"……Do not talk nonsense."

When the group came to the playground, many naval officers and soldiers had gathered here, and they were all looking at the huge screen opposite.

On the screen is the deck of a huge warship. There are various potted plants on the side of the ship, and the high-standard floor is imposing. It is not ordinary at first glance.

And behind the deck, the huge, high-tech tower made Garp, Sengoku and others feel a little familiar...

"Huh? Why does this scene look familiar!"

Karp looked confused, as if he had remembered something...

Warring States also frowned, this deck and tower, and this layout, seems to have seen before...

Just as their brains were in chaos, Lieutenant General Ah He reminded them:

"Look, someone came out of the tower."

Garp, Sengoku and others hurriedly looked...

At the same time, it was not only the Navy who saw the live broadcast.

Whitebeard, Redhead, Big Mom, Kaido.

Doflamingo, Hawkeye, Bucky, Moriah, Jinbei, Crocodile.

Even in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, which is hidden somewhere, a group of cadres and leader Long are paying attention to the live broadcast of this weird phone bug.

Likewise, there are big screens in the central squares of the various kingdoms.

People stopped to see what happened next.

And when the Dunn family appeared in front of everyone in the world...

Warring States, Garp, Ahe, Aokiji, Kiabou, all the navies... all stunned.

Qiwuhai, stunned...

The four emperors are also stunned...

Revolutionary Army...

Wait, wait, the whole world is stunned!

I saw that under the leadership of Tang En, the head of the Tang En family, the whirlwind Tang En, a family of twelve lined up.

Exactly takes up the entire screen.

Dunn stood in the middle, wearing a black suit, black shirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, and black tie.

And the other girls are all black miniskirts with hips and 12 cm high heels!The upper body is consistent with Dunn, a black shirt with the hem tied around the waist.

The neat secretary OL uniform and big white legs almost blinded those watching the video!

Nosebleeds can only be counted in [-] million...

The corners of the Sengoku and others' mouths twitched wildly...

This bad bird is going to do something again! ! ! !

next moment!

The magic circuit flickers on Leisure, and at the same time... SEVE's BGM full of magic reverberates all over the world!

Prelude to the Divine Comedy!

Then, the Tang En family jumped up neatly!


Sa Beining...kill the black chicken...nasimwimbe!

Sa Beining...kill the black chicken...nasimwimbe!

Sa Beining...kill the black chicken...

People all over the world are stunned...

Dunn family, do something! ! ! ! !

However... a few seconds later, someone found out that something was wrong!

Navy Headquarters...

"I...my body! It's out of control!"

"Body involuntarily... Jump jump jump! Get up! Come! Come!"

Chapter [-] Influence soars

Sa Beining...kill the black chicken...nasimwimbe!


The moment the god-like brainwashing Divine Comedy appeared in the world of pirates, it was doomed, and it would change an era...

Everyone in the world looked at the performance of the Tang En family on the projection...

And among the many creatures, there will eventually be someone who can't control it first!

Navy Headquarters...

"I...my body! It's out of control!"

"Body involuntarily... Jump jump jump! Get up! Come! Come!"

This is a sergeant...

With the rhythmic beat, follow the magical dance steps of the Dunn family and dance!

"Ah... me and me too! Jump jump jump!"




Gradually, on the naval playground, the officers and soldiers onlookers all jumped to the music!

The blue veins on the second head of the Warring States Period bulged, and the face became more and more red! ! !

Seeing the officers and soldiers dancing SEVE collectively on the playground, he was already stunned...

Mechanically turned his head and found Karp...

"This dance... is very magical! Wow, hahaha, I like it!"

I saw Garp also swaying and jumping up!

The Warring States finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out!

really!It's not a good thing for the Dunn family to appear!

Look, on the playground, soldiers, colonels, generals... grass and mud horses!And naval heroes...

Now Sengoku's mind is blank.

Only that magical brainwashing SEVE remains.

Since the brain is blank...the resistance will naturally disappear.

At the end of the Warring States... also joined the large group of square dance...


Speaking of self-control, the naval headquarters, which is strictly forbidden by discipline, has been brainwashed and circulated... not to mention the squares of various kingdoms and cities...

Residents of the world are already dancing with joy!

At this moment, Dunn in the screen spoke!

"TV viewers all over the world watching! Good afternoon everyone!"

"I'm sure everyone knows my identity. I'll introduce myself here. I'm the head of the Tang En family, Vortex Tang En."

"This time, in order to give back to the residents of the world, I made a dance, and this is it! I call him SEVE!"

"Add a spice to everyone's life!"

"Whether you are a child, young, middle-aged, or old, this dance is for you!"

"Then let's continue to follow our Tang En family and dance!"


When Dunn finished saying this!The whole world is boiling!

For this boring world, such a dance turned out, coupled with the model's brainwashing Divine Comedy.

Instantly swept the world!

From princes and nobles to ordinary people.

Everything is in love with SEVE!

The influence of the Tang En family has changed from a small group that is low-key, but loves to do things every time it emerges.

In an instant, it has become a group that is well known to ordinary people around the world, whether they are concerned about the world news or not!

It can be said that as soon as this brainwashing dance came out, the influence of the Tang En family skyrocketed!

In the future, when I go out to ask questions, I will say this:

"Do you know the Dun family?"

"Know! It's the founder of SEVE that dances all over the world!"

"Ah! So it's them!"

Not only has the influence skyrocketed, but the identity has also been instantly whitened!

Even if the world government is black, it is useless!

Because the Tang En family has brought happiness to people all over the world!

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