"What are you two whispering about! The young master has already urged you again, so you should also die!"

"Stick the chains!!!"

"Bull Fighting Scepter!!!"

No matter how many, the two top cadres of the Don Quixote family decisively launched an attack!

"not good!"

The two who were back-to-back separated instantly, and one left and one right jumped to avoid the attack.

The attack against Smog was okay, the bullfighting scepter was avoided, but the sticky fruit of Torrepol was not so easy to avoid!

For those with sticky fruit ability, any part of the body becomes mucus, and even if the body is defeated by a pure physical attack, the body can be instantly reconstituted with mucus.

It is simply a natural ability.

The mucus he secretes or the liquefied mucus body can stick and fix the target, making the opponent unable to move freely, and the toughness of the mucus is so strong that it cannot be destroyed by ordinary methods.The same goes for chains created by slime!

I saw the beautiful girl with pink long hair jumped into a Z-shape to dodge using physical techniques, but the chain grabbed her directly as if she had eyes!And it's straight.

Torrepol is a capable person, but he can become the top cadre of the Don Quixote family. Regardless of his speed, eyesight, and strength of tricks, he is first-class. It is not easy to deal with this recruit who has not turned into a regular!

Under the eyes of this beautiful girl who was splitting and angry, the sticky chains locked her body, then tightened tightly, tied her there, and fell to the ground!

"Let go of me, you wretched man! Tina will not give in!"

"Little girl, uncle doesn't want this either! But who made you a navy??"

"Hmph, what's wrong with me being the navy!? You hateful pirates, you must accept justice!"

"Yo, how dare you make such a clamor even if you are tied up for PLAY? Very good, you are a good seedling."

Looking at the female navy who was constantly struggling, Torrepol smiled wickedly.

Originally, Torrepol's appearance was a typical sloppy uncle, with his special devil fruit, I wonder if everyone thought of something...

Seeing that Tina here was actually caught, Yan Nan suddenly felt bad!

While dodging the attack in embarrassment, he shouted:


"Smog, run! Hurry up and send the news here back to the headquarters! Especially the news about Doflamingo!"

"But...but! You!"

"Don't mind my 960! Let's go!"

Smaller gritted his teeth, and he also knew that if he didn't leave now, then the training ship would be a waste.

Everyone died like this for no apparent reason. He decided not to let this happen!


"Come on!"

Smog finally made up his mind and looked at Diamanti on the opposite side with a ferocious face!

"Pirate, I must arrest you in the underwater prison, you wait!"

After that, under the watchful eyes of the pirate ship Doflamingo and a cadre pirate, Tina and Diamanti, they jumped into the sea without hesitation!

"Let him run away...you idiot!"

"Torrepol, where do you think this kid can go? This is a great route!?"

"Forget it, go and talk to the young master."

"What the hell is Diamanti, did that kid run away!"

"Yes... I'm sorry young master."

"Forget it! It's still important to get this warship. With this warship, we can go there and make deals. 咈刈刈!"

"Brother Doflaming, I heard that you are very high-profile recently? Have you ever made a business like this?"

Suddenly, a voice remembered from behind everyone!

Chapter [-]: Doflamingo

The huge deck of the navy warship was covered with pirates and officers of the Don Quixote Pirates, and in the center was a man with yellow hair, sunglasses and a pink feather coat.

"咈咈咈, with this warship, the next big plan can be implemented!"

The voice just fell...

"Brother Doflaming, I heard that you are very high-profile recently? Have you ever made a business like this?"

Suddenly, a voice remembered from behind everyone!

As soon as this voice appeared, the pirates and cadres might not respond very much.

But Don Quixote Doflamingo was different.

Back then, it was this man who gave him countless shocks. All along, the extreme evil in his heart drove him to want to kill this man!

Again, there is only one throne, and everyone who stands in the way of the throne is an enemy.

Doflamingo slowly turned around and looked at the red-haired man in a black suit standing on the side of the boat through the sharp eyes of the mirror.

"咈咈咈, your big man disappeared for so many years, I thought you died somewhere, but I was honored to meet you today."

Tang En ignored the goods, but jumped from the side of the ship to the deck, and walked towards the sexy big pink-haired beauty who was bound for PLAY, where her mouth was gagged and struggling.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tang En squatted in front of her and looked at it amusingly.

Tina also stopped struggling and looked at Dunn.

The eyes of the two met, Tang En saw anger and a trace of puzzlement in Tina's eyes, and Tina only saw deep black eyes like the universe in the stars from Tang En's eyes?

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but this man seems to have broken the rules, and he cannot be counted among them.

Tina's mind turned sharply.

This man has no idea about himself?

What is the purpose of this man?

Why can't I see anything through my eyes?

Such a mysterious man...

In this crisis environment, every woman will have a hero in her heart.

Although Dunn has not rescued Tina now, it can make that Don Quixote Doflamingo vigilant and even take the initiative to talk to him.

Such a mysterious young man immediately aroused Tina's interest.

Dunn looked at Tina with a funny look at his eyeballs.

"Tina, right? Admiral? If you don't graduate, you should still be a captain. Captain Tina, what are you thinking?"

Tina was taken aback by what Dunn said, and then she looked at him.

"woo woo woo woo!"

She tried to speak, but no sound came out, her sexy mouth was gagged.

Tang En smiled, and in front of everyone's eyes, he helped Tina take out the stopper from her mouth!

"Tina is disappointed! Tina is angry!"


Dunn is happy.Sure enough, this girl has a lot of personality!

Tang En put his face close to Tina's beautiful face and looked at it carefully.

Typical beauty!Also sexy, tsk tsk, pink hair...

"What are you looking at! Tina is angry!"

Under Tina's glare, Dunn smiled and stood up slowly.

Turning around, he looked at Doflamingo who was hanging aside.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and said:

"Brother Doflaming, are you trying to kill me!?"

"咈咈咈, of course you want to kill a man as powerful as you! And your glory and halo will be the stepping stone for me to reach the top."

Dunn shook his head, this Doflamingo is so straightforward, he doesn't like to use conspiracy and tricks like the legend!

As soon as Psycho stepped on the horse and washed the ground for Doflamingo, he threw it into the trash can without hesitation.

I saw Doflamingo on the opposite side secretly gesturing to the people below, indicating to attack!

I rubbed it!

Tang En was stunned to see the people from the Doflamingo Pirates rush up with a grim face!

"Sword·Snake Sword!"

"Sticky launcher!"

"Destructive Art!"

"Black Feather Arm Cannon!!"

Boom boom boom!

The battleship exploded instantly!

Countless attacks fell on where Dunn stood!

Huge warships have been beaten up and down!

The overwhelmed keel and mast made a screeching sound as if they were broken.

Looking at the thick smoke billowing deck, Doflamingo's face did not have a trace of joy, but gradually became dignified.

How could a man who was so powerful 10 years ago be knocked down by such mere tricks?

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