at this time, and said softly:

"That's right, Red Sand Scorpion, Deidara, Jiaodu, Feiduan, Payne, all five people were killed, Itachi is here with us, and only Jue and Afei are left. And, I know, Afei this Talent is Akatsuki's behind-the-scenes mastermind, and that absolute..."

"There's another shark that didn't die."

"It's probably too soon."

At this time, Tang En came in, leaned on the door frame, and said:

"After the Five Shadows Conference is over, the curtain will be opened, and I'm looking forward to it!"

"What's the big curtain opened, what else do you know about the inside story?"

"Well, didn't I tell you, that Moon Eye plan."

"Yeah, isn't that the host of Ah Fei?"

"How is it possible, there is still a Uchiha Madara behind him, and behind Madara, there is another person...the black and white Jue."

"I said that the one who hides so deeply, so it's him."

"Ha, let's just watch the show, the others will be solved by someone else, Child of Destiny is about to awaken!"

"Hey, it's really boring. I'd better go and see the scene. It's more enjoyable to see with your eyes than to perceive. Can you go?"

"Boring, go by yourself."

"Uh, okay."


Five Shadows Conference.

"Let Hokage be the leader of the coalition this time."

Raikage is furious!

"Let Hokage come to sit in command!"

Tsunade smiled slightly.

"I am willing to accept this task."

Raikage is dissatisfied...

"Why Hokage!"

Mifune glanced sideways at Raikage.

"Do you want to be the one? The leader needs a cool head. If you are the leader, it is estimated that the entire coalition will be the same as this table, right?"

Raikage made Mifune speechless, grinned and gritted his teeth, his black face turned red, and he was happy.

"And Lord Fengying is obviously too young to convince the public, so there must be a lot of pressure to take on the heavy responsibility of Fengying."

"And Tuying has a record of using Akatsuki's organization, and at the same time is too old."

"Shuiying, Akatsuki's birthplace is Kiriyin... So."

"Naruto is the best choice. Senju Tsunade, a member of the Senju clan, is the granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, and is the strongest medical ninja in the world today, one of the legendary three ninjas, strength, Identity and status can be convincing. Isn't it, Raikage-sama."

"Finally, although I don't know the purpose of Akatsuki's organization to collect the tailed beasts, I absolutely cannot give them the last tailed beast, the nine tails! And the nine tails belong to Konoha. I think it is suitable for Hokage to take over."

at this time.


With Tsunade's current strength, I can perceive how powerful that is, not to mention that this enemy is using the same wood ninjutsu...

Tsunade gave Kakashi and Akai a slap in the face, the two of them tightened their faces, and stood beside Tsunade with two swipes.

"What's going on, the five generations of fire...?"

Suddenly, the scene suddenly changed!

In the middle of the conference table, a white creature appeared, unfolding like a flower, revealing its body!

"HELLO~~~~~~~~~ everyone!"

Kakashi looked at the figure solemnly.

"Is this...Xiao?"

Tsunade replied:


Bai Jue doesn't care where this place is at all.

"Yo ho ho, Uchiha Sasuke has invaded! So, where is he hiding!?"

"What did you say????"

"That rascal……"

"The guy who wrote the wheel eye..."


Naruto's small hotel.

"Yo, Naruto Uzumaki, let's have a good chat?"

It was none other than Ah Fei who spoke.


Five Shadows Conference Room.

"Hmph, damn it!"

Lei Ying couldn't ask anything, and directly strangled Bai Jue's clone to death.

"Let's go! Sasuke is outside!"

Watching Lei Ying go out in a rage, everyone from all sides looked at each other.

Tsunade didn't care about that and sat as steady as Mount Tai, while Kakashi and Akai saw that Hokage-sama was so calm, so they gradually let go of their vigilance.

in the hall.

Raikage and his party finally found Sasuke and his party.

"Hmph, Raikage-sama, let me come!"

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Lei Dun · Gratitude Wave!"

Sasuke was still rushing forward, and was suddenly hit back by a sudden ninjutsu!

Raikage and his entourage have such a violent temper, no nonsense, and directly start a war with Sasuke!


On the other side, hearing the sound of battle, Gaara stood up with Temari, ready to go.

The reason, of course, needless to say, based on the relationship between Gaara and Naruto...

"Lord Tuying, what about you?"

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