That's not something they can manage.

Even if Tang En knew that Princess Bai Xing was a sea king, an ancient weapon, it could destroy the world.

But that's what the Son of Luck is supposed to do, it has nothing to do with him.

His goal is to live a leisurely life.

Take what you can, let go of what you can't.

On this day, Tang En finally ran out of the research room with a look of excitement.

In his hand, there is a purple devil fruit!

"Perona! Come, come! It's done!"

Perona, holding the bear, pouted.

There is still cream sticking to the corners of the mouth, obviously a snack food.

What is the most unbearable thing for a foodie?

Of course it's unpalatable!

Like devil fruit...

"Look, Perona, it's done! The perfect ultimate devil fruit!"

"Isn't this thing said to be unpalatable..."

"Cough, since it's called perfect, of course it's delicious! This is pineapple flavor!"

"I do not believe."


"Hahahahaha! I laughed so hard!"

"Tang En, you can fool children with your nonsense!"

The conversation between Dunn and Perona was heard by all the girls in the living room.

It's really hard to laugh.

"Okay Perona, for the sake of Dunn's hard work, let's eat it. This is a good thing. Isn't your cultivation for the past two years just waiting for today?"

"All right……"

Perona still hesitated, and finally obeyed her family.

Open the tempting mouth and bite down gently.

"How about it? Is it pineapple flavored?"

"Well... it's okay!"

Perona didn't even bother to speak, and ate this precious devil fruit one by one.

next moment……

Perona's body floated up!

Perona finally entered the Dunn Family Flying Club!

When she opened her eyes again, her pupils turned blood red.

And the skin became whiter.

Black and purple goth dress, black and white stockings, beautiful Martin boots.

Pink twintails...

Slowly float in the sky!

"Perona, how do you feel?"

Chapter [-] Set sail, Leisure!

"Perona, how do you feel?"

Floating in the air like a princess in the Middle Ages, I carefully experienced my own changes, and giggled:

"It's amazing! Dunn! Look!"

Saying that, Perona raised her small hand and condensed a black energy sphere in her palm.

The whole family can clearly perceive that this black energy sphere is full of the smell of destruction.

It is pure destruction, without any properties...

Just pure power!

At this time, Perona's mouth was raised, and she blinked mischievously.

The next moment, a magic circle halo of orange light also appeared under his feet.

This is also one of Perona's abilities, which is similar to Hancock's.

Aura of evil that increases movement and attack speed.

What is it for?

The effect of this halo, even Tang En can increase, there is no upper limit!

Even if the speed of light is used, it may increase by 55% again.

If he encounters such a funny comparison as Kizaru, then he will be stunned...

In addition to folding space, is there any faster than the speed of light?

Yes, speed of light + evil aura...

Then, Perona showed her third ability.

Her whole body turned into a silver energy body, and then turned into a little fluorescent light and disappeared.

When she reappeared, she had already come behind the people of Tang En!

"Haha, how is this ability? Perona."

"Very good, although it is also the ability of light, but there are several types of light, right? This is... cold light."

Dunn smiled slightly:

"In layman's terms, it's sunlight and moonlight. Although on the scientific side, both sunlight and moonlight are the light emitted by stars, but on the magic side, it's not like that."

"Sunlight has properties such as high temperature and explosion. Moonlight is the exact opposite."

"Moonlight has properties such as ultra-low temperature and penetration, that is to say, it can also break through high defenses, which is different from sunlight."

"But since it's light, its speed is obvious, it's the speed of light..."

The girls looked at Perona with joy, her strength improved, and she was naturally much safer.

In Dunn's words, only with the strength to stand at the top can you be eligible to enjoy a leisurely life.

The Tang En family is like this. They don't like to provoke enemies or trouble, but that doesn't mean they are afraid of trouble.

If someone finds fault, then kill it.

"Perona, you have just eaten the fruit, and it has not yet been well integrated with the complete law in it. You must cultivate well next."

"Oh, people hate cultivating the most!"

Dunn smiled.

"That's not good, look at your sisters, they have all gone through this stage."

"Alright alright……"

Perona looked reluctant...

Dunn smiled wryly...


Next, Leisure set sail again.

For the past two years, Dunn has been alone in the research room and didn't pay much attention to their routes.

When you come to the control room, let the main control computer call up the roadmap and record it.

Immediately stunned...

Spicy chicken, what the hell are these idiots making circles in the new world?

The territory of the four emperors wandered around one by one.

Isn't this riding a provocation?

Think about the ruthless hand made by the girls on the unknown island at that time...

Not only against the navy...

And tell people all over the world...

I'm not targeting anyone, I just want to tell the world that everyone here is a spicy chicken...

Coupled with this pretentious round-the-world trip.

The Four Sovereigns must regard him as a thorn in the eye!

Think about Dunn's big head...

But there is no way.

In the eyes of outsiders, the goal of the Tang En family must also be the highest throne that ten thousand people compete for, so it doesn't matter.

If they want to think so, so be it.

Looking at the chart, Dunn pondered...


Although the World Government has offered a reward of 100 billion Baileys for the Leisure, it has no plans to give up on the legendary Hades.

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