No matter how strange the ability is displayed, she will not be shocked.

I walked slowly down the long stairs, and after half an hour, I arrived at the underground hall.

Dunn and Robin looked up at this huge hall.

On both sides of the corridor, many sturdy stone pillars supported the ceiling.

On the walls on both sides, there are various murals painted.

Princess Weiwei was about to walk forward, but Tang En stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Princess Weiwei."

With that said, under Princess Weiwei's suspicious gaze, the two looked at the murals on both sides of the wall.

"Is there anything strange about these murals? The stele you want to see is at the innermost."

Tang En turned his head and blew hot air in Princess Weiwei's ear, which made her blushed.

"Princess Weiwei, that's not important, the important thing is these murals!"

After saying that, he smiled and looked up.

Princess Weiwei could only roll her eyes at Tang En's frivolous actions.

As long as the whole world knows the people of the Tang En family, they all know it!

This stuff is a great lover!

The girls will be caught by him if they are not careful!

Finally entered the Dunn family.

The two stared at the mural.

On the beam in the middle is the totem of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

A Libra totem that represents fairness and justice.

On the walls on both sides, there are paintings of boats and people rowing.

There are also many sea beasts.At the same time, there are two carved sea cats on both sides.This is also the mascot of Alabasta.

Finally, here comes the crucial point!

A man with a scepter who communicates with giant sea kings!

Dunn and Robin looked at each other and saw the same meaning from each other's eyes.

Sure enough!

However, at this moment, Dunn's expression changed.

"What is this? Coincidence?"

Princess Weiwei asked nervously:

"What do you mean?"

Dunn's mouth twitched.

"I don't know if it was a coincidence, but I didn't expect to meet him here."


Dunn's eyes flashed.


Chapter one hundred and seventieth bad luck

At the entrance of the Alabasta Palace, there are three figures, two tall and one short.

They wore white masks, white hats, white capes and underwear.

It is simply the completely opposite color to the Dun family.

"Ahahahaha, finally here!"

"Damn, if the straw hat hadn't defeated me two years ago, I wouldn't have been reduced to this point!"

"This time, I must find Pluto, and I will be ashamed! Hahahahaha!"

A man who was clamoring wildly, holding a one-handed sword in his hand, his curly hair draped behind his head.

No matter how you look at it, he is not a good person, and he is very sloppy.

Even the two people next to Tang were a few steps away from him.

However, this clamoring CP0 official may not know that he is out of luck.


underground hall.

There is no need to read the previous historical text. Dunn and Robin know the content.

They said to Princess Vivi:

"Let's go up... It's best not to let the people of the World Government find out here, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Princess Weiwei was a little nervous.

She never imagined that CP0, an organization directly under the famous Tianlongren, would come to Alabasta!

Princess Weiwei is not stupid either, they must be coming for Hades, who has been guarded by the Alabasta royal family for generations!

Looking at her nervous appearance, Dunn joked.

"Don't worry, since you took us to see the mural, I'll help you solve it this time. It's a thank you."

"Ah, ah?"

Princess Weiwei was stunned.

"Ah...then thank you so much."

"It doesn't matter, this time the person here has some connections with our Tang En. Even if he doesn't show up, we won't let him go."

While talking, several people have appeared in the hall on the first floor.

After several people left, the agency slowly closed the passage again.

Following the gorgeous promenade, the three came to the square of the palace.

And when Dunn was on the stairs, just in time, the three people on the opposite side also walked over slowly.

When they saw a man and two women on the opposite side, especially the red-haired man in front, they stopped.

The tall CP0 said in a deep voice:

"I didn't expect that in this country that has just gone through a war, I can meet the famous Tang En family. It's a pleasure to meet."

Dunn smiled.

"Rob Luigi, take off your mask, do you really think I don't know you with a mask on?"


Lu Qi was silent, but still took off his mask, revealing his deity.

"I didn't expect a small character like me to be remembered by Your Excellency."

Dunn laughed.

"You are not a small character. You can kill prisoners and rebels together at the age of 13. You are the first person in CP800 in 9 years. You are here, for Hades. Don't think about it, Hades is not here."

Tang En's light words made the short CP0 in front explode instantly!

"Stop joking, you wicked devil! Hades must be here! This time, I must get my hands on it!!!!"

Robin stepped forward.

"Spandam, you and your father are of the same virtue. How could the Straw Hat kill you in the first place?"

"You are...Nicole Robin!!!!"

Seeing Robin, Spandam went berserk!

His father was the man and woman in front of him because of the failure of the O'Hara incident!I didn't even take that seat until I died!

"You, and you bitch! You two are my father..."

Before he could finish speaking, Spandam suffocated instantly!

Dunn flickered, leaving a series of afterimages on the square, and the next moment he arrived in front of Spandam!

Squeeze their necks with one hand and lift him up!

Dunn looked at Spandam's distorted ugly face with disgust.

"Your mouth is really cheap, don't you want Hades, okay. I'll take you to see Hades!"

With that said, Tang En's right hand was instantly strengthened, ready to directly crush his neck!

"Armed · Cover · Finger Gun!"

With a bang, the masked man on the other side, Kaku started instantly!

Dunn gave him a cold look!

Lift your right leg, and in an instant, silver light flashes!

"Time Kick!"

hum! ! ! ! ! ! !

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kaku flew backwards at a speed several times faster than before!

With a loud bang, it smashed into the wall beside the square.

Whoops, the walls burst in an instant!

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