"Of course it's Onepiece! I heard it's very mysterious there."

"You mean let's be pirates?"

"How is it possible, we are good people, but... there is a very funny race in this world, called Tianlong people, they are high above, they have the greatest strength in the world, if they are entangled by them, they will see your beauty. , or provoked me... that's all."

"It's so murderous."

"Well, who made you my heart."

It was so calm on a windless night, and the huge Leisure was docked on the edge of the deserted island.

Even the passing Sea Kings were too scared to approach by the terrifying aura coming from the ship.

Among them, put on a room with bright lights, the house is slightly warm like spring!


Day two.

Facing the rising sun, Tang En's family got up early. Today is the day to go to sea!

"Haha, I'm the man who wants to be the king of leisure."

"Are you mentally retarded?"

"Uh... let's go!"

Facing the rising sun that just rose above the sea level, the huge, mysterious and elegant Leisure slowly started.

Clap la la, with the start of the huge hull, the calm sea turned up with snow-white waves, and as the ship moved forward, it made a pleasant sound of clap la la.

After a while, the huge Leisure slipped under the horizon and slowly moved away.

Dunn took Kushina, Mikoto, Kaguya, Konan, Hinata, Tsunade, Ari, and Saber to stand on the bow of the boat and look into the distance.

As Leisure sailed, several people could also feel the caressing of the sea breeze.

Saber was wearing a blue short skirt, white sailor suit, small leather boots, and her golden hair was tied up behind her head. She asked Dunn softly:

"In this world, according to what you said, in addition to the supernatural power of the Devil Fruit, there should be some other power systems..."

Seeing such Saber Dunn smiled.

He took out a box of exquisite modern society specialty cigarettes from his trousers pocket, opened it, took out one and put it in his mouth.

Then I lit it with a Z lighter of the same modern society, took a deep breath, and seemed to enjoy it.


After spitting it out, Dunn put his hands in his pockets, facing the sea breeze, and spoke slowly.

"This world is not as simple as the devil fruit. This is just one of them. In addition, it has physical skills and sword skills."

Hearing the swordsmanship, Saber's eyes lit up!


Dunn turned his head and smiled slightly.

"Yes, swordsmanship. No matter what world, swordsmanship has been passed on forever. In this world called Onepiece, swordsmanship is one of the three major power systems. Among them, the person with the strongest swordsmanship is called The world's greatest swordsman!"

The girls all looked at Dunn and asked in surprise:

"The world's greatest swordsman? How strong is that?"

Dunn laughed.

"How strong is it? Is it strong to split a large island in half with one knife?"

Saber's beautiful brows wrinkled and questioned:

"Is there still such a strong human being?"

"Yes, this world is so magical. They have eaten sea kings or high-energy substances since they were young. You must know how abundant natural energy is in this world. In such an environment, people living in 5.2 can you Have you thought about what it would be like to be strong?"

"Moreover, among the strong, they will have a special ability. Of course, people who have reached a certain strength can practice it. Its name is domineering."


"Yes, domineering. Domineering is divided into the aptitude of a king, the domineering domineering that can stun or stun the enemy with its own momentum; the armament of the entity that can improve the defense and attack power and can touch the natural fruit ability. Domineering; the one who can predict the opponent's next move and position, and the owner of a higher level of domineering can hear the voices of others, and even speak to others."

After listening to Dunn's explanation, the girls were thoughtful.

At this time, Xueba Kaguya Ji gently stroked her hair and said softly:

"I know what's going on."

Chapter [-] Encountered Ships


When Dunn said this word, he finally asked in surprise.

Dunn flicked the ash, loosened the tie buckle, and explained:

"That's right, domineering. There are three types of domineering, armed with domineering, knowledgeable with domineering, and the rarest of domineering."

"Cover the black material on any part of the body, the strong can even form armor, this layer of material can improve the defense and attack power, and can touch the entity of the natural fruit ability, it is called armed color domineering; "

"It is possible to predict the opponent's next move and position, that is, pre-judgment. It is called arrogance and arrogance, and higher-level owners of arrogance and arrogance can use this ability to hear the voices of others and even speak to others."

"In the end, the rarest, with the qualifications of a king, can shock or stun the enemy with his own momentum, this is the domineering arrogance of a king;"

"Everyone with domineering looks is one of hundreds of millions. They are the darlings of God, and everyone grows up immeasurably."

After listening to Tang En's explanation, the girls 26 thought deeply, and it turned out that this world is not as simple as it seems.

At this time, Xueba Kaguya Ji gently stroked her hair and said softly:

"I know what's going on."

The family looked at Kaguya, waiting for her next words.

"What Tang En said about domineering is actually the use of spiritual power. These are not problems for us at all, or, domineering is a very profound thing for them, but for us it is also spiritual power. It's just the fur used, what are you talking about Dunn."

"That's right, people in this world will only use mental power basically, such as armed arrogance, covering their own body surface with mental power, thereby strengthening attack and defense, and even hitting elemental enemies. Domineering is even simpler. This is the lowest level of mental power use, and finally it is the domineering look of domineering. Only people with strong spiritual ideas can inspire, that is to say, only people with strong will and strong spiritual power, Only then can you awaken the talent of domineering and domineering. Naturally, those who have a firm mind will definitely achieve great things, that's for sure."

After finishing speaking, Dunn also sighed.

Carefully review the people who have the aptitude for domineering and domineering, which one is not the dragon and the phoenix?

But for the Dunn family...



One after another, the sound of gas explosions resounded beside Dunn.

Even Dunn's hair was blown out of shape.

He twisted his neck stiffly and looked back...

I saw a huge aura formed around the girls, and they collided with each other, resulting in this deafening sound.

The sky suddenly darkened!

Even the surrounding clouds were blown away, forming a spectacular vacuum over the Leisure.

"Stop stop stop!!! I know you guys are amazing, you guys are awesome, keep a low profile, keep a low profile! We're not here to disrupt! We're here on vacation! I don't want to be focused on just coming here. ."

Dunn was completely stunned.

I know that one of you is more fierce than the other, and one is stronger than the other. You are all people who have done two worlds, so why can't you calm down!

"Hmph, but that's it, it's really simple."

"Dang En, we also want to eat sea kings!"

"Okay, eat! I'll catch it now..."

The atmosphere on the leisurely number is really changing rapidly. Just now, Tang En was pretending to be arrogant. I look like an encyclopedia.

It seems that the harem group is too strong and it is not a good thing.

After watching Tang En jump to the sea with a bitter face to catch the sea kings, the girls giggled!

"Sisters, let's go in, what should I do if my skin gets dark after sun exposure..."

After that, with the encouragement of Kushina, everyone returned to the luxurious living room and went about their own business.

This luxurious living room has everything you can think of, plush furniture, huge fireplace, soft full size rug.Includes a panoramic ocean view skylight that occupies one side wall.

"Well, this is life! It's so enjoyable."

"Hey, Saber, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking, when will I challenge the world's largest swordsman."



After a while, Dunn returned to Leisure with a huge deep-sea sea king.

On the huge deck of the Leisure, the sea kings are the size of a small shrimp.

"Tsk tsk, it really is a world full of natural energy, just this, meat contains such high energy substances..."

Raising his hand from the Golden Realm, he took out a special Tang knife, Tang En held the handle, and then threw the sea king into the sky!

The next moment, his wrist flicked, and he slashed countless knives in a flash!

In the blink of an eye, the sea kings turned into delicious ingredients.

Looking at his achievements, Dunn grinned.With a wave of his hand, he took the sea king meat and the Tang knife into the space, and turned around and entered the kitchen.

Dunn first took out the complete bones of the sea kings and simmered them slowly, using them to cook a delicious soup, and adding collagen-rich iron sheets, which were brought from modern society.

This will make the soup thick and thick.I feel like my upper and lower lips are sticking together when I eat it.

In a rich pot of miscellaneous cooking sea kings, Dunn also put some precious materials, such as the leaves of the divine tree.When the leaves are put in, the whole 800 pot of soup is sublimated, producing a little fragrance.

"Dears, it's time to eat!"

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