"Because Li Lin has the key to unlock that guy, and he has it all together now."

"That guy?"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Orpheus.

"Yes, that guy appears, in this world, no one can stop it, not even me."


Rias and the others were horrified!

These words were not said by others, but from the mouth of the infinite dragon god Orpheus!

They are very clear about what this means, that is, this thing is stronger than Orpheus!

Then, what is called out!

"Difficult... it's impossible!"

Rias's tone was a little trembling, this thing, let alone them, even his brother, the demon king Sazex Lucifer who is an extraordinary person, can't deal with it!

"It's the guy you thought, Beast King 666!"


Aisha, Irina, and Rebel, who couldn't stand the impact, fell to their knees with their legs weak.

"Impossible... How could that kind of monster appear in time..."

"Then...isn't that a monster that even a god can easily kill! Why is this happening!?"

Everyone's expressions had a hint of despair, even if they were still young, how could they have never heard of Beast King 666's name!

Of course, there are also people who don't understand, such as the vampire princess.

"Beast King 666... ​​what is it?"

Seeing everyone's desperate emotions and expressions, she also panicked a little!

Just found her love, and then this situation happened, and she felt a little stuck in her heart.

The only one who remained calm was Roseweather.

"The Emperor Beast 666 (Trihexa) is a legendary monster recorded in the Book of Apocalypse. It is the same level as the two dragon gods, namely the Great Red, the Crimson Dragon Emperor and the Infinite Dragon God, Orpheus, no, or stronger. It was sealed by God from the time of creation until now."

She explained to the vampire princess how terrifying Beastmaster 666 is.

"What... what? Really stronger than Orpheus?"

"Yes, the most important thing is that Beast King 666 does not have the advanced wisdom of Orpheus and the Great Chi, it is a complete monster! Its goal is also very single, that is to destroy the world!"


"Because Beast King 666 is a monster that existed at the beginning of the world, or a negative product of the world, it exists to destroy the world from the moment it was born."

The hearts of everyone have fallen into the cold valley.

Dunn, can you deal with such an enemy?

Even if you add all the powerhouses in the world, it is impossible to deal with it, right?

Rossweisse, who knew Beast King 666, also looked a little ugly.

"Beast King 666... ​​It is an immortal body, and the original God of Creation just sealed it up... let alone us!"

"Rosweisse, you... haven't you been writing that paper on Beastmaster 666 recently? What... is that?"

Rias calmed herself down a little, thinking of the paper, her eyes lit up.

Roseweather shook her head.

"That paper can only increase the speed of sealing Beast King 666, and it is of no use. If it breaks through the seal of the God of Creation, then, if you want to seal it again, unless you have the power to surpass the God of Creation!"

"Beyond the power of the God of Creation? How is this possible!"

Everyone's scalp went numb.

This is a far-fetched fact.

At this time, Orpheus spoke.

"I believe Tang En, he should be able to handle it. Even if this world is destroyed, as long as we stay here, there will be no accidents. This is what Tang En told me before he left."



"Is this enchantment?"

Rossweisse nodded and agreed with Orpheus.

"Yes, Tang En's enchantment is different. He isolates the entire family space in another dimension. He must have known that such a thing would happen."

The crowd was silent.

Beast King 666, what a terrible thing this is, and now it has to reappear in the world...

"Everything, please Dunn, all we can do is help him... pray."

After a long time, Rias left these words.


the other side.

Through the convenience of Sky Realm, Tang En went straight to Li Lin's hiding place.

He had already vaguely felt that Li Lin had changed.

Lizevim Lihuan Lucifer, this man, has more than ambitions to destroy the world.

He has bigger ambitions.

The existence of another world, in the eyes of their existence, is no longer a secret.

And Lizevim Lihuaen Lucifer just wanted to invade another world.

Then, there are two thresholds in front of him.

That is the great red, the true red dragon dragon emperor and the infinite dragon god Orpheus!

Two dragons, one is the guardian of the dimension born in a dream, wandering in the gaps of space, it guards the world.

One is to be born in infinity, but also to survive in the void, the apex of this world power, the will of the world power.

Neither of them will allow Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer to invade another world!

In that way, the balance in the world will be broken!

Thinking of this, Dunn narrowed his eyes.

Destroy the uncontrollable world.

And want to invade the weak and different world, to be king and emperor.

Li Zevim Li Huaen Lucifer is indeed a man who cannot stay.

What's more, he made absolutely unforgivable facts to Dunn's family!

Chapter [-] Anger at Li Lin


A sound like a rag being torn rang out in this space!

Then, the red-haired and black-clothed Dunn stepped out of it.

"Lizevim Lihuaen Lucifer, since you know I'm coming, do you still need to hide!"

Dunn didn't want to do some twists and turns, so the moment he appeared, he directly called out the name of Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer.


In the sky, a huge black magic circle appeared!

"Hehehe, isn't this the God Emperor of the World, His Excellency Vortex Tang En? What kind of wind blows you to me!? I wonder if your family members are okay now?"

It really is that which pot can't be opened and lifted, Tang En's anger exploded in an instant!

"Lizevim Lihuan Lucifer, your mouth is so broken!"


Without warning, Tang En instantly dressed in the Battle Armor of the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms!

The twenty-four wings of light burst out with dazzling light, and with a bang, infinite energy erupted from the back, and slammed towards Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer!

The sky was torn apart by the streamer of Tang En!

The space cracked, and the earth seemed to be shaken three times!

"Hehehe, don't you know that the divine weapon has no effect on me?"

Lizevim Lihuan Lucifer sneered.

But when he raised his hand and wanted to block Dunn's heavy punch, he was stunned to find out!

It doesn't seem like it's what he thought?

Bang! ! ! ! ! !

With one punch, Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer's die was knocked out!

The nose also spewed blood!

The whole person was beaten and rolled backwards!

With a bang, it hit the ground!

"Impossible! My characteristics are useless to you?"

Dunn didn't answer, his eyes had already turned purple gold.

Ten Realms God Wheel Eyes.

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