"Uh, what, isn't this a low-key thing?"

"It's all excuses! What about things?"

Kaguya didn't care about that, she just stretched out her hand to ask for something.

"That's it."

Speaking of which, Dunn sent the devil fruit he just got.

Kaguya took it and carefully looked at this strange Devil Fruit.

"What kind of devil fruit is this? It's completely different from that burnt fruit."

"Well, obviously you can't tell just by looking at the surface, you can only observe it through the law fragments."

"Oh, that's right, I'm not in a hurry anyway, there is time."

The family walked towards the living room talking and laughing.

In the afternoon, after enjoying a cooked lunch of perfectly flavoured Neptune, the family went to the deck to bask in the sun.

Dunn and Kaguya came to the laboratory.

The two stood by the workbench and looked at this strange fruit on the table.

Kaguya nodded to Dunn.

Dunn understood.

He pressed his hand lightly on the fruit.

The next moment, Tang En's body lit up with purple light, and the light slowly circulated all over the body.

That's right, Tang En is using his special ability to analyze what attributes this devil fruit is.

"Oh, there is even an element attribute here, but the main structure of the fruit is not a natural system, so it should..."

"This is……!"

At this moment, Tang En's face changed, and ecstasy appeared on his face in an instant!

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and asked:

"What, is there a result?"

Tang En slowly opened his eyes and retracted his hand.

Looking at this precious devil fruit with joy.

"There is a result, this is a good thing!"

"Hey, tell me."

Tang En took Kaguya's little white hand and walked to the sofa, made tea for the two of them, and took a sip before saying:

"At the beginning of the analysis, I thought it was an elemental fruit, because it contained the breath of elements, but in-depth analysis found that its theme law is not an element, the element is just incidental."

Kaguya was surprised.

"You mean, this is a superhuman fruit or animal type that can use elemental attacks?"

Dunn nodded.

"But this fruit is a bit special, or...it has great potential for development. If, I mean if, we can really combine this fruit with the burning fruit, and the fruit we are about to set out to find, three If they are one, then this fruit will have…”

After listening to Tang En's explanation, Kaguya touched her chin and thought.

After a while, he said softly:

"Using your ability to fuse the law fragments in the fruit, can you do it?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, my core bloodline power has surpassed the system of this world and can complete the fusion."

"That's good, just let me go first, and can you get a map of the Devil Fruit? We don't even know the basic information and power system information of this world, including the cultivation method. And what you said I'm also very interested in the magical blank 100-year history of this world."

"Uh...this is still a bit difficult."

"But let me think of a way...then now, it's all right, isn't it time to enjoy a good afternoon too, my dear?"

After speaking, Tang En raised his eyebrows and looked at this stunning stunner from top to bottom.

White tender skin, bare feet on the thick carpet.

Under the denim hot pants are a pair of fair legs.

With a laugh, Kaguya's exclamation came from the research room!


In 1501 of the sea calendar, the windmill village.

On this day, in the small village, a small life was born.

And his birth also heralds that a new chapter is about to begin!

The post-One Piece era, the real era of great sailing, is here!

Fortunately, the born child did not lose his mother.

Garp stood on the beach of the island, blowing the sea breeze, grinning and smiling with relief.

Chapter [-] An Uneasy World

1502 sea calendar.

A year goes by in a flash.

This year, the whole situation in the second half of the great route became more and more crazy, and countless big pirates swarmed away!

Of course, because of Roger's words, the number of pirates in the world has begun to explode!

Let some civilians who live leisurely on the island complain.

This is even more a headache for the navy, and the young Warring States period is about to suffer from the dead.

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.


"Roger, this bastard, put us together before he died!"

Sengoku, who was rubbing his forehead, complained, and looking at Garp who was frantically eating donuts on the sofa, he couldn't even lift his heart.

"I said Karp, can you help me?"

"Huh? Do you want to eat donuts in the Warring States period? Well, I'll give you one."

"You old bastard!!!!!!!!!"

At this moment, Dangdang remembered the knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Report to the marshal, the general marshal's phone number."

"Okay, I know."


In the vast and endless sky, there is no trace of pollution, and the sky is blue.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa"

On the shore, the waves gently beat against the golden sand, making a pleasant sound.

In the sky in the distance, the sun hangs high above the sky, the blue sea and the blue sky are connected in the distance, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

Not far away, there was a small island, and the waves rushed towards it.

Looking closely, a small figure was wearing a small rose red dress, looking lost, walking on the golden sand in frustration, leaving a long series of footprints behind him.

The howling of seagulls and the lapping of waves played the symphony of nature around this little figure.

The little figure was walking, and suddenly seemed to have found something.

"Ah! Huh?"

This one is on the beach not far in front of her, and there is a huge fat figure lying on her stomach.

Many seagulls settled on his huge body, or hovered above him.

The sea water also washed his body repeatedly, but the owner of this body did not respond.

It appears to be in a coma.

The small figure took a few steps and came to the side of the huge body.

When I walked in, I found that this huge figure should be a giant.

He has orange hair and a huge hat on his head.


"Uh uh uh! Ahhhh!"

The giant struggled a bit, opened his mouth and looked up at the small figure.




"Huh... Save a life, I don't know what happened to that guy."

"Anyway, thank you for saving me."

"I didn't expect towns to exist on this island."

The little figure put his hands behind his back and looked up at the huge head in front of him.

"Well...there's a small town here."

"Is it……"

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