The girls turned their heads. Dunn saw their expressions, as if they had encountered something... fun?

"Have you started yet!"

"Yes, I sense that the new key has been activated, and the magic of the Great Holy Grail is full. These masters should also start to summon."

"Hey, Dunn, don't we summon? Isn't our magic much stronger than that Great Holy Grail?"

"Uh, forget it, how can we play this mess! It's a game after all."

Chapter [-] The Beginning of the Summoning

Germany, Einzbern.

"The strongest Servant, the way to use it in the strongest state! Hahahahaha!"

What happened to Emiya Kiritsugu?crazy?

Since Irisviel let Dunn be kidnapped, the one who is now serving as the little Holy Grail is a puppet with no human emotion, and...


"Good afternoon, Rin!"

"Hmph, good afternoon! Kirei."

"What a big bag!"

"Well, today I'm going to leave here and go to Chancheng's house."

"Kirei will fight by my father's side."

"That's why I came to be his apprentice."

"Kirei, can I trust you?"

With a happy expression on her face, Mapo replied:

"That's impossible. If it's a small battle to keep the promise, there's no need for you and your wife to take refuge."

"Hey, I hate you!"

"Little Rin, you can't reveal your sincerity in front of people!"

"Otherwise, educate your father, and his character will be questioned!"


Matou family.

Kariya is really tragic this time!

Originally, I heard from Aoi that Xiao Ying was sent to my house, and I was very sad and angry!

As a result, he didn't find Sakura when he got home, but he suspected that his father hid it.

But one thing that puzzled him was that Matou Zuoyan's expression was always wrong, a little... crazy?

But in order to prevent Sakura from being poisoned, he resolutely woke up the bug transformation!Get ready for this Holy Grail War!

"Did you remember the incantation spell?"


"Okay, but interspersed with other spells in the middle."

"why is that.?"

"Don't worry, it's very simple."

"Because your magician aptitude is much worse than other masters, this will also affect the basic ability from here, so you need to strengthen it from other aspects and increase the value of the overall ability."

"The Servant summoned tonight should have some maddening attributes."


One foot forest in Fuyuki City.

Webber killed several chickens and used their blood to draw a magic circle!

"Full, full, full, full, full!"

"Add five degrees for each repetition!"

"Abandon only when it's full!"


"Adding silver and iron to the material, there is my grandfather Shuboyin Oak!"


"Close the gates of the four squares, and come out from the crown!"

"Let the fork in the road to the kingdom circulate!"


"Your god is under me, and my destiny is your sword!!!"

"Follow the call of the Holy Grail! Follow the will and the truth and respond!"


"Swear again!"

"I will cover all the good in this world, and I will cover all the evils in this world!"


Dunn's Castle in Fuyuki City.

At the same time, Dunn and the heavy girl sensed a magic power that erupted from the Great Holy Grail, scattered all over the world!

"It's done, then, there will be a good show tomorrow."

"Dear, I don't know what hero was summoned? I've seen the history of this world! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to it too."


"Awesome! You are really cool!!!!!!!!!!"

"Okay, no matter what the Holy Grail is or not, I am willing to follow you!! You are so handsome!"

"Haha, hurry up, come and kill me! Bewitch me with a more cool killing method!"

Yusheng Ryunosuke had a crooked and crazy smile on his face. This morbid character is exactly the same as his servant!

"Oh, your name is Ryunosuke, right? Sansheng is really fortunate to have a Master who recognizes me so much! It seems that I can finally fulfill my sad wish!"

"Uh, by the way I haven't asked your name yet?"

"Me? My name? I think, the more common name in this day and age is... Then call me Bluebeard!"

I wiped it, where is your beard!


The next day.

Fuyuki City is undercurrent.

Seven magicians who participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War came one after another.

They either came quietly, or mixed in with the crowd, or swaggered!

A cliff edge.

The teacher and the apprentice are talking on the phone.

"There is news from the Sanctuary Church that the seventh Servant, CASTER, has appeared."

At this moment, a voice in the darkness came from behind Mapo.

"If that's the case, then..."

"You go to Tohsaka's house right away. There's nothing to be afraid of there."

"What do you mean?"

"If it's you, you shouldn't care about the fortress-like magical barrier, right?"

Mapo fooled her servants.

This is really an empty man!

However, this happened. ASSASSIN showed his gymnastics movements in the barrier that were comparable to the difficulty factor of SSSSS, and he was about to approach the switch and break through the barrier.


In an instant!

Bang bang bang!

"Ah! uh uh uh!"

ASSASSIN's hand on the switch was nailed directly to the building!

Following the flying Noble Phantasm, a arrogant and pretentious voice sounded.

"Who allowed you to raise your head!? You lowly worm lying on the ground!"

ASSASSIN was about to slowly raise his head, but he didn't see the figure clearly.

Boom boom boom!

It was smashed into scum by countless flying Noble Phantasms. !

"To say...that...there's nothing to be afraid of???"

I saw a golden figure above, and various treasures flashed in the golden ripples behind it!

The next moment, ASSASSIN was shot in the head!

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