And it appeared as one of the evil dragons!

The current Radon, from the enchantment it unfolds, can see that it does not belong to the very aggressive evil dragon, but is of a trapped, defensive, and auxiliary type.

Obviously, Ladon is good at enchantment barriers and defensive seals. At the same time, from the magic attribute and the pure wooden magic attribute it exudes, it can be determined that it should be the dragon of wood.

Thinking of this, Tang En suddenly became enlightened!

"Hehehe, Li Lin, Lucifer, it's really a good plan, dragging me with two evil dragons, and most likely giving me a trick to hijack my family. Okay, you really do!"

Dunn smiled.

But the pair of Ten Realms God Wheel Eyes clearly didn't have the slightest smile, and some were just indifferent and ruthless.

He is angry!

Dunn this man!


You hit me in the face, I don't have to fight back!

You spray me, scold me, I can also keep silent and talk to you with a smile!

But if you do it on my family, then...

In the cyan enchantment that enveloped Dunn and the Tyrannosaurus of Sin, I don't know when, the space began to distort.

Countless magic molecules rushed towards Dunn frantically.

The current Tang En is like a black hole, no amount of energy can fill the infinite body of God in his body!

The Dragon of Wood, La Dong, who was about to shoot Tang En, also reacted a beat later!

It was astonished to discover that its strongest barrier that trapped the enemy had gradually cracked!

It made him tremble!

"Impossible, impossible! My barrier, even Li Lin, who is an extraordinary person, can't break it! How is this possible! What sorcery did you use!"

Ladong was terrified, Tang En didn't move a finger, and its barrier was so inexplicably facing collapse!

This time, it also knew why Li Lin gave him such a simple task to come here!

It turned out that the siege was not a straw bag!

But a super strong!

"The Tyrannosaurus of Serious Sin" Glendale, and the "Guardian Dragon of the Treasure Tree" Ladon.You two must die today.Because you have committed a heinous crime! "

"It is impossible to die!"

Boom clack clack clack!

This time, not only the enchantment was broken!

The sky of the entire canyon was also broken like a mirror!

The furious Dunn did not hide any strength!

When Dunn broke out of his original strength!

In the entire human world, everyone looked up at the sky!

It was dark in the hemisphere that used to be day!

The hemisphere that used to be night is dawn!

No matter where you are on this planet!

People all over the world saw the purple-gold light that reached the sky!

It rises from the horizon into the stars!

Think about it, you can see this purple sky-high light in all parts of this planet, what is that concept!

You know, a planet is a sphere!

It can only be said that this beam of light is so huge that it is unimaginable!

At the same time, he distorted time and space!

Day becomes night, night becomes day!

Time is warped!

Space is warped!

This is not over yet!

Not only the human world in the outer world, but also the underworld, heaven, and hell in the inner world!There are also some other spaces.

No matter how low or how high you are!

No matter what you are, or what kind of gods in myths and legends you are!

They all looked in one direction!That is distorted. It crosses the barrier of the world and appears in the underworld, heaven, hell, and other dimensions. It is huge and sacred, like a beam of energy that dominates the world!

"This is……"

All over the world, the alliance teammates who were fighting against the Troubled Group knew what was going on the moment they saw the purple-golden beam of light!

"Dang En... Did something make him angry! How could he burst out with such a powerful force!"

"It can't go on like this, Dunn will destroy this world!"

Chapter [-] Instantly kill the evil dragon, quickly rescue

Sazex, Serafuru and the others, who noticed this scene, had solemn expressions on their faces.

Their purpose is to maintain world peace and keep the world running normally.

But now, Dunn's state is very likely, no!

It is sure to destroy the whole world!

Is there any difference between this and what Loki and Li Lin are doing!

Loki, a god, can activate the Ragnarok of the Gods, not to mention that Dunn is more powerful than Loki!

Look at now, just burst out the supreme divine power in the body, and the whole world has already begun to collapse!

If Dunn adds a little more fire, then don't even think about it!

Not only these people, but even the True Crimson Dragon Emperor, who was having fun in the void, sensed this strong aura!

In other words, Dunn's power blinks like a beacon in this void dimension!

"I'm Cao, brother, I'm worried! Didn't we say yes, don't mess around casually!"

This stuff is in a hurry!

He is the guardian of the dimension. If Tang En is allowed to show his power so recklessly, then...

Fortunately, everyone noticed that Tang En did not lose his mind, and the power of the runaway quickly calmed down!


The shattering of the barrier made Ladon and Glendale go completely mad!

Glendale's body has already been beaten by Dunn, and the original shape is completely invisible!But even with such a serious injury, the madness in his eyes did not diminish at all, even more irritable!

The same is true for La Dong, who originally wanted to tease Tang En, but they did not expect what their companions did, but they released a demon for this world!

Dunn, blackened!

"I... I don't have time to play with you here, so you can die, okay!"

boom! ! ! ! !

The legendary artifact, the battle armor of the World God Emperor, dress up!

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

A series of armored sounds clearly penetrated into the second middle of the two evil dragons!

When Dunn unfolded twenty-four pairs of energy light wings behind him, they roared!The next moment, they rushed towards Tang En one after the other!

Although the evil dragon is crazy, the fighting instinct is still there!

They know they can't wait any longer!

Because, although Tang En's energy was suppressed because he couldn't destroy the world, his aura didn't rise but fell instead!

Below, countless people are watching this shocking battle.


Elmehilde Karnstein blushed a little...

"I like it! I like it! No way... I really want him to invade..."

This vampire girl's face has a morbid color, scarlet pupils, revealing a hint of... desire?

"It's over, the dark side of the princess has appeared!"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense..."

"A princess in a sickly's easy to die!"

"Cough cough... I can only say that Your Excellency Vortex Tang En is too... what the hell!"


Tang En turned into a ray of light and collided with the two Heavenly Dragons in an instant!

This time, he is not holding back!

Just listen, there is a series of Boost sounds in the air!

This, pure power of augmentation!

Reaching the limit that triggers Ragnarok will not be boosted!

Instead, fight with spirit and realm!

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