The man in black frowned, picked up the phone and dialed it.

"What's the matter!?"

"My lord, there is no such thing here. We have searched all these abandoned mining areas and there is no clue."


There was a noticeable silence on the other side of the phone bug.

"Really, if you look carefully, this news should be correct."


After hanging up the phone bug, the man's mood exploded.

When I see someone who is lazy, I am immediately upset!

"Damn, hurry up and work for Lao Tzu!"

While roaring and complaining:

"My dignified commander of CP9, Nima's was actually sent here! The last O'Hara incident was a steady promotion and salary increase! Shit, I didn't expect to kill a monster halfway, Nima's! I hate it. !"

If Dunn was here, he would have recognized the CP9 officer who made him miserable, Spandain.

The bright road to promotion was already in sight, but the result was unbelievable.

An entire slaughtering demon fleet was completely wiped out of the navy establishment. Someone must be responsible for Nima, right?

Hey?Exactly, you are the commander, that's you!

The result was like this, Spandain helped Dunn carry the blame.

It's been almost 10 years, and Spandain is still sitting in the position of the CP9 commander. It seems that it will take a few years to enter the high-level...

at this time……

Spandain found that there were some strange figures at the end of the street...

He thought he had read it wrong, raised his arm and wiped his eyes hard!

This time he was sure, that's right!is real...

There are still people in this terrifying ghost town?

Squinting my eyes, I found that the only man and a woman looked a little familiar...

That is……

Thinking about it, he said to his subordinates.

"Give me the bounty list book."

"Yes, sir!"

Clap la la, I flicked through the wanted list, and finally found one of them.

O'Hara's Demon, Son of the Demon, Nico Robin, Bounty: ** Bailey.

When Spandain saw the words of O'Hara, he immediately raised his head!

Holding the wanted warrant with trembling hands, the color of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he said tremblingly:

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! God can't see it! I even met Nicole Robin in this ghost place, ha, ha ha ha ha ha! As long as she is taken back, I will be promoted!"

For a time, Spandain's eyes were full of bloodshots, his face was hideous, and his opponent roared wildly!

"Quick, let's dig a J8 wool mine! Chase me!!!! That woman in front! Nico Robin! Catch me alive!"

Tatata! ! ! !

The subordinates gathered quickly, and after they gathered with their guns, they rushed up!

The Dunn family, who were walking towards the sea in front, heard footsteps and stopped.

They turned their heads in confusion, and saw a group of soldiers in suits, sunglasses, and black gentleman's hats aggressively killing them!

"Damn, how can I meet these unfortunate bastards, the world ZF is so haunted, how can I meet them everywhere? Are you annoying!"

Dunn looked impatient.

But when he saw the acquaintance jumping up and down behind him and dancing, he burst out laughing.

"Robin, they're coming for you! Look who it is."

Robin had actually seen it, that man... Spandaine!The man who pressed the demon slaying order and destroyed O'Hara...

Her face sank, and she said to the family:

"Dang En, leave it to me this time..."

The girls nodded with a smile, and Dunn also smiled and said:

"Of course, as long as you like..."

Hearing Dunn's answer, Robin smiled.

Today, Robin is wearing ultra-short denim hot pants. He only wears a white and green, striped short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body. He can vaguely see his perfect figure.

With short black ponytails tied behind her head and black lace-up high roots under her feet, she was dressed youthfully and energetic without losing the intellectual temperament in her bones.

Robin slowly walked towards the black-clothed troops on the opposite side.

Every step she took, the anger in her heart grew even more...

How can you be calm in the face of your own enemies!

If it wasn't for Tang En at the time, she wouldn't dare to imagine what she would be like now!

It was Dunn who brought her warmth from the cold world.

It was Dunn who saved her from grief.

It was also Tang En, who changed the sad life path she should have gone through.

Now, Nicole Robin, is a member of the Dunn family.

She, Nicole Robin, is Vortex Dunn's wife!

"Spandine! You devil. Are you desperate to get me?"

Robin murmured in a low voice across the distance...

Looking at Spandain's crazy, ferocious, and ecstatic face not far away, Robin slowly lowered his head as he slowed down.

Then she stopped...

And she faced hundreds of elite soldiers!

Among them, the master of the extraordinary six styles!

"Ahahahahaha! Damn Nico Robin! Finally let me catch you! Get me! Catch me alive! Ahahahahaha!"

The hair blocked Robin's face, so she couldn't see her expression, but...

Robin raised his arms slightly, his wrists turned upwards, his hands opened, as if he was holding something...

Chapter [-] What the hell is this! ?

In the face of thousands of troops, Robin remained calm.

He lowered his head and spread his arms slightly.

The wrist flicked slightly, the palm was facing up, and the fingers were slightly curved, as if grasping something in the hand.

"Give it to me!"

"catch him!!!!"

Robin seemed silent, just standing there quietly.

"Spandain, today... I'm here to take revenge myself!"


Suddenly, black flames burned on Robin's hands!

It was dark, deep, burning quietly in her hands.

Then, the black Jingse flame burned along Robin's palm to her lotus-like arms, and the next moment, Robin's arms transformed into flame arms...

At this time, she finally raised her head gently, her eyes brightly looking at the countless navy rushing in front of her.

With that mature and charming voice, she gently spit out the name of the skill!

"Amaterasu Flame Dark Lotus Fire!"

boom! ! ! ! !

The next moment, black flames on Robin's arms suddenly became violent!

Robin raised her arms, and the burning flames formed a huge black six-petal lotus flower above her head!

And on this weird lotus flower, the surging black flame kept rolling out a terrifying black fire wave!

This scene shocked the navy who rushed up!

Robin did not hesitate, and with a flick of his arm, he pushed out the weird lotus flower formed by the black flame!

The next moment, Lotus exploded under the horrified gaze of the person she cares about!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

It exploded like a small sun!

The black Amaterasu is like a wild beast coming out of the cage, sweeping away in all directions!

All the enemies were devoured in an instant!

"Ah!!!! What is this! It hurts! hand! My hand is gone!!!"

"Ah I……"

"No, help! Sir, help!"

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