"Vortex Dunn, 7th ring, 6 points of strength."

"Huh... Passed."

"Ha, Dunn, you passed. Congratulations."

"Haha, thank you Lu Jiu."

"Uzumaki Kushina."


Kushina didn't play any tricks, and went out with a kunai, shaking her wrist without even looking at it...


Everyone was dumbfounded...

"What about Kunai?"

The teacher's eyes widened, lying in a trough.

When I came to the target, I stared at the big hole in the center of the target, and most of the kunai embedded in the wall behind it...

Throat gurgling sound...

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and their eyes were about to pop out.

"Uzumaki Kushina, 10 rings, 10 points of strength..."

"Uh...it seems to be overdone..."

She looked innocent.

She walked slowly to Tang En's side, looking embarrassed...

Dunn touched her head and said:

"It's okay, we're about to graduate soon, not to mention, there are some things we can't avoid... It's already started."

Kushina clearly understood what he meant.

Minato and Ling saw this scene and asked Ling next to him.

"Ling, Kushina, is this normal?"

"Well, Xiao Nai turned out to be a very talented child in the village, so it's normal in the whirlpool family. Obviously, Tang En is an exception."

"Oh. Is this the bloodline limit?"

"Uchiha Mikoto, 9 rings, 8 points in strength."

Mikoto's results were not unexpected for everyone.

After all, it is the Uchiha family, even if it is ordinary, even if it does not open its eyes, but the family throws the kunai shuriken, which is originally a strong point, and it is not surprising.

Everyone finished the exam and stood in line.

"Next, we will conduct an actual combat assessment."

"The first group, Hyuga Hizu VS Yamanaka Kaiichi. The second group..."

"Team [-], Senju Roki VS Minato Namikaze. Group [-], Kushina Uzumaki VS Mikoto Uchiha"

"The twelfth group, Vortex Dunn VS Vortex Ling."

After listening to the group, everyone's eyes lit up.They all looked at the rope tree and the water gate.

"Hey, they really got a piece."

"There's a good show to watch!"

In the field, Hizu and Haiyi were already standing.

"Cough, Rizu, be merciful! We are good brothers..."

"As long as you admit defeat, it's easy to say."

"...Anyway, I'm also a member of the mountain family, but how can I admit defeat with two moves."

Taking out the kunai, Hai Yi accelerated towards Hizu.

Rizu stance, always ready...

Bang bang bang...the two fought instantly.

"Hey, Hizu has become stronger again... as expected of Hinata."

"Hai Yi is also good."

After fighting a few tricks, Hai Yi found that he couldn't take advantage of the close proximity, so he decisively opened up the distance.

Hands knotted.

"Heart Turning Technique!"

"White eyes, open!"

"not good!"

Hai Yi trembled all over, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead...

Obviously, the secret technique failed.

"It's a surprise that your mental power is so high."

"That's because you haven't cultivated home yet."

"Okay, I admit defeat."

wow wow wow...

"As expected of the Hyuga family, so strong."

"Really, Sunzu is so handsome..."

There are many nympho girls everywhere... Tang En sighed...

"The next group..."

Just when everyone was drowsy, the main event finally came.

"Namikaze Minato VS Senju Rope Tree."

Upon hearing this, everyone came to the spirit.

Excitedly, he looked at the two people walking towards the field.

Tang En, Kushina, and Mikoto gathered together and observed them.

"Dawn, who do you think will win?"

Kushina asked.

"Watergate, of course. He really is a genius."

"Shengshu is a member of the Qianshou family after all, so he shouldn't be weak."

"The strength of a ninja is comprehensive. Even if Rouge's current Chakra reaches the level of Chunin, it is not an opponent of Minato."

Mikoto didn't interrupt and just listened to the debate between the two.

That's her strength, Mikoto will just stand quietly behind you, listen, and be your best listener, anytime.

"Watergate, I'm going to beat you here today!"

"I'm also looking forward to playing against you, Rope Tree."

"Namikaze Minato, please advise.!"

"Thousand-hand rope tree, please advise"

The two were in fighting stances.

Minato is a speed ninja, while Rouge is obviously a ninjutsu type.

The next moment, the two rushed towards each other at high speed at the same time.


The kunai in the hands were intertwined, sparks splashed around, and there was a clinking sound.

Bang bang bang!

Straight punches, sideways, leg lifts, knee pushes, iron bridges!

Suddenly, the rope tree kicked the water gate!

boom!The figure of Minato was turned into dry branches in a burst of smoke.


Rope tree was startled, and suddenly there was a gust of wind behind him.

He turned around instantly and folded his hands in front of him.


Block the flying leg of the water gate!But still not enough to offset the impact.

Clap la la, put both feet on the ground, and slid for a distance.

Suddenly, swish!

A cold light flashed, and three rapidly spinning shuriken suddenly flew!

Rope Tree hurriedly threw out the cutting tool and hurriedly defended, Ding Ding Ding!

Take a closer look, where is the figure of Watergate?

Chapter [-] Physical Art

Rope tree glanced slightly, then looked up!Finally saw the figure of the water gate.

He is falling fast!

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