This level of destructive power is only trivial for Heroic Spirits. If the two release the Noble Phantasm, then...

Will it be ruined?

This is a scene like an ancient myth, and this is the miracle that the Holy Grail of Heaven can bring!

Compared to the blurred vision of the masters, the Dunn family watched with relish on the skyscrapers hidden in the distance.

SABER and LANCER's fighting style is completely different from theirs, which is completely different from Naruto World's fighting skills.

Naruto's skills are completely typical of the Eastern skills, while the fighting style of SABER and LANCER is open and close, which is the typical fighting style of Western knights.

"Is it down to ten times? But the skills are still too bad."

Mikoto, who came from a fighting family, was obviously disappointed with this fighting mode.

For Dunn and the others, it was just a matter of entertainment.

On the battlefield, SABER became more and more surprised. He didn't expect that two guns would be so powerful when used at the same time!

Turns out, it wasn't just a pretense!

"Double gun flow!?"

"What's wrong, SABER. Found the attack useless? Are you going to run away?"

Seeing that SABER took the initiative to take a step back, LANCER began to provoke.This is also a common tactic of the knights.

As the famous King Arthur in history, how could he be distracted by this kind of talk?

Seeing that SABER was still staring at him calmly, LANCER smiled.

Afterwards, he directly played a spear, kicked his right foot hard on the ground, and attacked SABER in an instant!

The double gun flow used by LANCER is superb, the virtual reality is real, the angle is strange, and the changes are varied.

But SABER is also very experienced. With the invisible sword, he calmly blocked all attacks one by one!

at this time!

SABER's eyes lit up!

"good chance!"

Taking advantage of the time when LANCER's new power is coming and the old power is gone, he slashed with a sword in an instant!

Chapter [-] I am the King of Conquerors

In the seaside port, LANCER and SABER are in an inextricable battle!

The sound of gold and iron clashing could be heard, but the puppet standing behind SABER remained expressionless.

The professor hiding on the roof looked at LANCER's repeated failure to succeed, and blue veins appeared on his forehead, showing how angry he was!

at this time!The fighting Saber suddenly changed his expression.

Her eyes lit up!

"good chance!"

Taking advantage of the time when LANCER's new power is coming and the old power is gone, he slashed with a sword in an instant!


With the sound of the explosion, it was LANCER who blocked SABER's counterattack at the last minute!

However, it was a bit reluctant to block, because the sword in Saber's hand could not be seen clearly, and LANCER could only know about it.

"It's amazing, it actually blocked my killing blow."

LANCER looked at SABER calmly, and his heart turned sharply.

In the face of evenly matched knights, it seems that Noble Phantasm is still needed.

Just happened to be this time.

"LANCER, I agree to your use of the Noble Phantasm."

"Okay, Master, I will bring you victory!"

Saber frowned, Noble Phantasm.

LANCER finally revealed his Noble Phantasm, and he didn't need to pronounce his real name, because it was a resident special effect Noble Phantasm.

When the two fought again, SABER's Wind King barrier was suddenly destroyed!

Although it is only a corner of the contact, it is enough for a warrior like them.

Saber saw the magic-breaking effect of this gun, and it was the same as before. He took off his armor and was finally caught in the yellow rose, and the wound was cursed and irreversible!


Fuyuki Bridge!

"It's over, bad."

RIDER watched the battle in the distance.

"What... what's wrong? RIDER?"

"No, LACER used the Noble Phantasm to decide the winner as soon as possible. I think it should be his Master's attention."

"I want to help! For being able to bring together outstanding figures from different eras and confront each other! Such opportunities are rare. These two warriors, I appreciate them very much!"

"It would be a pity to die like this!"

Listening to the words of the Conqueror Wang Qi Ganyun, Weber was completely stupid.

"Don't you want to kill them?"

"Victory is not destroyed, hegemony is not insulted, this is worthy of the word conquest, boy!"


The next moment, a chariot appeared with the sound of wind and thunder!

As if carrying a chicken, he threw Weber up, and the divine cow he pulled roared loudly and galloped away with lightning!

"Ahhhhhhh, let me down!!! It's terrible! Don't just mess around!!!" There was Weber's miserable howl in the air.


"The cursed gun? The Knights of Fiona, the first warrior, Diarmor, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that the one who was fighting against me was the King of Knights of Great Britain!"

LANCER's fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, and he looked at SABER with bright eyes.

"Enlightenment, SABER, I will win the final victory!"

"Let's talk after you beat me!"

SABER and LANCER once again launched a fighting posture, and the fierce battle was triggered for the second time!

Just when the fighting intentions of both sides increased to the highest point, a burst of thunder came!


A sudden roar of thunder made SABER and LANCER stunned at the same time. They suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the roar. Without thinking, they knew that another Servant appeared!

The fighting hand hidden on the roof frowned, very dissatisfied with someone interrupting the battle. It seemed that SABER was about to be killed. How could he feel good?

At the same time, other masters are also curious, who is it?

And SABER and LANCER also put down their weapons. For the two who also have chivalry spirit, it would be a shame if they wounded their opponents and made others humble!This kind of thing will be the stain of a lifetime!

In the sky, an ancient chariot pulled by a cow roared with purple lightning.

This scene made all the peeping people stunned!

Even the Tang En family, several wives are even bigger mouths, stupidly looking at the King of Conqueror who appeared in the second middle school.

"Tang...Tang En, is there something wrong with this person!? It's the climax, what is it that he interrupted?"

"Uh... no, I don't know."

Looking at the girls on the fire, Tang En a quail.

At this time, it is obviously not sensible to touch the mold.

Look, Xiao Nan, Kushina, and Kaguya eat the popcorn faster and faster!

To explode! ! ! !


Such a shocking and inspiring appearance made SABER and LANCER no longer interested in continuing the fight.

Only to hear the muscular man yell:

"Both sides put away their weapons for this king!"

The muscular man fought on the majestic bull chariot again. The chariot pulled two charred wheels on the ground and stopped between SABER and LANCER. At the same time, he shouted loudly with his rough and arrogant voice!

Seeing that the entire battlefield was watching him and at the same time quieting down, RIDER nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"I am the King of Conquest, named Iskandar, and join this Holy Grail War with the rank of RIDER!"




The peeping masters and servants are all stupid!He was stunned and stared at this conquering king who was a little bit of a middle-class character.

SABER stood up straight, sweating on his forehead, and looked stupidly at the muscular man in front of him.

"Puff puff!"

The popcorn sprayed Tang En's face, and the girls really couldn't help it, giggling!

Fall on Dunn and can't get up.

What's more, Kushina rolled on the ground clutching her stomach.

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