Because since the fame of the Tang En family has grown, it has always come and gone without a trace, just like a dozen years ago.

Even if you want to find trouble with a family, you have to find their traces first.

They have no territory, no power.

All without a fixed stop.

The local forces such as the Four Emperors, the Navy, and the Revolutionary Army are different.

They have their base.

At the same time, they also have their own territory and power.

This is completely different from the Dunn family.

The Tang En family can become one of the six major forces in the world, which is different from their comprehensive evaluation of strength, status and influence.

The Tang En family is just one word, which makes people all over the world believe that they are qualified to be one of the top group of people.

The word is: strong!

Just strong!

Everyone on the ship, the family, the top cadre (wife), not even a weak person.

For the Dun family, what is the power?What is the status?

Neither matter.

As long as they have absolute strength, it is enough!

Enough that even the world government and the navy dare not turn their backs on them easily!

Last time, it was the lesson of blood!

And last time, it was the daughters of the Tang En family who showed their absolute strength, which made the world government dare not provoke even if they knew that Tang En was interested in the historical text!

Therefore, when the huge and conspicuous steel monster Leisure of the Dunn family disappeared from the new world, no one would pay attention.

It disappears, it disappears, how can it be?


Leisure was sailing at a depth of [-] meters under the sea, passing through the bottom channel of the red earth continent, passing Mermaid Island, and returning to the first half of the great route.

boom! ! ! ! !

With a loud bang, Leisure's incomparably elegant body emerged from the bottom of the sea and displayed above the sea in the first half of the great route.

"Sure enough, the other half of the planet has a different climate."

"The climate here is relatively mild compared to the New World."

The Dun family came to the deck, blowing the sea breeze in the eastern hemisphere.

"Now our location is around the Chambord Islands, which is still some distance from the capital of the Seven Waters. We will pass through the ghost island in the middle."

"Ghost Island? Isn't that what... Moonlight Moria's territory?"

"Yeah, I don't know if he'll get hairy when he sees us..."

"Giggle, Tang En, don't scare that fat man!"

Dunn shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

Now their identities are different, and if they go out for a walk, they can make anyone who recognizes them scare half to death.

"You guys play here, I'll go to the control room to adjust the course. Your sister's sailing at sea is really troublesome."

"What's the trouble?"

"Cough... It's troublesome to cross the red soil continent every time it is OK at sea."

"Why, you still want to fly? Leisure is so advanced, it's a black technology and a magic circuit, so it can't fly?"

Dunn shrugged his shoulders...

Black technology is also relative to this world.

But you can't fly by relying on black technology, you can rely on other things! ?

Tang En's eyes lit up while walking on the road, as if he had thought of something...

I heard that there is a god-level devil fruit in this world that can make objects float...


Go to the control room and open the map.

Take a closer look at the map.

I found that if you want to go back to the front of the great route, then you have to take another way except you don't want to go far.

Apparently the route of Ghost Island is remote enough.

So Dunn chose the fast lane with ocean currents...

When the command: (the route setting is completed) appeared on the screen, Dunn smiled strangely.

The Leisure also slowly turned a huge arc and drove in one direction.

The girls didn't feel anything, and it didn't matter where they went anyway.


Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

It has to be said that Sakaski and Polsalino deserve to be called monster-level existences in the boot camp.

After two years of treatment, the two finally recovered.

This also means that the Navy's highest combat power, the three generals, have finally returned!

But the current navy, even if it has three generals, has no idea.

At the very least, in front of the other major forces, there is no bottom...

Sengoku and Lieutenant General Garp and Crane hurried to the naval hospital.

With a "crunch", he pushed aside the ward and walked in.

"Polusalino, Sakaski, how are you recovering!"

"Marshal, Mr. Garp! The body has long since recovered, but their consciousness has just woken up. There is no problem!"

After examining the two of them, the military doctor beside him nodded and replied.

When the Warring States heard the news, he finally put his heart down.

The three turned their heads and looked at Polusalino and Sakaski on the hospital bed, frowning.

Because seeing these two people, I thought of making them into someone like this...

The Warring States asked in a deep voice:

"Sakaski, Polsalino. I have something for you."

"What's the matter, Marshal!"

Sakaski answered blankly.

"The two of you are going to face the patriarch of the Tang En family, whirlpool Tang En. How did he seriously wound you? Not only are you two of the best in strength, but you also have the strongest natural devil fruit, how could you? The defeat is so miserable? Also! The most incomprehensible situation for me is that since the enemy is no match, it is always possible to run away? Is it possible that you can't even run?"

Hearing the question from the last sentence of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, Sakaski's face changed suddenly!

That's right, you can't even run!

That weird realm!

That weird fix!

It's as if the whole person has become a fish to be slaughtered!

The three found that Sakaski's face was not good-looking, and they sighed inwardly, wanting to know from Akainu's mouth that it seemed that it was no fun, and then looked at the ruffian-looking Polsalino who didn't care about everything. .

"Polusalino, talk about it!"

Kizaru shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh yo, I'm so scared!"

"Talk about the point..."

Polsalino glanced at the three and explained:

"The patriarch of the Tang family, Vortex Tang En, used a strange move to control us and then defeated it."

The point is here!

Dunn's ability, the navy and the world government have not been figured out, but from the ability of his performance, it should be related to space and time!

Porusalino seemed to have thought of something that was not a good memory, and raised his brows.

Chapter [-] What kind of ability does Vortex Dunn have?

Haiyuan calendar year 1515, the great route.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando, Hospital.

Polsalino raised his brows and explained:

"That's an ability we've never seen before. I should have played against him the longest."

"From the time I stopped him from killing the Draco, to the final fight against Sakaski, he only had two moves from start to finish."

Hearing Polsalino's words, Sengoku, Garp, and Ah He glanced at each other and saw the horrified expressions on their faces!

To deal with the highest combat power of the navy, just use two moves? ? ?

"Polusalino, make it clear, what are the two moves? Didn't he use physical techniques?"

Yellow Ape pouted.

"Of course you have used physical skills. Haven't you seen the terrifying man's physical skills? You should have experienced it more than ten years ago, right? Remember that Marshal of the Warring States Period was almost seriously injured by his kick?"

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