"What do you mean?"

"The woman in front of you has surpassed the Six Path Immortals. Do you understand, the kid on the opposite side is not an opponent at all!"

"Is the proprietress Jiuxinnai so strong?"

"You'll know just by looking at it."

Madara Uchiha is completely stunned, is this world changing so fast?

These two girls must have hidden their strength during the third battle!

I didn't expect it to be so strong now!

Just as he was thinking about it, Uchiha Obito, who was almost overwhelmed by the pressure, finally launched a crazy attack on Kushina!

Six-level battle, it can only be said that the sky is falling apart, and if it is affected, it will be over.

The other three women nodded and flew in three directions.

Then, they took out Dunn's strongest sealing technique!

The three formed an equilateral triangle and drank at the same time:

"The Great Sealing Technique·Sacred Mirror Gate Barrier!"

"The Great Sealing Technique·Sacred Mirror Gate Barrier!"

"The Great Sealing Technique·Sacred Mirror Gate Barrier!"

In an instant!The strongest enchantment on this planet is formed!

The ninja allied forces were stunned when they saw the super fantasy enchantment that included Kushina and Obito.

Look at the fantastic pattern on that barrier, the diamond-colored mask!

This gives them a full sense of security.

Lu Jiu, Hai Yi, and Ding Zuo stood beside Akai, Twelve Xiaoqiang and others, and explained to them:

"I heard Dunn say this sealing technique. This is a ninjutsu created by him, and it cannot be released until the sixth level. Once this barrier is unfolded, there is no way to open it! Unless the releasers are willing, Tang En is in charge of it. This thing is called: Great Sealing Technique·Sacred Mirror Gate Barrier!"

"Great Sealing Technique, Holy Mirror Gate Barrier... It looks very powerful! Only he can develop such a technique!"

A few people looked at Kushina who was fighting fiercely with Liudao Obito, and then looked at the three women standing beside the barrier, thinking about it as if something was missing.

"Then what, have you seen Dunn?"

"Uh, then again, this kid has his wife in this tank, why did he go by himself?"

"who knows……"

Yes, Dunn is now busy preparing to deal with the mastermind behind the scenes.It is the six-path immortal who has been harvesting wool for thousands of years in the ninja world!

He is ready to take control of the world and watch the wars created by Hei Jue indifferently. After these people die, Chakra and their souls will be absorbed by the Huangquan Realm he established, and finally become the power savings for him to control the world.

This time, the critical moment has come!

As long as this critical world reincarnation succeeds, borrowing the hands of his two reincarnated sons to seal the titular mother and absorbing her ancestor Chakra, then the immortals of the Six Paths can merge with this world and become a true god!

But the dream is beautiful, and the reality is of course skinny. Just when the plan saw decades of success, a freak appeared.

Ahem, it should be said that he is a time traveler.

Yes, it is our protagonist Dunn.

He rewrote the plot so that Erzhuzi could not obtain the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye so far. Even if the Indra Chakra hidden in his body is activated by the immortals of the six paths, it is just an ordinary reincarnation eye, and it is still one eye. It can be said to be leftovers.

Therefore, the perfect plan of Immortal Six Paths caused Tang En to bite off a piece of meat abruptly, making him disabled!

In the void, when Dunn thought of this, he just laughed.Just listen to him say to himself:

"It should be almost there, there are still two steps... Come on, dear, I've been waiting for you so hard!"

Chapter [-]: The Sixth Dao is the same as hanging and beating

In the Great Barrier, the battle between Kushina and Obito was an eye-opener for the Ninja Alliance!

Is this still a ninja?

I saw Kushina's whole body burning and rising golden chakra, violently erupting from the body!

In an instant, she turned into a golden streamer at an indescribable speed, attacking Obito!

In an instant, Kushina appeared on top of Obito's head, and in the eyes of the ninja coalition, Kushina's movement actually produced a circle of sonic boom clouds!

At this moment, a foot gushing out golden chakra steam flames appeared in Obito's eyes, and the harsh humming of Kushina's high-speed movement could be heard in his ears! !Kushina's attack is already blooming in front of Obito!

Feeling the pressure that hit, an energy that could suffocate ordinary people, Obito flashed his figure, raised his arms and used the fairway jade to unfold into a shield, blocking this devastating blow!

dong dong dong! !

Centered on the collision between the two, the entire space seemed to tremble!There are ripples in the air!

When these ripples hit the ground.

Strangely, the earth actually shattered and collapsed!


With a loud bang, a bottomless giant pit appeared in the ground beneath the two of them.

Then, the two turned into a mobile battle!

A white figure and a golden light began to bang bang!

Make a deafening sound.

In the space inside the barrier, explosions were constantly heard, and Obito and Kushina were intertwined, colliding wildly, banging!

Wherever the two went, no matter what it was, it all shattered!The entire inner space of the enchantment has been riddled with holes!The connection world was swayed by waves of ripples, which seemed to be crumbling!

This kind of physique confrontation completely shocked the ninja coalition!

"Hey...hey, if this is punched, it's almost dead, right?"

"What do you mean, Akai, aren't you a self-proclaimed physique master..."

"Uh, their physical power is almost the same as opening eight doors!"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be able to keep up with the strength of Bamen's unique skills."

"If they used all their strength..."


At this time, the two people in the space separated and looked at each other from a distance.

Kushina pouted, but the physical skills still didn't work very well. It seemed that he had to use other tricks to defeat this kid.

After speaking, with a gesture of his hand, the ten jades behind him slowly floated around Kushina.

"Quick fight, I've had enough."

There was a cold sweat on Obito's forehead.

"It seems that this woman was testing my strength just now. I don't know how strong she is..."

At this time, the begging jade around Kushina's body slowly revolved around her under her movements, and finally slowly merged into one.

A purple-gold orb appeared in everyone's sight.

There are also colorful spheres like planets around the big ball in the middle.

At the same time, these balls start to move regularly according to the circular trajectory.

Yes, the things in Kushina's hands are officially the product of the realization of the idea of ​​​​the Great Sun View in her mind!

"Uh, what's that?"

The Ninja Allied Forces and others saw Kushina raise her arms, holding the larger and larger aggregate of terrifying energy in her palms.

A terrifying sense of oppression permeates the ninja coalition, or the entire continent through the barrier!

This blow can destroy the world!

Everyone couldn't help but raise this idea in their hearts.

At this time, Mikoto, Xiaonan, and Hinata also slowly descended to the side of the ninja alliance and replied:

"Protect yourself. Although this blow is not enough to break the barrier of the Holy Mirror Gate, some things will inevitably appear, such as... wind pressure?"

"Uh, Mikoto-sama... Then, what is that? Even if you see it closely, it's creepy and your scalp is numb."

Mikoto smiled softly.

"It's nothing, it's just an attack that can destroy a continent. With the barrier of the Holy Mirror Gate, nothing will happen."

"Ugh! What did you say!?"


Kushina looked at the frightened Obito opposite with a half-smile.

"I wonder if your Taoist jade can stop my move?"

The sphere above Kushina's head has swelled to its largest size. She is like a small ant standing underneath. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to spot her.

"Then, Uchiha Obito, take it!"

"Shinto Mode · Reincarnation Mill · Big Jade Wheel Soup!"

With a soft drink, Kushina took the small solar system above her head out!

I saw Da Yu Lungeng quietly flew to Obito with a terrifying momentum!

With the attack area of ​​this move, plus in the enchantment, Obito's only way is to defend!

Unfolding the Taoist jade, it turned into a black ball, and hid in it with a hideous expression!

But what's the use?

Under the stunned, stunned, dumbfounded gaze of the Ninja Alliance!

A dazzling light lit up in the enchantment!

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