Some remaining issues, and the hatred between each ninja village...

So, when are you going to start the next war?Madara Uchiha, and, Black Jue.

"Hey Lynn, how about we go for ramen after school! I know a really good shop!"

"Ah? If Kakashi goes too..."

Hearing Rin say Kakashi, three black lines appeared on Obito's forehead!

Kakashi turned his head bored, remembering his father's words.

He nodded immediately.

"Yeah, Kakashi is going too!"

"Cut, what's delicious about ramen, or three-color balls."

The little red bean on the side frowned, and pulled Yuhihong to go out.

"Red beans, I heard that the ramen in that shop is very good. Let's try it too. The lady boss is also very gentle!"

"Oh, okay."

A group of bear children came to Tang En's ramen shop noisily, and looked up at the ramen shop's sign.

"Is this the store?"

"Oh, don't you know this shop? It's very famous, and the name Leisure is also very nice."

"Go in and see."

Opening the curtain, the bear children walked in.

"It's you?"

At this time, there was no one in the store. Tang En and the second daughter were sitting at the table drinking tea, and when they heard a slightly familiar voice, they looked towards the door.

"Yo, isn't this Kakashi? Come and eat ramen?"

"Knowingly asking, what can we eat without ramen when we come to the ramen shop?" Kakashi pouted, obviously dissatisfied with Dunn's teasing.

"Haha, okay, let's find a place to do it."

Kushina and Mikoto smiled and wiped the table for them.

At this time, Obito was slightly taken aback when he saw the small emblem on Mikoto's side.

"Big sister, are you from the Uchiha family?"

Mikoto smiled and replied:

"How do you know?"

"I see the markings on the side of your dress."

"That's right, yes, I'm from Uchiha, but I'm just an ordinary clan."


Others were also surprised. I didn't expect this gentle big sister to belong to the Uchiha family. Then...

Looking at Dunn, they found that Dunn's hair color had never been seen in Konoha, except for Uncle Ding Zuo.And it is obvious that this handsome and compelling big brother cannot be the Qiu Dao family.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Are you surprised to marry a girl from the Uchiha family?"

The bear children skimmed together, what to show off.

At this time, the curtain was pulled open again, and a ninja in Anbu costume walked in.

Obviously he wasn't here for dinner.

"Vortex Dunn, Hokage summons."

Suddenly the house fell silent.Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Tang En continued to be busy with his work, not hanging on Anbu at all.

"Lord Hokage said you already knew it." Anbu was obviously not affected by Tang En and continued to answer in a deep voice.

Only then did Tang En put down the work in his hand, hand it over to Mikoto, and then nodded.

"You are free, Kushina, Mikoto, I'll be back soon!"

Swish!Instantly disappeared.

The bear children were dumbfounded, looking at the figure of Dunn who just disappeared!What about ordinary people?What kind of speed instant technique is this Nima?Damn, could it be that the owner of this ramen shop is still a hidden figure?Really strong?

Kakashi was also shocked in his heart. Just by this one hand, he didn't see clearly at all. If it was a battle, he would definitely not be an opponent.

Thinking of being at the gate of the school in the early morning, and making provocative words... I couldn't help but blush.

Mikoto and Kushina looked at the bear children who were startled by Tang En's hand, and they were very proud of themselves.After all, he is his own man!

In the corridor at the entrance of Hokage's office, Tang En was still thinking about Hokage looking for him for Mao as he walked?

The two of them haven't had anything to do with each other for so many years, right?Or is it that TouKui has been in the dark for so long, and today I can't stand it anymore?Hey, are you nervous?

He came to the door soon after, and then without knocking on the door, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Sarutobi Hiizan, who is only over forty years old, is called "Dr. Ninja" and "Ninja Hero" by the ninja world. Whether it is strength, mentality, or ambition, he is at the peak of his entire ninja career. It is not comparable to the old man who was dying in Konoha's 60 years.

Obviously, calling Tang Enlai this time must have a certain purpose, or, in other words, wanting Tang En to become a sharp sword in his hands.

The three generations stood in front of the window with their hands behind their backs, holding the pipe in their hands, smoking one by one, and looking at the entire Konoha Village with both eyes.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, after a while, he slowly turned around and pretended to be full of B!

"Vortex Dunn, you may have been here in Konoha for many years. If I remember correctly, this is our second time meeting, right?"

Tang En shrugged, with a calm expression on his face, and replied lazily, "Oh, it should be? It's the first time at the opening ceremony."

"Hehe, that's right. Then I came to you this time to have a good talk with you."

When Tang En heard it, he knew that the show was coming!

The third-generation Sarutobi took two puffs of cigarettes and said slowly: "Uzumaki Tang En, I hope you can continue to be the ninja of Konoha Village and join Anbu to contribute to the village. Of course, you can also refuse, but you We will talk about the purpose of Nian hidden in Konoha!"

Saying that, suddenly, the shadow-level aura of Hokage was exuded, oppressing Tang En!

Tang En stood on the spot, unaffected by Sarutobi Hiizan's momentum at all, saw him scornfully pouted, tilted his head and mocked:

"Come on, put away your ridiculous things, you should know me very well, after all, I have been monitoring for so many years. Want to use me as a thug to work for you? Are you thinking too much!? Stop kidding. Although I am in You have not shown your strength a few times on the bright side, but you should know in your heart that you are not my opponent? Why use such a naive method?"

Hearing Tang En's words, the face of the third generation sank.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength?"

The next moment, before the three generations were shocked, Tang En's ghostly figure appeared behind the three generations, with a hand on his shoulder.

"What do you think? Lord Hokage? No matter what purpose you are looking for, whether you want to win over, or suppress, or what, I advise you to give up your stupid idea. I am whirlpool Dunn, and it is not something you can order. , Do you understand? Staying in Konoha all the time is to give you face and anger me, hehe."

Gently patted Sandai on the shoulder, turned and left.

Swish, at this time, several Anbu suddenly appeared in the room and blocked his way.

Dunn took a step.

The next moment, hum... kacha!

The entire Hokage office shook three times!With Dunn as the center, the ground, walls, and ceiling were instantly filled with cracks.

Whoops, lots of debris was shaken off the ceiling.

"Let him leave." Sandai was horrified when he saw this scene, and then gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

Dunn glanced at the Anbu who were knocked to the ground and vomited blood by him, and walked past them constantly.

After Dunn left, the room suddenly fell silent.

bang bang bang bang...

Including the three generations, all the clothes in the house burst!Only the inner harmony flutters in the wind...

Sarutobi's bright red inner harmony kù, wearing that shriveled body is a little happy.

Seeing him turn into anger, he clenched his fists tightly, his face flushed red... Ha, ha ha... Some Anbu accidentally laughed out loud.

The respected Hokage-sama was actually...hahahaha.

Originally, Sarutobi's plan was very good, and he also arranged it like this!The Second World War has just ended, and I am ready to deal with the internal problems of the village. First of all, the first one is the whirlpool Tang En, who is deeply hidden and whose purpose is unknown. He thinks that if he does not know how to lift up, he will suppress it, and then he will deal with it. The corpse is still very valuable for research.

Back then, the Qianshou family disappeared inexplicably. That's what he, Danzo and these senior Konoha officials did.

However, it didn't make him think that Tang En's strength was so strong, which exceeded his expectations. With the strength displayed by Maelstrom Tang En, Sarutobi Hizan also understood that it was not a problem that could be solved with a pile of people!He is no longer under the control of the higher-ups like them!

Now, Hiruzen Sarutobi is very jealous of Uzumaki Dunn.I hope Danzo doesn't do anything stupid, hey.

Chapter [-]: If you don't die, you won't die

On the way home, Tang En smiled casually, shook his head and pouted.

Just remember to deal with me now?Is it a little late?

Orochimaru is obsessed with research, and will turn out Konoha in a few years, and the old Danzo thinks about strengthening his efforts to become Hokage.

Tsunade-sensei ran away, conflicting with the three generations, and he stayed in the country of rain. After teaching the three of Payne, he also went out to travel.

So what is Konoha's high-end combat power?Konoha White Fang?Oh, I'm the first, then you're next.

Anyone who has any threat to their power rule must be eliminated, cross the river to demolish the bridge, and self-destruct the Great Wall. These old guys are very skilled.

Tsk tsk, think that if you win the war, you can do whatever you want?Presumably you will never know how you died in the future.

By the way, there is also Watergate, I don't know how strong you are now.Has Fei Lei Shen learned it?Ha ha.

That guy, Shengshu, is ready to serve as the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, after all, you are the only one, oh, should you be the bare commander?

Day foot, day difference...

While thinking about my thoughts, I walked around.

Turning around the path, Dunn suddenly heard someone greeting him.

Slightly stunned, he looked at each other.stunned.

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