"Excited to auntie!? Now he's good at it?"

"Giggle cluck!"

Several people were amused by Kushina's words and giggled!

Among the cake islands.

Tang En didn't know that his sweet wife was making fun of him.

He frowned. He had already used 5% of his strength just now, but he didn't even hurt the aunt!

It's not scientific at all! ?

He stared at Charlotte Lingling, intact in the sky, her arms flickering with electricity and fire.

At this time, he captured a detail.

That is, there is a trace of blood on the aunt's fists. Although it is very hidden, it is still caught!

Looking at the small wound that healed quickly, Tang En suddenly realized!

Charlotte Lingling can not only give life to objects, but also use the life force stored in her body to regenerate quickly!

Isn't this little Qiang who can't be beaten to death?

Compared to Kaido, Big Mom's just can't move freely in the water.

His fighting ability is almost on par with Kaido.

Moreover, in terms of attack, the level of strangeness is not comparable to Kaido!

Those who can become the Four Emperors, as expected, don't have a single straw bag!

In the sky, the aunt was buzzing!

"Red-haired boy, you completely angered me!"

Tang En's expression remained the same. This time, his left fist was clenched tightly, and a crackling thunder sounded from his fist!

Then, Dunn's left fist slammed out!

The dazzling white light instantly illuminates this piece of sky!

"Thunder Realm, Thunder Jade, Thunder Emperor Lightning Fist!"


A lightning ball composed of a large thunderbolt!Fly to the aunt in an instant!

"Humph! It's Thunder again this time!"


Big Mom Opens Your Mouth!Make a huge scream!

I saw that the originally tall and fat body swelled again!

The thunder fire on her arm has also become deeper in color!

Then, I saw her stepping on the moon step, suddenly accelerating, and rushing towards Tang En's thunder light fist!

"Armed Domineering · Cover · Zeus · Thunder Fist!"

Aunt finally used her real skills!

Super strong armed color domineering!

The Thunder Fist that was supposed to be blue suddenly turned black!

boom! ! ! ! !


The huge thunder fist and aunt's thunder fist collided instantly from the sky!

The aunt had a grim smile on her face!


Another punch!

This time, it's Fire Fist!

Tang En's Leiguang Fist was smashed by the aunt's domineering attack with two punches!

boom! ! ! !

Then, the explosion was like a Tesla coil, shining in the sky!

With a bang, the aunt stepped on the air, broke through the power grid, and hurriedly attacked Tang En!

Dunn is not to be outdone!

The flames and thunder on the body erupted suddenly!

It seems that the whole person has been raised three feet!


Hands clenched around the waist!

Hit the ground hard!To meet the aunt and kill it!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang!

This time, there is no halo eruption in the sky!

But there are thunder and flames everywhere!

Dotted in the sky of the whole cake island!

Occasionally, a huge pillar of fire to the sky appears!

Or the Thunder Cross!

Or the huge Yandi giant fist!

Aunt and Dunn, they both turned into black shadows and fought in the sky!

At the same time, the battle between the two sides of Aunt Dunn is getting more and more intense!

The sky has been beaten into several equal parts!

Although from the outsider's point of view, the two are evenly matched...

But the aunt is only known by Dunn and the aunt.

Dunn has been constantly improving his strength.

And auntie, it's almost the limit!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

After the two punched again in the air!At the same time, step back and distance!

"Damn boy! Who do you think I am, I am the Fourth Emperor, Charlotte Lingling!!!"


Big Mom uses her weird voice again!

Accompanied by this strange sound that makes people nervous, suddenly there is a mental shock wave visible to the naked eye!

boom! ! ! ! !

With the aunt as the center, it turned into a huge ring, like a hula hoop wrapped around her waist!

Then, like a planet exploding!Spread out to the surrounding area!


The cake island seems to be peeled off!

She finally broke out!

This is the domineering arrogance of the four emperors!

Dunn's broken hair was blown up and his tie fluttered.

I thought to myself:

"I didn't expect her mental strength to be so strong. Is this a talent?"

In the face of Aunt's sudden outbreak, Tang En is not holding back!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Tang En burst out with a more domineering arrogance than Aunt! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Play with me mental power!? You are not qualified enough!"

"Great Sun Visualization, God's Proverbs!"

Chapter [-] The Three Laws of the Tang En Family Realm God!

Great Sun View Ideas!

One of the three foundations of the Dun family!

The other two methods are the second method of exercising!And the third way to improve everyone's special abilities!

The first method: the idea of ​​big sun view!To improve the spirit, the core is to strengthen!

The second method: the creation of the gods!To improve the physical body, the core is evolution!

The third method: The Mysterious Method of Myriad Realms!To improve ability, the core is change!

And the core of all this is that you must have Tang En's supreme bloodline to use it!

Every member of the Tang En family, or rather Tang En's wives, has Tang En's supreme blood flowing in his body!

This is also the reason why once they enter the Dun family, they can make huge changes in just a few years!

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